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1. Examine the product life cycle of personal
computers in the Indian Market, and trace the
various marketing strategies followed by firms at
different stages.
2. The classification of consumer products into
convenience goods, shopping goods and
speciality goods is based on consumer buying
habits rather than a consumer product. Do you
agree? Justify.
3. Now-a-days technological developments are high
in marketing of services in Hospital Industry –
4. State the distinction between marketing of goods
and services with suitable examples.

1. There are five contemporary issues that

challenge today’s marketing researcher. List
these issues and provide an example to
illustrate how researcher is involved.
2. When can an online survey be used? Is it valid
for market research? What are the advantages
and disadvantages? Give suitable examples for
online survey.
3. “Experimental research is better than
descriptive research.” Do you agree with this
statement? Why or why not?
4. Prepare a questionnaire for a car
manufacturing company which wants to obtain
information about how customers select the
different brands.
1. A new bakery product is being introduced by a
large firm. The company believes that it should
obtain about 200 percent penetration in a
market of 20 million people in a test market. It
was found that 3 percent of the people tried the
product within the first week of introduction and
that of those tried it about half purchased the
product again. However, of those who
repurchased, the usage was only one unit every
two weeks. The bakery has asked you to help
estimate the amount of production that will be
needed each week until the product reaches the
table market position. Prepare a solution to this
2. Consumer driven engineering is usually
discussed in the contract of consumer durables
(such us automobiles and washing machines)
and high-tech products (such as computers
and cell phones). How might consumer –
driven engineering be applied to a common
non durable household product such as a tooth
brush or a can of milk?
3. What is meant by involvement? How would you
classify the following types of purchases?
Tooth paste, flour, men’s cologne, carpeting,
toilet tissue, bread, light-bulbs, a 35 mm
camera, what factors would you consider in
making assessment? Is it possible that there
can be real variations between individuals for
the same product class?
4. How can a consumer evaluate information
about alternative brands in the buying of a
microwave oven. Explain them briefly.
1. What are the major characteristics of the world
regional markets? Which region is the fastest
growing? Why? How does this region rate as an
area far expanding marketing efforts?
2. What is global market segment? Pick a market
that you know something about and describe
the global segment for this market.
3. Give an example of a company that illustrates
each of the four generic strategies that can lead
to competitive advantage : Overall cost
leaderships, cost focus, differentiation and
focused differentiation.
4. What is dumping? Is it an important trade
issue? Is dumping an attractive competitive
price strategy for a company.
1. If you are the vice-president of sales or the
national sales manager for a large corporation,
what criteria would you use to evaluate the
performance of subordinate sales managers?
2. Do you believe that most sales people can be
effectively “steered” by financial
compensation? Explain.
3. A wholesaler states, “Retailers are our customers.
Our allegiance lies with them, not with the
manufacturers that supply products to us”. Do
you agree with this point of view? Give your
4. What are the major ways in which an
organization can use physical distribution as a
means of establishing competitive advantage?
1. Compare the competitive strategies adopted
by leading telecom companies in India. Which
is more successful? Why?
2. Identify a FMCG company successfully
diversified into durable products market and a
durable manufacturing company failed to
diversify in any other category. Discuss the
3. Compare between “cost leadership” Vs
“Product differentiation” strategies. Provide
suitable examples from corporate world.
4. What do you understand by competitive
advantage? Explain how this is critical towards
maintaining the leadership in the market. Use
automobile market as an example.

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