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The Fundraising Challenge is almost here!

I know, I know, I've said that before. But just like you, I got tired of waiting for
myself to build this app, so I've hired somebody else to do it. And they are on their
way to building a great fundraising app for you and your supporters to use. Just check
out this mock up....

You've probably heard challenge pledges on the radio before: "If we raise an

additional $1000 in the next hour, then Mr and Mrs Jones from Anytown have
pledged to match that."

Fundraising on facebook has been geared around the traditional question of "will you
give to my favorite cause?"

But traditional fundraising misses out on the power of social media.

We are building a facebook application that taps into the power of social media, and
allows your supporters to issue a challenge to their friends which provides them a
direct incentive to make a donation. With our application, your supporters will be able
to tell their friends:

"I will give $100 to my local food bank, but if my friends donate a total
of $200 by9/15/2010, then I will donate an additional $200 myself. Bob, can you
help by pledging $50 or more towards this goal?"

Everything underlined above is customized by your supporters. They setup the

parameters they want to use for a challenge (you can suggest defaults to them), and
they send it out to their friends. Their friends can choose to pay their donation right
away at the donation page you specify, or they can wait until the challenge has been
met, and then they will receive an email with a link to your donation page to fulfill
their pledge.

It's a simple idea, but we believe it can greatly improve your ability to raise funds
through Facebook. Anyone on Facebook will be able to setup a challenge to any
charity or political campaign they want who has an online donation page. But if you
are a charity or campaign, you can setup suggested challenges, and email your
supporters a "starter code" which will do all the hard work for them. Then they just
have to add it to their Facebook page and send out challenges to their friends.

We know waiting is tough - but it won't be much longer! In the meantime, follow us
on Twitter or email for more information!

Who is behind this?

Facebook Fundraising will be a free service. It is being developed by the

same people who brought you Donor Town Square. Donor Town Square
provides affordable and easy to use donation pages for charitable and
political groups. While features will be added over time that will work
best with Donor Town Square, this service is intended to work with ANY online
donation page. You do not have to be a Donor Town Square client to use this
Facebook app! Though we hope you will become a client! :)

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