Contemporary Youth/youth Culture: The Making of A New Italy: Class 4 January 12, 2011

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youth/Youth culture: The

making of a new Italy

Class 4
January 12, 2011
Today’s agenda
 Think/Pair/Share – highlights of readings – what were 2/3
things you were interested/excited to learn about?
 Short interactive lecture
 Discussion and presentation of highlights of 2 chapters by
 Tomorrow’s schedule and homework
The making of an Italian identity

 North/South construction/ Expansion/Immigration
The “National Identity” of Italy: North/South construction
 Pre-Unification (1861)
 South as mixture of regions and mismanagement/corruption of
Bourbon govt
 Southerners as part of larger South
 Process of Unification: Risorgimento
 Cavour (Northern region) vs. Garibaldi (North and South)
 Liberating vs. conquering South
 South in image of North
 Post-unification
 Barbarian South
 North taking advantage of South
 Comparisons with African Americans in U.S. (1905- Lambroso)
 Land of plenty, ecological disasters, “authentic” South
The “National Identity” of Italy: Expansion outside
 1900s (1876-1914)
 Colonization in Africa
 Emigration to Northern Europe & US
14 million Italians (Southerners more underprivileged)
Italians as undesirable and racialized
Emigration to South America more positive

The “National Identity” of Italy: Immigration
 Current times (3groups & pairs within groups – each discuss and present
highlights of chapter)

 Chapter 2: Italy – Political Unity and Cultural Diversity – current immigration

 Chapter 1 - Immigration and the Politics of Recognizing Difference in Italy

(Intro & Conclusion, 2, 3, 4)

 Wong – last chapter

 After presentation, 5 minute free write of other group’s presentation – turn in

Changing and fluid definitions of youth identity and Italian
 Historical, economic, social and cultural conditions
 What is the “other” and how is it defined – youth vs.
adulthood? Italian vs. not Italian?
 Different forces shaping each of these identities – internal
and external
 Each of these identities shaping each other – youth identity
and Italian identity
 Agency of youth, immigrations, other marginalized groups
 Italian language class (10-12)
 2-4.30 (Isabella Clough Marinaro) – read article for her
lecture – Roma and Italian national identity
 (next Tuesday morning – Margaret Brucia’s lecture and

 Daily blog (you can post them) – sign up for 3 if you haven’t
already. Add photos too if you can! If you travel outside for
the weekend, you can do daily blog when you get back
 Other?

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