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 Product of two binomials (x+a)(x+b)


The product of three binomials (x+a)(x+b)(x+c)

Multilply (x+a) (x+b) first and then multiply by (x+c)

    = {x²+ (a+b) x+ab}(x+c) {expansion of (x+a) (a+b)}

    =x(x²+ax+bx+ab) +c(x²+ax+bx+ab) {by distributive property}

    =x³+ ax² + bx² + abx + c x² + acx + bcx + abc {removing the brackets}

    = x³ + ax² + bx² + c x²+ abx+acx+bcx +abc {rearranging the terms}

    = x³+ (a+b+c) x²+ (ab + bc + ca) x+abc {removing the common factors}

(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)= x³+ (a+b+c) x²+ (ab+bc+ca) x+abc

This is an identity and is true for all values of x, a, b and c

Ex1: Find the product of (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)

Step 1. Write the identity

(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)= x³+ (a+b+c) x²+ (ab+bc+ca) x+abc

Step 2. Identify the values of x, a , b and c

x=x, a=1, b=2, and c=3

Step 3. Substitute the values of x, a,b and c in the identity

(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)= x³+(1+2+3) x²+(1.2+2.3+3.1)x+1.2.3

Step 4. Simplify

  (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)= x³ + 6x² + 11x + 6.

Ex2: Find the product of (p-2)(p+3)(p-4)
Step 1. Write the identity

(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)= x³+ (a+b+c) x²+ (ab+bc+ca) x+abc

Step 2. Identify the values of x, a , b and c

x=p, a=-2, b=3 and c=-4

Step 3. Substitute the values of x, a,b and c in the identity

(p-2)(p+3)(p-4)= p³+(-2+3-4)p²+[(-2)(3)+(3)(-4)+(-4)(-2)]p+(-2)(3)(-4)

                            = p³-3 p²+[-6-12+8]p+24

                            = p³ - 3 p² - 10p + 24

(p-2)(p+3)(p-4)= p³ - 3 p² - 10p + 2.
Ex3: Find the product of (3m-2)(3m+1)(3m-4)
Step 1 Write the identity

(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)= x³+ (a+b+c) x²+ (ab+bc+ca) x+abc 

Step 2. Identify the values of x,  a , b and c

X=3m, a=-2, b=1, c=-4

Step 3. Substitute the values of x, a,b and c in the identity


=(3m)³+(-2 + 1 - 4)(3m)²+{(-2)(1)+(1)(-4)+(-4)(-2)}(3m)+(-2)(1)(-4)

Step 4.Simplify

=27m³+(-5) 9m²+(-2-4+8)(3m)+8

=27m³ - 45 m² + 6m + 8

(3m-2)(3m+1)(3m-4)= 27m³-45m²+6m+8

In this chapter we will learn to factorise a polynomial by splitting the middle term.

1) x2+14x+45

= x2 + 9x + 5x + 45               

[ Break 45 in such a way that (9 + 5 = 14)  and  (9 x 5 = 45 )]

Rewrite the given expression

x(x + 9) + 5(x + 9)

(Group the terms and factorise)

= (x + 9) (x + 5)
= (x + 9)(x + 5) = x2 + 14x + 45

2) x2+14x+48

= x2 + 8x + 6x + 48                [ 48 = 8 x 6 ]

=x(x + 8) + 6(x + 8)

= (x + 8) (x + 6)

3) x2–11x–42 
= x(x – 14) + 3(x – 14)           [–42 = –14 x 3] = x(x + 9) – 4(x + 9)

=(x – 14)(x + 3) = (x – 4)( x + 9)

4) u2–30u+216  8) x2–23x+132 

= u2 – 12u – 18u + 216 = x2 – 12x – 11x + 132           [132 = -12 x -11]

= u(u – 12) – 18( u – 12) = x(x – 12) – 11(x – 12)

= (u – 12)(u – 18) = (x – 11)(x – 12)

5) x2–22x+120  9) x2–21x+108 
= x2  – 12x – 10x + 120          [ 120 = -12 x -10 ]
=  x2 -12x – 9x + 108           [ 108 = –12 x –9 ]
= x(x – 12)(x – 10)
= x(x – 12) – 9(x – 12)
6) y2+2y–3 
=(x – 12)(x – 9)
= (a + b) + 2(b + a)             [ Take away the
common factor (a + b)] 10) P2–13P+22 

= (y + 3)( y – 1) = P2 – 11p – 2p – 22              [ 22 = –11 X –2]

7) x2+5x–36  =p(p – 11) – 2(p – 11)

= x2 + 9x – 4x -36                 [ -36 = 9 x –4 ] =(p – 11)(p – 2)

Theorem 5

Not mutually exclusive events (i.e~, A fl B * <J>).

