Booking Form

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Passenger Booking Form

This booking form is to be completed by each passenger and submitted to Uplift Tours and Travel,
along with a photocopy of current passport.

Tour Details:
Tour Departure Date: _______________________________________________________________________________
Tour Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Passenger Details:
Full Name (as per passport): ______________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___/___/_______
Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other Preferred Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Suburb: _____________________________________ State: _______________________ Postcode: _______________
Home Phone Number: _ ________________________________ Mobile Number: ______________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Other Information:
Where did you hear about Uplift Tours and Travel?: _ ____________________________________________________
Frequent Flyer Number(s) & Airline(s): _________________________________________________________________
Bedding Requirements: Double Twin Single Triple Smoking Non-Smoking
Sharing with: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Special Requests/Dietary/Medical Requirements: _______________________________________________________

In the event that an accident, disaster or emergency is reported to have occurred in a country where I will or may
be travelling, I authorise Uplift Tours and Travel to disclose to the Australian Government Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade details of my itinerary (including without limitation, transport and accommodation arrangements)
and my contact details within Australia and overseas.
Please tick this box if you DO NOT Authorise Uplift Tours and Travel to advise DFAT of your details
For Promotional purposes, you will automatically be added to the Uplift Tours & Travel database. Uplift Tours and
Travel will not disclose this information to third parties.
Please tick the box should you not wish to be on our database.
I acknowledge that I have read, understood and accepted Uplift Tours and Travel Booking Terms & Conditions.

Signature: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ___/___/______

Full Travel Services n Unique Group Tours n Individual Travel n Schoolies n Special Interest n Event Travel n Volunteering Holidays n Mission Trips

PO Box 374 Caboolture Q 4510 P. 07 5499 3220 F. 07 5499 3226 E. W.

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