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Covington, Tameka (PHMSA)

From: Goodwin, David []

Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 5:26 PM
To: Nanney, Steve (PHMSA)
Cc: Mayberry, Alan (PHMSA); Bennett, Walt
Subject: 36" Lab Testing Summary
Attachments: 36 in Summary 10-6-2009.xls

Here is the testing data we have on the 36" pipe from Fayetteville/ Greenville. This data is for pipes removed in
the earlier shutdown we had back in July. We have not yet completed testing for any of the pipe removed in this
last shutdown. The portion highlighted in yellow is representative of the pipe left in the ground (< 1.25%
expansion and unexpanded joints).

As Alan and I discussed, I'll be available to go over this with you in the morning before our meeting with Brian


Kalman ovi tch g ry

Sept Segment PipeMIII VSlabiCoil Well Olamo Camp Dig Max Pipe Typa
Source ter sign Exp%

204 Bald Knob to Lula We!spun Essay 402 36 1 2.45 Expanded Joint
204 Bald Knob to Luta Welspun Essar 402 36 1 2 45 Expanded Joint
205 Bald Knot to Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 I 2.23 Expanded Joint
205 Bald Knot to Lula Weispun Essar 402 36 1 2 23 Expanded „taint
206 Bald Knob to Lula We'spun Essar .402 36 1 2.23 Expanded Joint
206 Bald Knob to Lula WeAsp. Essar .402 36 1 2.23 Expanded Joinl
208 Bald Knob to Lula We'spun Essar 402 36 1 1.89Expanded Joint
208 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 1 1 89 Expanded Joint
209 Bald KnOb In Lula WeIspun Essar 402 36 1 2 34 Expanded Jan!
209 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Esser 492 36 1 2.34 Expanded Jolnl
210 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 1 2 12 Expanded Joint
213 Bald Knob to Lula Watspun Essar 402 36 1 2 34 Expanded Joint
213 Bald Knob to Lula WeIspun Essay 402 36 1 2.34 Expanded Join!
214 Bald Knob to Lula Weispun Essar 402 36 1 2 12 Expanded Janl
214 Bad Knob to Lula Welspun Esser 402 36 1 2 12 Expanded Joint
216 Bald Knob to Lula WoLsoun Essar 402 36 1 1 56 Expended joint
216 Bald Knob lo Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 1 1 56 Expanded Joel!
219 Bald Knob to Lula Weispun Essar 402 36 1 2 Expanded Joint
219 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 I 2 Expanded Joint
220 Bald Knob to Lula Welsprol Essar 402 361 I 1 78 Expanded Joint
222 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun . 402 36 1 2 45 Expanded Joint
222 Paid Knob to LUla Weapon Essar .402 36 I 2 45 Expanded Joint
225 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar .402 36 I 2 23 Expanded „Pent
226 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 4132 36 1 2.23 Expanded Joint
232 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar .402 36 1 2 liExpanded Joint
232 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 1 2 12 Expanded Joint
233 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar .402 36 1 1 56 Expanded J01,11
233 Bald Knob to Lula INalspurl Essar 402 36 I 1 . 56 Expanded .1iSiri1
248 Bald Knob to Luca Welspun [SS. 402 38 1 1 t3 Expanded Joint
COntrol Joint-Hydro
248 1 Bald Knob to Luta Welspun Erns. 402 36 I Tested
Control Joint-Hydro
248 1 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Esser 402 36 1 Tested
Control Jent-Hydr0
248 2 Bald Knob lo Lula Welspun Esser 402 36 I Tested
Control JoinEHydra
248.2 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 1 Tested
Control Joint -Hydro
248 3 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 38 1 Tested
Control Joint-Hydro
248 3 Bald Knob to Lula VVelspun Essig 402 36 1 Tested
Control JonEtlydro
248 4 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 1 Tested
Control Joint-Hydro
248 4 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Esser 402 36 1 Tested
249 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar . 402 36 1 1 01 Expanded Joint
249 Bald Knob to Luta WPASpor EMS, 402 36 1 1.01 Expanded .101111
250 Bald Knob to Ida Welspun Essar 402 36 1 0 9 Expanded Joint
250 Bald Knob to Lola Weispun Essar .402 36 1 0.9 Expanded Jane
253 Bad Knob 10 Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 1 I.01 Expanded Joint
253 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 1 1.01 Expanded Jen1
288 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 361 1 0 9 Expended Joinl
288 Bald Knob to Lula Welspun Essar 402 36 1 0.9 Expanded Jowl
377 Bald Knob lo Lula Welsoun Essar .402 36 1 1 13 Expanded Joins

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KalManovItchq ry

Seq11 Fit Strap Fit Strap Fl al Strap Rat Strap Flat Strap Flat Strap Flat Elong1 Flat Sion g2 Ftert Elong3 Round Bar Round Bar Round Br Round Bar Round Bar Round Bat Round Round Round Chirpy Chirpy
Yleldi Ylald2 518143 Tansllat Tanalle2 Tenalle3 510141 51.482 'Bald) ;mallet Tanalle2 Tenalle3 Elong1 6long2 Elong3 Tough Avg Shear Avg

