OTI2 JPNT BI Paper1 09

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SULIT 014/1



50 minit


Disediakan Oleh:

Guru Akram, Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Terengganu dengan pembiayaan Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu

Nama .



50 minit


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa
Bahagian A bingga E Babagian Soalan Markah

2. Jawab semua soalan 1-4
A 5c7
3. Jawapan hendaklah ditulis di ruang yang 8.10
disediakan dalam kertas soalan. B 11·15
4. Soalan ini hendaklah diserahkan 21
sebaik-baik sahaja ujian ini selesai. C 22·23
5. Kamu hendaklah menggunakan pensel 0 26-30
2Batau HD E 31-35
TOTAL 014/1

Kertas soalan ini menqandunqi 13 halaman bercetak.


Dicetak Oleh:

Percetakan Yayasan Islam Terengganu Sdn. Bhd.

Tel: 609-66686111665218601 Fales: 609-666061110063



Questions 1 - 4

Choose the best word to fil1 in the blanks

Pilih perkataan yang terbaik dan isikan tempat kosong

I. Encik Bonyami saw a few nestlings in the on his way to the farm.

A. kennel

B. burrow

C. cage

D. nest

2. The was at the robbery scene to get the news.

A. writer

B. author

C. reporter

D. photographer

3. The little boy was given a cake with a on it.

A. flame

B. candle

C. match

D. stove

4. Puan Selvi bought a few of grapes for her children.

A. comb
B. bunch
C. combs
D. bunches Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SK!PI/OTI 2 2009


Qu estions 5 - 7

Study the picture carefully and choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph. Pilih rangkaikata yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan di bawah.

Yesterday, Halisah prepared some carrot j uice for her family.L ~


First she washed some carrots and



Then she


and blended them. After that she


strained the juice using a sieve. Later she put some _

and poured in the juice. She served the cold drinks on the dining table.

5. A. chopped them into small pieces.

B. divided them into halves

C. broke them into small pieces

D. cut them into halves

6. A. added in some sugar

B. poured in a cup of milk

C. put in some salt

D. added a little milk

7. A. ice-cream in the jugs

B. ice-cubes in the jugs

C. ice-cream in the glasses

D. ice-cubes in the glasses

Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SKIPlIOTI 2 2009


Questions 8 -to

Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer. Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik:




A The girls look very sad.

B. The girls are singing together.

C. They are dancing on the stage.

D. They are marching on the stage

A. The boys travel in a boat to school.

B. The boys go across the river in a ferry.

C. They are in a long bamboo raft.

D. They are boarding the ferry now.

A. The man is buying a pair of leather shoes.

B. The man is putting the shoes in the cupboard.

C. The cobbler puts the new shoes in a box.

D. The cobbler is mending the shoe.

Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SKlPlIOTI 2 2009



Questions 11 - 15

Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures. Pilih ayat yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.


11. It's nice meeting you.


Please father, may I go for the football match?

A. I'm fine, thank you.

B. No, of course not.

C. Yes. Hope to see you again

D. Will you come for the meeting again?

A. Do you want to go there with your mother?

B. All right, after I've finished colouring this.

C. The shop sells many new items. D. Are you going to the shop now?

A. It's wonderful, isn't it?

B. Where are you going?

C. Yes, you may.

D. Yes, I do.

Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SKlPlIOTI 2 2009



Please tell Nairn to bring his new story book


A. He would love to read the book.

B. Do you want to give her the book? c. OK, 1 will give him the message. D. Yes, I will give him the book.

A. Can you guess the price?

B. It looks expensive. c. What is the price? D. It is a flower vase.

Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SKIPI/OTI 2 2009



Questions 16 - 20

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.

16. The sun
A. sometimes
B. seldom
C. always
D. never
17. The porridge
B. am
C. are
D. were
18. That is the
A. large
B. bigger
C. larger
D. biggest ______ ~ shines at night.

______ very hot.

room in this hotel.


19. The boys are swimming happily the pool.
A. in
B. on
C. over
D. near
20. Re was having dinner when the telephone
A. ring
B. rang
C. rings
D. nngmg Question 21

Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the word underlined. Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan erti dengan perkataan yang diberi.

21. Ayunee is a hardworking girl but his brother is very _

A. lazy

B. clever

C. interesting

D. intelligent

Bahasa lnggeris Yr. 6 SKJPlIOTI 2 2009


Questions 22 - 23

Choose the word with the correct spelling. Use the picture to help you.

Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul. Gunakan gambar sebagai panduan.

22. Athirah's mother bought the fruits at the _~ _

A. stoll

B. stall

C. stal

D. stol

23. The ~~_ is feeding her cubs.

A. tigerres

B. taigeres C tigress D. tigeres

Questions 24 - 25

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betu/.

