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I Luv Chocolat!

| Abhinav

ZATUNGAM Cute Chocolates for Cute

ES Chocolate Kids
Cute Chocolate for Cute Chocolate Kids
Not parent in the world will be able to deny the obvious pleasure that kids derive from
the very mention of cute chocolate. Your kid is bound to be a victim of chocolate mania.
All kids have a predictable tendency towards this mania. However, it is not only a
condition among children. Don’t you, being an adult, also love giving yourself up to the
delicious pleasures of a chocolate bar? “I Luv Chocolat”, the latest innovation for iPhone
apps, is the ideal solution for cute chocolate kids as well as adults. It is a supremely
popular game that has found place in almost every iPhone in the world. The beauty of
this cute chocolate game is that it can be played on any model— iPhone first generation,
iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4G. Not only can you keep your child’s attention
fixed on it, but even you can indulge in the occasional chocolate mania when you need to
relax your mind after a long, hard day of work.

I Luv Chocolat - The Latest and Most Happening Cute Chocolate iPhone

You will undoubtedly get a lot of

happiness and satisfaction when you
see your child’s ecstasy at the
discovery of “I Luv Chocolat”. The
intense concentration on their faces as
they minutely follow the little figure
that runs about collecting chocolate
gifts is definitely something that you
will cherish. The game is fairly easy
to grasp. This is the main reason why it has become so universally popular in so less a
time. The rules are direct. The main objective of the game is to get your cute chocolate
agent to collect all the chocolates in the given period of time. The time-limit is very
important. Fail to stick to the limit and alas! You have lost all the chocolates and candies
you collected so painstakingly.

The free or lite edition of the game is available for easy download from the Web. This
edition will let you get a feel of the game before you go on to get the full version. The
free edition comes with the first two stages of the game. This cute chocolate game is so
addictive, that soon you will find that instead of waiting for your child to ask you to the
rest of “I Luv Chocolat”, you yourself have bought it off the Internet! It is easily
available and can be downloaded straight into your phone. The cost, too, is insignificant. 
The full edition will give you the five following stages. The hardships and hurdles get
harder and more complicated with every progressing stage, making the adventure a nail-
biter right to the very end.

The Digital Alternative to Cute Chocolate

“I Luv Chocolat” is a gaming haven for cute chocolate kids. Instead of begging for
chocolate gifts from the candy fairy, children nowadays are asking for their parents’
iPhones. This would come as a relief to parents as well. The game definitely has a huge
plus point. It takes kids’ minds off actual chocolates, keeps their teeth and gums healthy
and prevents teenage obesity and associated diseases from setting in.

Keyword : Cute chocolate, Candy Fairy, Chocolate mania, Chocolate Gifts, I love
chocolates, chocolate game for kids, iphone chocolate games, chocolate games for
iphone, kids chocolate games, chocolate games, play chocolate games, US, UK,
Germany, Europe, Grace, France, Portugal, Australia, Norway, Japan, I luv

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