Barros de Oliveira

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JRRD Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

Pages 1215–1226

Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development

Balance control in hemiparetic stroke patients: Main tools for evaluation

Clarissa Barros de Oliveira, PT;1* Ítalo Roberto Torres de Medeiros, MD, PhD;2 Norberto Anizio Ferreira
Frota, MD;1 Mário Edvin Greters, MD;2 Adriana B. Conforto, MD, PhD1,3
Departments of 1Neurology and 2Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo University, São Paulo,
Brazil; 3Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil

Abstract—Balance problems in hemiparetic patients after malities and the different tools that can be used to evaluate
stroke can be caused by different impairments in the physiologi- balance in hemiparetic patients with stroke.
cal systems involved in postural control, including sensory
afferents, movement strategies, biomechanical constraints, cog-
nitive processing, and perception of verticality. Balance impair- BASIC BALANCE CONCEPTS AND
ments and disabilities must be appropriately addressed. This
article reviews the most common balance abnormalities in
hemiparetic patients with stroke and the main tools used to diag-
nose them. Postural control requires the interaction of many
physiological systems. A simplified outline of posture
control is shown in Figure 1.
Key words: balance evaluation, balance scales, balance tests,
brain infarct, falls, hemiparesis, postural control, postural sta-
Sensory Modalities and Integration
bility, posturography, stroke rehabilitation. Three sensory modalities are mainly involved in pos-
tural control: somatosensory, visual, and vestibular affer-
ents. Integration of information from these systems is
INTRODUCTION crucial for adequate postural control.
Sensory information is regulated dynamically and
Hemiparesis is the most frequent neurological deficit modified by changes in environmental conditions [12].
after stroke [1]. Hemiparetic stroke patients frequently Despite the availability of multiple sources of sensory
present balance abnormalities. Balance impairments information, in a given situation, the central nervous sys-
increase fall risk, resulting in high economic costs and
social problems [2–5]. Tailoring efficient therapeutic
approaches depends on appropriate evaluation of specific
needs, but the best tools for balance evaluation in patients Abbreviations: BS = base of support; CDP = computerized
with stroke are still under debate [6–7]. dynamic posturography; CG = center of gravity; CM = center
of mass; CNS = central nervous system; CP = center of pres-
Difficulties in determining individual causes of balance
sure; ICF = International Classification of Functioning, Dis-
impairment and disability are related to the diverse mecha- ability, and Health; SOT = Sensory Organization Test.
nisms involved. Decreased muscle strength, range of move- *
Address all correspondence to Clarissa Barros de Oliveira,
ment, abnormal muscle tone, motor coordination, sensory PT; Rua Cayowaá, 854 ap. 94 São Paulo-SP Brazil 05018-
organization, cognition, and multisensory integration can 001; 55-11-38733900; fax: 55-11-38725898.
contribute to balance disturbances at different levels [8–11]. Email:
The aim of this article is to review the main postural abnor- DOI: 10.1682/JRRD.2007.09.0150


