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Yetnbit Kal

Newsletter No. 12, December 2008 - January 2009

visitors in addition to Church members from

 Wonderful revivals in Addis: The
our many congregations in the capital. Much
Filwoha crusade and the Gerji Fellowship
could be said of this but to be economical
with space please go to
Halleluiah for the Lord’s heavenly for the full story
blessing for His children else where and
as reported by the coordinators. December
particularly Addis
26-28, 2008 was
Ababa Adventists! The
additional blessing that
two weeks crusade,
drew all Addis Ababa
Nov. 22 – Dec. 6, 2008,
Adventists to the Gerji
under the theme “The
Special conference under
everlasting Gospel” at
the theme “Behold I
Filwoha by beloved
come quickly” prepared
minister Pr. Tiruneh
by Addis Ababa personal
W/Silasie was a moment
ministry fellows.
where all around have
enjoyed heavenly The preaching’s
showers of blessings and were presented As
were transformed follows in addition to the
through Jesus. This many Choir, Solo and
poster has been chorus songs by the
displayed almost in congregation: - Friday
every corner of Addis that drew a number of evening Pr. Lukas Adde, CEF president on
“The second coming which is sure and this from our main
objective”, the Sabbath divine service Pr. topic now is Ethiopian version of it held on
Tiruneh on “The second coming that came July 5, 2008 at Filwoha SDA church with
so close”, Sabbath afternoon Pr. Bekele Birri youth representing our many churches in the
on “The Sabbath” and same afternoon Br. capital. Hosted by Br. Mulualem Ferede,
Melak Alemayehu on “Preparation for the Filwoha church youth leader brief
second coming”, Sunday three ministers Mr. presentation on various Church activities
Wagner Herman, ADRA Ethiopia director, was first made by the pastor and followed a
on “ Working for the second coming”, Dr. discussion session where attendants’
Wubishet Lakew on “Stead fast unto the
end” and Pr. Tadesse Adugna on “ Hold
tight what you have”. Every body on the
events was so up lifted and the Lord
abundantly blessed what has been planned to
be continuous every three months. Both the
Filwoha and Gerji blessings have been video
recorded and subscriptions through Yetnbit
Kal can be made.

 Pr. Alemu Haile, EUM president, held

questions included: issues regarding
talks with Addis Ababa church youth
Zewuditu Memorial Hospital, once
Adventist property, points related to the
“Let us talk” as many of you might
practical element of education in our
have already known is a blessed dialogue of
Adventist settings that represents the hand of
our global church youth with our General
our schools’ logo and others. Responses
conference president Pr. Jan Paulsen using
were given for each which indeed were
the modern technology of video conference.
more than satisfactory and the president
While you may get details much more on
announced plans to repeat such events in
other fields and make them regular. Yetnbit  Blessed audio – video resources
Kal highly commends this activity that flourishing
brings our leadership closer to the church
Filwoha Church choir member and
community especially the youth and
solo singer Julyata Shibiru recently
subscription to the DVD of this first
released her first volume CD on
discussion could be made through Yetnbit
November 15, 2008. Same Sabbath at
6:00 pm our Filwoha church hosted
 Ethiopian Union Mission stewardship special event for the launching of the CD
director in South Africa where she sang some of the songs and
other choirs presented special music in
the middle of which EUM technician
Pr. Bekele Gebre, director of EUM
Gemechu Tadesse hosted inspiring
stewardship, Global Mission, family and
interview to Julyata.
ministerial departments is presently in South
Africa on ministerial travel. It is to be
recalled that the Ethiopian Adventist
community in South Africa has blessed
reputation of inviting ministers both
preachers and singers on regular basis. Pr.
Bekele just before his departure gave us
detailed report of his blessed activities
including huge seminars for pastors and
their wives held in west and South Ethiopia
fields with his ECD counterpart Dr.
Kakembo and wife. Yetnbitkal will write
and display on its home page detailed
Sr Juliyata told attendants while she
reports of the departmental activities plus
was aspiring and praying about the
the travel as Pr. Bekele returns home.
release of the songs but unable because

