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InterCafe 2010

Update Instructions

InterCafe 2010 Update Instructions

To perform an update from InterCafe 2004 to InterCafe 2010, please follow these instructions:

1 Server
1. Copy and save the files Daten.mdb and Jounal.mdb from the program folder of InterCafe 2004.
2. Uninstall InterCafe 2004.
3. Install InterCafe 2010.
4. Deactivate the InterCafe 2010 Service (→ Start → Programs → InterCafe 2010 → Service →
System → Service → Deactivate Service).
5. In My Computer go to → Programs → InterCafe 2010 → Service and start the program
6. Select the file daten.mdb of the InterCafe 2004 software (this file needs to be saved on the same
computer) and follow the instructions given on the screen. You can only import member data,
LoginCodes and cafeteria items from the old version.

2 Client
1. Uninstall the InterCafe 2004 Client software.
2. Install the InterCafe 2010 Client software.

After the installation start with the configuration of the Clients. Go to the Client Configuration at the
Clients. Enter the computer name of the Server and set a password for the Client-Configuration. The
Server will automatically add the Clients to the list in the Server overview. For further configuration
instructions please refer to the Installation and Configuration Manual.

InterCafe 2010
hese Step-by-Step-Guidlines and the appendant software belong to blue image GmbH Germany and are subject to the appendant license

agreements and copyright regulations.
2009 blue image GmbH

Version vom 31. Oktober 2009.

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