JRRD, Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

Sensory reweighting is also important in the situ-

ations of sensory conflict that frequently occur in daily
activities; for example, when someone stands next to a
bus in movement. In this situation, the visual system
reports relative movement of the person in relation to an
object, which conflicts with information from the soma-
tosensory and vestibular systems. The CNS must reject
visual information and use vestibular and somatosensory
inputs. The ability to analyze, compare, and select the
pertinent sensory information to prevent falls can be
impaired in hemiparetic stroke patients [8].
In patients with stroke, balance impairments and
decreased ankle proprioception are positively correlated
[19–21]. Abnormal interactions between the three sensory
systems involved in balance could be the source of abnor-
mal postural reactions [8,22–23]. In situations of sensory
conflict, a patient with stroke can inappropriately depend
on one particular system over another [22]. Laboratory
measurements of sensory organization demonstrate that
patients with chronic stroke perform worse in conditions
of altered somatosensory information and visual depriva-
tion or inaccurate visual input [8]. Excessive reliance on
Figure 1. visual input may be a learned compensatory response that
Important resources required for postural control. CNS = central ner- occurs over time [8]. Relying on a single system can lead
vous system. to inappropriate adaptations and, hence, balance disturb-
ances. Furthermore, sensory integration and reweighting
can be impaired in patients with stroke, emphasizing
tem (CNS) gives priority to one system over another to visual input even when it provides inaccurate information
control balance in the orthostatic position [13]. Nondis- [8,24–25].
abled adults tend to use somatosensory information from
their feet in contact with the surface while standing in a Biomechanical Constraints
controlled environment with a firm base of support (BS) Postural stability can be understood as the ability to
[12–14]. Under this condition, somatosensory afferents keep the center of gravity (CG) within the limits of the
account for 70 percent of the information required for pos- BS, or stability limits; these limits are not fixed, but
tural control, while vestibular afferents account for 20 per- rather can be modified according to tasks, movements,
cent and visual input for 10 percent [12]. Visual and individual biomechanics, and environmental aspects
vestibular inputs are likely to be more relevant sources of [17]. Thus, impairments in range of movement, tone,
information when proprioceptive information is unreliable, strength, and muscle control can influence postural con-
trol. The CNS has an internal representation of stability
for instance, during sway [12,14–16]. The ability to choose
limits and uses it to determine how to move and maintain
and rely on the appropriate sensory input for each condition
balance [18].
is called sensory reweighting [17–18]. When one is stand-
The most important biomechanical constraint to bal-
ing on an unstable surface, for instance, the CNS increases
ance is the quality and the size of the BS [18]. In hemi-
sensory weighting to vestibular and visual information and paretic patients, weakness and impaired muscle control
decreases the dependence on surface somatosensory inputs of the affected lower limb, decreased range of motion,
for postural orientation. On the other hand, in darkness, and pain can lead to changes in the BS [11]. The center of
balance control depends on somatosensory and vestibular pressure (CP) can be displaced anteriorly in the paretic
feedback. leg because of anteroposterior muscle imbalance in the

OLIVEIRA et al. Evaluating balance control in stroke patients

ankle joint (equinus foot). A positive correlation exists nantly use the hip strategy and use the ankle strategy to a
between balance impairments and decreased lower-limb lesser extent [5]. However, these strategies are often not
strength [4,19–21,26–27]. In addition, poor trunk control efficient for stability [17], as indicated by the high inci-
negatively influences overall balance [19,28–29]. dence of falls in patients with stroke [2–4].
Although hemiparetic patients can display some
Movement Strategies anticipatory control in the orthostatic position, their per-
Studies in the 1980s demonstrated that the human formance is often inferior to age-matched controls. Gen-
body has postural strategies that are general sensorimotor eration of propulsive forces to initiate displacements of
solutions for postural control and include ankle, hip, and the CM or interruption of these forces so that the CM
step strategies [30–31]. These strategies involve muscle does not advance beyond the limits of the BS can be
synergies, movement patterns, joint torques, and contact inadequate [38]. Patients with mild motor impairments
forces [32]. In the ankle strategy, muscle activation and high functional levels show better anticipatory pos-
occurs from distal to proximal and the center of mass tural reactions, in spite of abnormal movement activation
(CM) is moved with torques mainly in the ankle [33]. In patterns [39–41].
the hip strategy, muscle activation occurs mainly in the
hip and trunk, adding torques to the hip joint, knee, and Cognitive Processing
ankle. In the step strategy, muscle activation starts with Motor responses and activation of muscle synergies
contraction of hip abductor muscles and with cocontrac- are influenced by sensory feedback and also by expecta-
tion in the ankle joint, leading to asymmetric discharge of tion, attention, experience, environmental context, and
weight in the lower limbs in order to move the BS during intention [17]. Greater attentional demands can be required
CM movement [31]. The ankle strategy is more effective from patients with stroke in tasks of static postural control,
at keeping the trunk in a vertical position during small particularly as task difficulty increases. Inadequate alloca-
perturbations while standing. The hip strategy is excel- tion of attention can lead to increased instability risk and
lent for faster and larger CM movements. This strategy greater fall probability [11,42–43].
requires adequate vestibular information, while the ankle
strategy depends more on accurate somatosensory infor- Perception of Verticality
mation [32]. The ankle strategy cannot be used properly Adequate orientation in space is critical for postural
when the BS is reduced, for instance, on a narrow sur- control. Nondisabled persons are able to identify gravita-
face, or when ankle muscle weakness exists [31,34]. Dur- tional verticality within 0.5° without using visual feed-
ing changes in posture, harmonic transitions from the back. Perception of visual verticality is independent of
ankle to the hip strategy frequently occur. The step strat- postural verticality. Postural perception of verticality has
egy, in turn, represents a completely independent strategy multiple neural representations [44] and may be abnor-
[32], since it adapts the BS to CM movement; in contrast, mal in patients with stroke, particularly in the presence of
the other strategies keep the CM inside the BS. visuospatial neglect [45–46].
Balance control can be reactive (in response to exter- A subset of patients with stroke who have balance
nal forces that displace the CM) or anticipatory (volun- problems are distinguished by resistance to support weight
tary or in automatic anticipation of internally generated on their nonparetic side, a phenomenon historically referred
forces during gait or performance of movements, such as to as “pushing” or “pusher syndrome” [47]. Pushing is
raising an arm) [33]. It depends on the capability of the clinically characterized as a tendency to adopt postures
CNS to predict and detect instabilities and program aligned toward the affected side and a fear of falling toward
appropriate patterns of muscle activation [32,35]. Delays the nonparalyzed side [48]. Investigation of patients with
in postural responses may be caused by a slow increase in severe pushing behavior has shown that their perception of
muscle activity or changes in spatiotemporal coordina- body posture in relation to gravity is altered. The patients
tion of synergies [32,36]. experience their body as oriented upright when the body
Patients with stroke use compensatory strategies, actually is tilted to the side of the brain lesion (to the ipsile-
including holding objects or walls, and use the step strat- sional side). Interestingly, patients with pusher syndrome
egy more frequently than do age-matched controls [37]. show no disturbed processing of the visual and vestibular
To maintain the same BS, patients with stroke predomi- inputs determining visual vertical [49].