204 64400 64200 64700 81800 81100 81000 42 39 40 69303 68500 68400 84300 83802 83900 30 32 34 181 95
204 64900 64100 652001 80900 81000 81400 39 40 40 70000 69200 68700 84900 83500 83300 34 34 31 196 98
205 65100 68407 66800 81300 81200 81300 40 39 41 70203 68100 70000 844011 84700 85400 32 32 29 150 9
205 66900 66500 67400 82600 82900_ 83100 42 41 41 72000 7e200 73500 86300 87200 86400 35 33 31 153
206 63600 58900 61200 80900 80609 81400 39 39 40 68700 68100 68500 83000 82800 83200 32 33 33 143 100
206 63000 62200 57800 82900 82100 81200 41 43 44 69800 73500 67400 112000 89000 83000 34 35 34 139 100
206 68200 63300 65500 85200 85200 85900 39 39 39 76400 76800 75100 89400 68600 88500 32 34 33 210 95
206 64600 60900 64000 83100 82700 83600 39 39 18 69800 67600 69930 86200 83200 65000 33 29 32 201 90
209 64700 87500 60900 81600 81000 82300 38 38 38 73000 70600 69000 85500 85200 64000 32 34 32 160 67
2091 58900 65500 62100 82100 83200 82300 39 39 39 65300 69600 68800 81900 83400 84100 31 30 33 206 95
210 65900 66000 65600 83100 82800 63200 41 40 41 68400 70100 69100 84900 56100 65000 29 33 30 205 100
213 66600 65800 66100 83030 82800 132900 38 38 37 71203 71700 71900 85500 86300 85700 32 29 29 203 68
213 67800 68500 69900 84400 84500 85200 38 39 39 69400 68700 68100 87500 86300 67100 12 34 31 184 Ej
214 65900 64605 62900 82100 82200 81900 36 39 9 71100 69100 68400 84700 84000 62500 36 33 32 176
214 64700 64909 65900 132500 82000 83100 3g 69500 68900 72100 84590 85200 67400 32 31 33 200 9
216 64500 64500 65000 81000 80300 80000 41 42 67400 69700 68600 82000 83100 82830 34 34 33 123 1
218 64300 64200 65100 81000 80304 79900 40 42 424 67000 67900 69400 80800 82700 62200 34 36 125 100
219 65530 63400 63700 80300 60700 81002 42 41 40 68600 68100 66100 82803 83800 80800 36 33 35 140 100
219 62500 62800 62700 13041.10 80800 80300 43 44 44 65500 66300 65400 81700 82800 81600 36 36 37 132 100
220 68300 66000 65900 62800 62100 82400 42 42 41 68700 67900 68400 83800 83500 85000 33 36 34 147 100
222 64800 64600 65300 81700 81700 82400 37 79 39 67000 68700 69300 82700 64500 85000, 34 32 3 183 93
222 68600 66000 64500 62700 82700 82200 38 38 39 68800 68500 68500 83900 85100 83900 35 32 196 95
226 59300 5740C 63000 78800 82200 82000 40 41 40 67200 67100 68300 84400 82900 84400 33 33 34 147 100
226 58600 63300 64200 82100 52200 81600 39 39 41 66800 68600 68804 83500 83200 83800 35 34 31 147 102
232 66100 64359 62900 83600 83200 83000 39 38 37 67900 68500 68900 85200 84700 85200 35 34 4 193 90
232 62800 64400 68800 83000 82400 82700 38 39 37 66409 70202 69000 83300 85000 85103 33 31 33 197 so
233 66800 67309 66300 82500 82400 82400 42 41 40 70200 70300 71200 84900 841300 84500 34 33 (95 100
233 66900 66600 64300 81700 82500 81900 40 40 39 69100 69300 70600 86103 8580D 863001 34 37 33 179 93
248 67000 64700 63100 82400 81600 82003 44 4 43 67400 67200 66600 83500 92900 8431 34 37 34 116 100

248 I 68501), 19;1 901_ 67600 03000 83300 n

83001 19 38 73 000 72300 717 00 8 43000 8 7 500 96 - _ 32 M 30 145 97

248 1 68400 89800 68000 84100 84700 84000 39 41 41 74700 73400 75100 87401 85500 668. 30 34 33 101 tm

248,2 7 6300 76000 75400 434 00 93700 92500 36 36 35 8 1 900 84100 82900 .95900 97200 95700 29 28 27 137 93

248.2 75,500 77100 75700 93700 94 100 93800 14 33 35 83500 82100 62700 96200 96200 95760 29 34 33 158 92

248.3 77500 75800 76700 94100 93800 93800 35 34 35 86200 84600 87600 97200 96700 97200 27 31 31 163 93

248.3 77700 76610 76500 95000 95300 94800 35 35 35 86300 87200 86100 98900 98600 99000 29 28 29 168 93

246.4 71500 71500 68100 86900 867011 86500 38 37 37 76500 75900 74500 91800 90100 89600 28 28 30 194 100

248 4 73500 72300 73000 69900 9041

9( 89800 38 36 36 80003 79500 82800 92900 91600 93200 32 34 36 160 95
249 66100 65200 67800 82500 81 83000 41 40 41 69300 68901 69 700 84700 85000 a
85000 37 32 32 188 100
249 67750 67000 68700 82600 823 82600 41:‘ 49 40 71300 7560d 75000 83900 86100 84803 35 34 194 96
250 73100 72000 7260—C7 86400 1368 86200 38 38 741300 78011X1 77400 88903 89200 88800 37 32 32 197 (00
250 65500 60500 65800 84000 83700 63200 36 37 69900 75400 71600 85700 86300 88200 33 35 33 203 101)
253 65800 66400 65500 81600. 82200 81820 42 41 41 89100 70700 68400. 83900 85600 83400 33 30 34 183 WO
253 66500 67800 67600 81500 62400 82700 4 1- 41 41 68700 70700 70200 83900 8 5000 84700 30 27 33 160 97
2288 67709 66400 66500 83000 83100 82700 39 41 41 70300 72800 71700 83600
836 86000 851
851(0 32 33 32 199 100
288 74900 70800 73100 13940C1 88300 89100 39 40 41 79600 79203 80100 91200 9260a 91500 33 30 32 199 98
377 69805 80300 69900 84900 85600 85700 41 40
40 78000 72300 76800 88700 870001 89900 28 30 32 163 93

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