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Fremag (Pm) re MYSTERIE oF | INIQVITIE: © TheHiftorie "ofthe Papacie. 4 | Declaring by what degrecsitis ow mounted his heeht, nh peti i eo om tine ie be ad ef in che rght of Emperor, Kings and Chrifian Price in lend ih of Emperor, ingot Cin Pines ByPauir Moewe, KrigheLorddaPleise “LONDON Printed by eA dam Ffip, Aono Dem. 1612. TO TH E AND MIGHTIE PRINCE, Heater, Prince of Wales, Senne and Heire apparent Yoon Senge Lad being. ee tte fei Sete crated TE bec he had ofr Fale, pce mh ir ii ta nt eee mal ied ete or ghar benarallomy one ame mtn fo ttn ie cer a etinemiebar, Co dre debe abies a st actin thewiemenagmat a beeen bans Printer Frome iti ms once, ef te one Fr Mi ake ote Print Clary [a a al jor fl ener mah cure, he se eso po rol fier pe la erie lr beara par bn eb mal pe pte Godage may fal om mara: To re mare and Gt grt cn of th is a ee aie Pee fing ecm finan te ech a rgt oe ethane esl ec Lt heb pe alg eep nian sa ae pee, EE The Epiftle Dedicatorie. z a pig i oon ir csc te nang ow fie fo Godt if placatinerme ntl a Dae pt theme Esieeasneinigetegigtigeca ogi nr te, ber mabe onthe mepy geen once cee pe hetneries Colfer bier ar:iatis lad) bam. \ | HT REVE- rend Fathers in God, Gronas Archbithop of Conran Eipund: end Yewn Be ef aa: eur dy vipa ord Ln erat cae ae iaederar Cone geet He ape mci ae td Syentame dopa res wa werke wonhi hereatingini elf, howlae- | tr yey mablipentny blige ah ere | Sele ended weie faa SrccanTpc ita humane cpa Sietaydoptnscaronty acaetedamschereodeseagee ay 300d Lords, pardon fach fauitaas ether by toomuch fpeedy of too | \ fecscinertderme heey me | snot bunbly | muy ror besmcndcdosttond clon prance Baka ' | soa imei Seale cham iia ia i enti Bcc yeep meee cha iat teach mancicemioiermes | Figen pecan stterane im dail crificrate, | as Tesou Highnafe Pella peticcnsrnpenne TheGoief erect svieheh lela mnie range ee Shah ce Sienlodichngtonslie Goerauityeuriakebeicsres denoted, Fy jobaaevndereacen to bs | wee eee ot | 5 Toe Graces nd Lori ial aie so be commas, Sanson Lannatn Santon Lennaee,

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