JRRD, Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

Influence of Lesion Location acute and subacute phases, particularly during the first
Whether or not lesion side is a key determinant of 3 months poststroke [59], physiological changes related to
balance impairment after stroke is still a matter of contro- spontaneous recovery of paretic leg muscles can contrib-
versy. In most of the studies, balance disturbances have ute to improvement in balance [7,59]. However, recovery
been found to predominate in lesions involving the right of balance, documented by the absence of enhanced func-
cerebral hemisphere [24,50–53]. Integration of spatial tion of paretic leg muscle and other mechanisms and last-
information by the right posterior parietal cortex may ing for longer than 3 months, may also be important.
explain this finding [51]. However, no difference [8,11] Balance gains can be mediated by improved stabilization
or opposite results [10] with worse scores of static and of the head and trunk, better muscular compensation
dynamic balance control in individuals with lesions of through the nonaffected leg, improved multisensory inte-
the left hemisphere have been described. Definitive con- gration, and progressive and increased self-confidence [7].
clusions about possible effects of lesion side await fur- Evaluation approaches can focus on impairments or
ther investigations. functional activities and include observational scores
(such as clinical scales) and laboratory measurements.
Effects of Aging on Balance Control Tests based on observational methods can be biased
Stroke incidence and prevalence are greater in older sometimes by subjective judgment [9], but their applica-
adults [54]. Aging is associated with balance disturb- tion is cheaper and easier in clinical practice [60]. Most
ances as a result of functional decline of the three sensory of the time, laboratory measurements involve force plat-
afferent systems [17,55], as well as in strength, range of forms that supply kinetic data of postural reactions [61].
motion, and the neuromuscular system, with a disruption
in the organization of muscle responses characterized by Observational Methods
activation of proximal before distal muscles [56]. Older Clinical tests to evaluate balance have been classified
adults, as compared with younger adults, use the hip and according to the level of postural control required to
step strategies more frequently than the ankle strategy accomplish the tasks assessed in each test or combination
[17,57]. The contribution of vision to balance control of tests [62]. Static balance tests evaluate patients’ ability
increases with advancing age, especially under challeng- to keep their CG within the BS in steady stance. Dynamic
ing situations [58]. tests are used to evaluate balance in response to voluntary
movement or external perturbations [63]. In functional
balance tests, patients have to keep their balance while
BALANCE EVALUATION IN STROKE performing functional tasks of different ranges of diffi-
culty according to the kind of activity demanded, such as
Understanding physiological systems and their differ- rolling, sitting over the side of the bed, supported sitting,
ent contributions to balance control allows therapists to sitting to standing, standing in different positions, and
systematically evaluate the particular impairment, combi- walking. The most frequently used evaluation tools are
nation of impairments, and disabilities that affect a patient. summarized in the Table.
Impairments alone cannot describe functional deficits. The World Health Organization International Classi-
According to the strategies that can be used to compensate fication of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) [64–
for the impairment, two persons with the same impairment 65] provides a multidimensional framework for health
can present different functional levels [18]. Identifying and disability suited to classification of outcome instru-
specific impairments and limitations in activities of daily ments. ICF identifies three primary levels of human func-
living through clinical and laboratory tools is important. tioning. Outcomes may measure different domains of
Each hemiparetic patient with stroke can have unique each of three levels: body functions/structure (impair-
combinations of postural abnormalities [18]. ment), activities (refers to the whole person), and partici-
Different methods have been developed to evaluate pation (formerly referred to as handicap). In the Table,
balance in patients with stroke. Some important factors ICF levels and domain numbers are given for each test.
must be considered. An accurate medical history, includ- Sensory conflicts can be provided by particular obser-
ing history of falls and medications in use, is crucial. Con- vational methods. In the Clinical Test of Sensory Integra-
sidering the time since stroke is also important. In the tion and Balance [66], the individual has to maintain