of financial constraints the readiness of special sound system and a video camera
br. Dawit Mahari, leader of Yetnbit kal through a free offer and produced a fancy
ministries, for facilitations was noting studio with in the chapel that ensured
less than a miracle that moved her to do availability of many other audio-video
the studio works in the very last days of materials for the future. This is going to
her first pregnancy. be an addition to the audio CDs prepared
for the Kotobe crusade plus “The last day
events” and “Life without limbs” VCDs
translated by Adventist fellows in Addis
and especially “Life without limbs”
prepared by Kana studio received wide
distribution in almost all parts of the
country. Head of Kana studio Mulugeta
Melese told Yetnbit Kal the second
volume of Nick voicic’s “Life without
limbs” is getting finalized very soon.
Br Dawit in his part expressed Praising lord for all Yetnbit Kal would
heartiest gratitude to Julyata for she like to open its door for subscription of
whole heartedly dedicated the income to any of these materials through its
be raised through the CD distribution for address.
the ministries’ expansion of such
endeavors by Yetnbit Kal. Moreover,  Parosia in new phase of program
Yetnbit Kal prepared video recordings of
sermons by Pr. Tiruneh W/Silasie, Pr. The pioneer Adventist paper in
Bekele Gebre, Pr. Mandefro Alemayehu Ethiopia, Parosia was first released some
Br. Melak Alemayehu, Special 12 years back by Filwoha SDA church
witnessings and translation of a program youth. Having made remarkable
on Christian parenting by 3ABN. The contribution through its several releases
Filwoha church recently secured a and passing an epoch of silence due to
challenges parosia is in its new and Union Mission – Tigray Mission Field
marvelous phase of renaissance. At the (Mekelle) and Central Ethiopia Field (Addis
parosia evening held on Dec. 13, 2008, at Ababa). The training was conducted by
its host church founders explained the collaboration between EUM health
long journey of the paper, valuable department and Adventist AIDS
criticisms were coined and the publishers International Ministry (AAIM). AAIM
explained on present status plus plans. director, Dr. Oscar Giordano was in Ethiopia
The first issue, Meskerem-Tikimt, was last November doing a blessed work for
released in September, 2008 and in which our Lord Jesus left us examples to
December came the next issue, Hidar- follow. Detailed report by br. Temesgen has
Tahisas, for this Ethiopian year having been kept at and
boosted its contents both in size and our readers are kindly encouraged to enjoy.
approach plus cutting price. Very May God bless all who took part in this.
interestingly the paper also secured a
home page at which is  Elshaday Relief and Development
under development. Our readers are Agency the visionary movement
kindly encouraged to benefit from and
contribute to this ministry to the best of Our beloved readers remember in our
their capacity. last issue we introduced you Dynamic
International University College and
promised to come up in every issue with one
 Wonderful news from Temesgen
developmental activity where Adventists are
Bulti, EUM health director
significantly contributing to the community
at large. For this issue we are honored to
Incredible news came from our Union introduce ERDA founded by Yemane
Health Department about the 2008 Ethiopian W/mariyam, a renowned figure in Church
HIV/AIDS Training of Trainers (TOT) for based developmental activities and presently
Support Group Leaders which was director of Elshaday. Having its head office
conducted in two Fields under Ethiopia in the Ethiopia Union mission Head-quarter
facility, ERDA is working in its full capacity supporting to get laptop facilities and in any
to counter the key national concern, other means? May the Lord lead and bless
beggary. Please go to you as you strengthen hands for the good and enjoy the full work.
story of Elshaday Relief and Development
Agency.  For your Prayers

 Yetnbit Kal in need of your support We hope and even know practically
all of our readers welcome Yetnbit Kal
materials and especially this newsletter
Yetnbit Kal ministry, praise the Lord
every issue. Some also send us their
forever, has enjoyed numerous blessings in
comments, encouragements and gratitude.
serving in the master’s vine yard for the last
But writing the Lord’s blessings at home
several years but practically up on no
could we be misleading that everything here
material resource. Many times different
is fine and we need no more? That we fear.
sisters voluntarily supported in typing and
So, kindly put the Ethiopian Church, its this
various fellows lent their desktop or laptop
and that as you bow before the Lord for
computers for few days for news letter
prayers. May we faithfully do this and enjoy
preparations. Br. Dawit used his personal lap
abundant blessings on the condition “Ask
top for writing the magazine and managing
and …” May God bless us all as we join
the site. But at times when fellows and their
facilities got busy with their regular duties
Yetnbit Kal activities are getting seriously
affected like the news letter where this 12th
issue that came after some eight months
from the 11th issue. There also are many
plans not yet implemented due to financial
reasons in audio-visual activities and others.
So how can you kindly join Yetnbit Kal in

Monkey’s trap

An interesting system has been used for capturing monkeys in the jungles of Africa. The
goal is to take the monkeys alive and unharmed for shipment to zoos of America.
In an extremely human way, the captors use heavy bottles, with long narrow necks, in to
which they deposit a handful of sweet smelling nuts. The bottles are dropped in the jungle floor,
and the captors return the next morning to find a monkey trapped next to each bottle.

How is it accomplished? The monkey, attracted by the aromatic scent of the nuts, comes
to investigate the bottles and surely gets trapped.

This is because the monkey can’t take its hand out of the bottle as long it is holding the
nuts, but is unwilling to open its hand and let them go. The bottle is too heavy to carry away, so
simply it means the monkey is trapped.

We may smile at the fool monkeys, but how often we hold to our problems so tenaciously
like the monkeys hold to the nuts in the bottle and so, figuratively we carry our bottles around
feeling very sorry for ourselves, and begging for sympathy from God and even our friends. So
God wants to intervene in our lives but he can’t till we are willing leave what we are told to.
Taken from 2000 E.C. Graduates’ bulletin

of Ethiopian SDA College and University

Students Fellowship


“. . . the gospel of God – the gospel He promised beforehand through His prophets in the Holy
Scriptures regarding His Son, who as to human nature was a descendant of David, and who through
the spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the son of God by His resurrection from the dead:
Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 1: 1-4

Editor’s Note
4Hallelujah forever the 12th issue of Yetnbit Kal newsletter
has just been released for the new year, 2009. We thank God once again
for its reality and we would like to heartily apologize for the highly
extended delay of the issue.
4We highly wish to increase our recipients of both email newsletter and
magazine, either online or in hard copy. You may also kindly notify us
any address change you may make. So, please pass the information and
invite all friends to subscribe for free at ‘’ or our
post addresses (but the address in Germany is temporarily out of

Yetnbit Kal Ministries Yetnbit Kal

P.O. Box 190346 OR P.O.Box 1749
Addis Ababa 90006 Nuernberg
Ethiopia Germany

4These newsletters and a lot more blessings you are kindly

Invited to enjoy at our website:
4Our column named ‘Leweru’ means ‘for the month’ in Amharic
and there we shall keep on including inspirational, quotations, funny
points ...etc. and expect great contributions from U. Your kind
participation please by sending pertinent materials to the column.

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