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Rhea Shrivastava Presents _ ........

Lenny and Mickle Star have no

ordinary life!
Chapter 1- The story

Once there lived identical twins called Lenny and Mickle. Their
mums name is Sarah and their dad’s is Bob. Do you think that Lenny
and Mickle have an ordinary life? Ha, ha, ha! Well you’re wrong.
Lenny and Mickle write a worldwide blog! That’s right they’re
bloggers. Hmm… maybe if I can get the story on their blog … ahh
here we are! Lets read it out shall we ?


It was the summer holidays as well as a cold Saturday

afternoon and Lenny and I were sitting snuggled in
blankets near the fireplace. It was really cold outside and
we didn’t know what to do so we asked our mom if she
could give us options on what to do. Then she answered
“Well maybe you could start a blog!” Lenny and I loved
the idea- so off we went to start our blog.


Mickle and I wanted to write about dogs so we went on

the internet and searched about dogs. At first it took
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hours and hours, but as Mickle and I had taken computer

lessons we new it would take long.

Chapter 2
About 2 minutes passed and finally we found good
results and stuck the information on our lovely template
blog! This is what our blog looked like:

We didn’t think it was awfully nice,

but we thought we could maybe make changes later….
Mom had anyway said we should do our laanki
(geography class that gave homework … BORING!) So I
slowly walked up to our big but shabby files of undone
homework sheets (because Mickle was shutting down the
laptop) and opened it with a frown on my face. We, or
atleast I hated homework, IT WAS SOOOOOO BORING ! It
was kind of easy but still I hate it ! I especially hate our
teacher, Mrs.Daniella.She is so kind to Mickle but definitly
not kind to me.Well anyway lets concentrate on the story
instead of homework beacause:

A. It is the summer holidays and I feel sick!

B. I HATE H.W!(Homework)
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