OLIVEIRA et al. Evaluating balance control in stroke patients

Properties of balance tests and scales used in stroke population.
ICF Level &
Test/Scale Evaluation Reliability & Score Limitations
Berg Balance Scale 14 items requiring subjects Internal consistency: 5-point ordinal scale, Floor & ceiling Activities (limitations
(BBS) [1–6] to maintain positions or Cronbach α = 0.92–0.98; range of 0–4 for each effects. May have to activity-disability):
complete movement tasks Interrater reliability: item. Total score ranges decreased sensitivity mobility = changing &
of varying difficulty: sitting, ICC = 0.95–0.98; from 0–56. in early stages post- maintaining body posi-
sit-to-stand & stand-to-sit, Intrarater reliability: stroke among severely tion (d410–d429).
transfers, standing unsup- ICC = 0.97; affected patients,
ported, standing with eyes Test-retest reliability: because scale includes
closed, standing with feet ICC = 0.98; only 1 item relating to
together, reaching forward Validity (r): balance in sitting
with outstretched arm, turn- Barthel Index = 0.8–0.94; position.
ing to look behind, picking Balance subscale of Fugl-
up object from floor, turning Meyer Test = 0.62–0.94.
360°, placing alternate foot
on stool, one foot forward,
& single-limb stance.

Timed Get Up & Go Single-item test that Test-retest reliability: Score = time (s) subject Large floor effect in Activities (limitations
Test (TUG) [1,7–11] requires subject to stand up, ICC = 0.95. takes to complete test frail elderly individu- to activity-disability):
walk 3 m, turn back, & sit activity. als with cognitive mobility = changing
down again. impairment. Addresses basic body position
relatively few aspects (d410) & walking
of balance. (d450).

Tinetti Balance Test [3, Ordinal scale assessing Reliability & validity 16-point ordinal scale. Not described for Tinetti Assessment
12–17]: Part of Tinetti balance as follows: sitting, established only for Total score ranges from stroke population. Tool mainly assesses
Assessment Tool sit-to-stand & stand-to-sit, elderly population 0–24. body structure (impair-
(contains balance & standing, response to chal- Interrater reliability: ments), but Tinetti Bal-
gait sections) lenge, eyes closed, turn in κ = 0.40–1.0; ance Test evaluates
place, turn head, lean back, Validity (r): activities (limitations to
unilateral stance, reach BBS = 0.91; TUG = 0.75; activity-disability):
object from high shelf, stride length = 0.62–0.68. mobility = changing &
& pick up object from floor. maintaining body posi-
tion (d410–d429).