24. A. Her mother works at Kuala Terengganu General Hospital

B. Her Mother works at Kuala Terengganu general Hospital.

C. Her mother works at Kuala Terengganu General hospital.

D. Her Mother works at Kuala Terengganu General Hospital

25. A. Is this your book.

B. Is this your Book. e. Is this your book? D. Is this your Book?

Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SKlPlfOTI 2 2009



Questions 26 - 30

Look at the picture carefully. Based on the picture and the passage given, choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik berdasarkan gambar dan teks yang diberikan.

Najihah and her friend Wani, are in the kitchen. They are_~~~_


some cookies. Najihah is cutting some dough the table. She has


a big near her. Wani is standing near her while a

(28) (29)
baking tray. Both of them wear
26. A. cooking B. baking C. frying D. grilling
27. A. on B. near C. at D. over
28. A. basket B. plate C. pan D. bowl
29. A. holding B. pulling C. cleaning D. touching
30. A. aprons B. gloves C. caps D. hats Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SK/PlIOTI 2 2009



Questions 31- 35

Read the notice below carefully and answer the questions that follow. Baca notis di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.


Pulau Perhentian

We provide a 370 room facility, from Standard Rooms to Suites. Our reasonable rates are as follows:

25% discount for rooms in March and October 2009


Suite : RM4SD.DD •

: RM25D.DD •


• Deluxe Room

• Standanl Room

Other facilities:

.:. Swimming pool .:. Spa & Jacuzzi .:. Jet ski

.:. Badminton courts .:. Computer games

• ••••••••••••••••

For further information, contact 019-9884392 Encik Alias Mohd Nor Managing Director ROY AL RESORT

Contact Receptionist for arrangement of boating, snorkeling and scuba diving

31. From the brochure we know that

A. The resort provides 307 rooms facility.

B. Royal Resort is situated in a big town.

C. The guests can contact the receptionist for more information D. The cost for the rooms is cheaper in March and October

32. Who is Encik Alias Mohd Nor?

A. Managing Director of Royal Resort

B. The receptionist of Royal Resort

C. Manager of Royal Resort

D. Director of Royal Resort

Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SKJP1/0TI 2 2009


33. What facilities are offered at this resort?

A. Tennis and badminton court

B. Swimming pool and spa

C. Sauna and Jacuzzi

D. Sauna and tennis

34. Who should we contact if we want to go snorkelling?

A. The resort director

B. The resort manager

C. The receptionist

D. The boatman

35. Hazwani and Ainur love sports and they bring along their racquets to the resort.

Which activity might they choose?

A. snorkelling

B. scuba diving

C. playing badminton

D. playing computer games

Questions 36 ~ 40

Read the letter below carefully and answer the following questions. Baca cerita di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut

Lot 1996, Lorong Perdana, Taman Makrnur,

24000 Kuala Terengganu. 10th of May 2009

Dear Grandma,

Thank you so much for the birthday gift. Two hundred ringgit is a lot of money. I don't know how I'm going to spend it yet. I think I'll buy myself a new tennis racket and a new pencil box. Then I'll treat Hasina and Aida to ice cream and burger. I'll keep the rest of the money in the bank.

On my birthday, Mum and Dad took me shopping and bought me a pair of sneakers. In the evening we visited Uncle Zul and Aunt Nurul. They invited us to have dinner with them. Aunt Nurul is really a good cook. I enjoyed myself because I was able to play with Irfan and Izzati.

We shall be seeing you in a fortnight's time for the semester holidays. Send my love to grandpa.



Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SKlPlIOTI 2 2009


36. Who gave Aqil two hundred ringgits?

A. his grandma

B. his grandpa

C. Aunt Nurul

D. Uncle Zul

37. What did Aqil's parents give him on his birthday?

A. racket

B. clothes

C. footwear

D. penci 1 box

38. What did Aqil do on his birthday?

A. Went shopping with his uncle and aunt.

B. Visited his grandma and grandpa

C. Played with Hasina and Aida.

D. Had dinned at his uncle's house.

39. The word they refers to?

A. Uncle ZuJ and Aunt Nurul

B. Aida and Hasina

C. Irfan and Izzati D MumandDad

40. The letter tells us that

A. Aqil will spend all the money he got on his birthday.

B. Aqil will visit his grandparents in two weeks' time.

C. Hasina will treat Aida to ice cream and burger.

D. Irfan and Izzati are Aqil's neighbours.

Bahasa Inggeris Yr. 6 SKIPlIOTI 2 2009

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