If A and B are two events associated with a random experiment then

P (A \JB) = P(A)+P(B)-P(AnB) ue., P(AorB) = P(A)+P(B)~ P(A andfl).

Proof. Let n be die total number of events in a sample space of random experiment.
Let m, be events favourable to A and m2 be events favourable to B.

P(A) = a. /'(«) = ^
n n

Since A and B are any two events, therefore it may be possible that they are not
mutually exclusive. Thus they may have some common events. Suppose m 2 are the
events , ■ favourable to A f| B.

P(Af)B) - ^

It is obvious that the set A U B representing the event A or B has mx + m2 - m3 events.

„, . „, , _„ m, + m, — m, m, m, m-,

PiAotB) = P (A\J B) = —--2-! = _L + _2--1

n n n n

=> P(A\JB)= P(A) + P(B)-P(AnB).

Cor. 1. If the events have no outcome in common i.e., they are mutually exclusive,
then Ar\B = <(> and, therefore, P (A n B) = P (<J>) = 0

P(A\B) = P(A) + P(B). [Theorem 3]

Cor 2. To show that P (A or B) < P (A) + P (B). We have proved that

P(AotB) = P(A) + P(B)-P(AHB). Since P(A C\B) is greater than of equal to 0, therefore
it follows that P (A or B)<P(A) + P (B). Note. Equality in the above result holds when A
and B are mutually exclusive.

Theorem 6

A, B, C be any three events associated with a random experiment, then P (A

C\B) = P(A) + P(B) + P(C)~P(AnB)-P(Ar\C)-P(BnQ + P(A<r\BC\C).

Proof. Let A\JB be one event and C be other event. Then P(A\JB\J C) = P [(A U B) U
C\ = P(A\JB)+P(C)-P[(A\JB)\JC\ (Applying addition rule)
= P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(A n B)-[P(A n Q+P(BC] Q-P(A\jBf\Q] , (Applying addition rule) i

= P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(AC\B)-P(Br\C)-P(Ar\C)+P(AC\BC\C)

Cor 1. If A, B, C are mutually exclusive events, then 

P(AHB) = P(BctC)=PXAnC)

= P(ACiBnC) = 0 P(A\JB\JC) = P(A)+P(B) + P(C). This is the addition theorem for

three mutually exclusive events.

Theorem 7

For every event associated with a random experiment, we have

, P(notA) = 1—7*(A); or, P(A) = l~P(A)

Proof. Event/4 and 'not/T,/.e., A are mutually exclusive. Hence,

P (A or not>0 = P(A) + P (not A) Event A or not A is a sure event since one of the two
events must occur.

P(A)+P(notA) = 1 => P(not A)= I-P(A) i.e., P(A) = \-P(A)

Theorem 8

Probability of an impossible event is zero, Le., P ($) = 0.

Proof. Impossible event contains no sample point. Therefore, the sample space S and
the impossible event <J) are mutually exclusive.
■=> SUty = 5 => P(S\J§)=P(S) =>_ P(S)+P($) = P(S) => (4>) = 0

Remarks. If A and B are two events associated with a random experiment, then

(i) P (A) denotes the probability to happen.

(ii) P (A) denotes the probability hot to happen. It is also denoted by P (Ac)

(iii) P (A + B) or P (A U B) denotes the probability of happening of at least one of A or


(iv) P (AB) or P (A f| B) denotes the probability of happening of both A and B.

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Theorem to prove P (A or B) < P (A) + P (B)  , P (A or B) < P (A) + P (B) theorem

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