Functional Reach Test Single-item test to detect Within-session reliability: Score = distance (cm) Addresses relatively Activities (limitations
(FR) [3,18–20] balance problems in older ICC = 0.98; that patient can reach few aspects of balance. to activity-disability):
adults. Subject stands Interrater reliability: forward. Weak measure of sta- changing & maintain-
with feet shoulder distance ICC = 0.99; bility limits. ing body position
apart & arm raised in 90° Test-retest reliability: (d4106, shifting body’s
of flexion. Subject reaches as ICC = 0.95; center of gravity).
far forward as possible while Validity (ρ): BBS = 0.7.
maintaining balance in same
base of support. Lateral reach
test was developed to evaluate
mediolateral postural control.

Balance Subscale of 7 items, 3 for sitting & 4 Interrater reliability: 3-point ordinal scale, Floor & ceiling Fugl-Meyer Assess-
Fugl-Meyer Test for standing: sitting without ICC = 0.93. items range from 0–2. effects. ment mainly assesses
(FM-B) [2,21–22]: support, parachute reaction Total score ranges body structure (impair-
1 of 6 FM-B subscales (both sides), standing without from 0–14. ments), but FM-B evalu-
(designed to evaluate support, unilateral stance ates mainly activities
impairment after (both sides). (limitations to activity-
stroke) disability): mobility =
changing & maintain-
ing body position

JRRD, Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

Table. (Continued)
Properties of balance tests and scales used in stroke population.
ICF Level &
Test/Scale Evaluation Reliability & Score Limitations
Postural Assessment 12 items that grade perform- Internal consistency: 4-point scale ranging Not described. Activities (limitations
Scale for Stroke ance for situations of varying Cronbach α = 0.95; from 0–3. Total score to activity-disability):
Patients (PASS) [2,23] difficulty in maintaining pos- Interrater reliability: ranges from 0–36. mobility = changing &
ture: sitting without support, κ = 0.88; maintaining body posi-
standing with & without Test-retest reliability: tion (d410–d429).
support, unilateral stance κ = 0.72;
(both sides); or changing Validity (r): Functional
posture: supine to affected Independence Measure =
side lateral, supine to unaf- 0.73.
fected side lateral, supine to
sitting up on edge of table,
sitting on edge of table to
supine, sit-to-stand & stand-
to-sit, standing, picking up
pencil from floor. Developed
specifically for patients with

Dynamic Gait Index 8 items: walking, walking Interrater reliability: 4-point ordinal scale Can only be applied to Activities (limitations
(DGI) [24–25] while changing speed, ICC = 0.96; ranging from 0–3. Total population able to walk to activity-disability):
walking while turning head Test-retest reliability: score ranges from 0–24. unassisted, although mobility = walking &
horizontally & vertically, ICC = 0.96; with assistive device moving (d450–d469).
walking with pivot turn, Validity in chronic stroke (if necessary).
walking over & around patients (ρ): BBS = 0.83;
obstacles & stair climbing ABC = 0.68; TUG = 0.77.
(evaluation of dynamic

Multi-Directional Subjects perform maximal Internal consistency: Score = distance (in. Not described. Activities (limitations
Reach Test (MDRT) reaches with outstretched Cronbach α = 0.84; or cm) that patient can to activity-disability):
[26] arm forward (FR), to right Reliability & validity reach in each direction. changing & maintain-
(RR), to left (LR), & established only for ing body position
leaning backward (BR), elderly population; (d4106, shifting body’s
with feet flat on floor. Validity (ICC): FR = center of gravity).
0.942; BR = 0.929; RR =
0.0926; LR = 0.0947.

Activities-Specific 16-item self reported Internal consistency: 11-point scale ranging Not described. Activities (limitations
Balance Confidence questionnaire that asks Cronbach α = 0.94; from 0% (no confidence) to activity-disability):
(ABC) Scale [27] subjects to rate their balance Test-retest reliability: to 100% (complete mobility = changing
confidence in performing ICC = 0.85; confidence). Item scores & maintaining body
everyday activities: walking Validity (ρ): are summed & averaged position (d410–d429);
in different environments, BBS = 0.36; gait to yield mean ABC. carrying, moving,
reaching, bending, sweeping speed = 0.48. Scale score ranging from & handling objects
floor, getting in or out of car, 0–100. (d430–d449); walking
climbing stairs & ramps, & & moving (d450–d469).
stepping on or off escalator.

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*ICF domain (d) numbers shown in parentheses.
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upright standing under six conditions. In conditions 1, 2, However, lack of quantification of load in each foot, CP
and 3, subjects stand on a fixed surface with eyes open, excursions, and magnitude of external disturbances are
with eyes closed, and while wearing a visual dome that limitations of this method.
restricts their peripheral vision and moves along with their
head, respectively. The visual dome leads to sensory con- Force Platforms and Computerized Dynamic
flict. In conditions 4, 5, and 6, the subject stands on foam Posturography
in order to distort somatosensory information from the Balance problems are frequently masked during sim-
support surface and the visual conditions described for ple tasks. Laboratory measures of postural reactions can
conditions 1 through 3 are repeated. Trials in each of the assess balance control with greater sensitivity than obser-
six conditions are timed and the contribution of different vational methods [32,68]. Postural reactions can be quanti-
sensory modalities can be evaluated. In hemiparetic fied in situations of less stability on force platforms: while
patients, a positive correlation exists between results of keeping the feet together, standing on one leg, or during the
this test and sensory and motor functions [67]. The test Romberg’s maneuver [69–70]. In addition, a sensory
approximates the sensory conflict situations provided by modality can be removed or attenuated and the effect of
the sensory organization part of dynamic posturography. these changes in postural control can be evaluated [71].

JRRD, Volume 45, Number 8, 2008

Removal of sensory information complicates the esti-

mation of CM dynamics (position and speed) [71] and,
thus, increases the average amplitude of body oscillations
in nondisabled adults [69,72]. Different systems were
developed to challenge balance: platforms that slide and
incline and equipment that pulls or pushes body segments.
Laboratory tools that quantify very small amounts of pos-
tural sway, complex body kinematics, and dynamics
enable the therapists to identify specific disordered pos-
tural subcomponents [73].
Pressure cells have been incorporated into force plat-
forms to measure oscillations unnoticed by the human
eye. Using two platforms of force allows the evaluation
of the relative contribution of each leg in balance control
[11]. In computerized dynamic posturography (CDP),
illustrated in Figure 2, analog signals from these devices
are sampled and stored for offline processing [74].
CDP was developed by Nashner, and the first com-
mercial version was developed in 1987 [75]. CDP allows
manipulation of somatosensory and visual afferent infor-
mation. In addition, the patient’s ability to use and
reweight each of the available sensory modalities to con-
Figure 2.
trol balance can be evaluated [74–76]. Angles of body Computerized dynamic posturography. Source: Photograph reprinted
oscillation can be estimated from vertical projections of with permission from NeuroCom International (Clackamas, Oregon).
the CM [77], and ankle and hip strategies in each of the
conditions imposed by the device can be checked [74].
CDP contains three protocols. The Sensory Organization ring and keeping the CM in the hemiparetic side [63,79],
Test (SOT) (NeuroCom International; Clackamas, Ore- in the lateral and anterior directions [80]; and decreased
gon), illustrated in Figure 3, has the great advantage of frontal plane stability; impaired muscle selection [66],
objectively measuring postural responses under six dif- with consequent increase in body oscillations during
ferent sensory conditions. During SOT, useful informa- standing [11,24,81–84]. Hemiparetic stroke patients may
tion delivered to the patient’s eyes, feet, and joints is present difficulties in weight transfer from the affected to
effectively eliminated through calibrated “sway referenc- the unaffected side [38,80]. During the gait cycle, body
ing” of the support surface or visual surround, which tilt weight must be transferred to the affected leg in the swing
to directly follow the patient’s anteroposterior body sway. phase [80]. Asymmetry and difficulty in active redistribu-
By controlling sensory (visual and proprioceptive) infor- tion of weight in the orthostatic position are the main con-
mation through sway referencing and/or eyes open/ tributors to abnormalities in the gait of hemiparetic
closed conditions, the SOT protocol systematically elimi- individuals and influence independence, safety, and per-
nates relevant visual and/or support surface information formance of activities of daily living [78]. Weight distribu-
and creates situations of sensory conflict. In short, it tion is more symmetrical in patients recovering from mild
quantifies either inability to effectively use individual strokes than in those with more severe lesions [41].
sensory systems or inappropriate adaptive responses. In hemiparetic patients a few weeks after stroke,
CDP (Figure 3) predicts balance control during daily life force platforms can reveal excessive postural oscillations
activities [20]. and instability that occur mainly in the frontal plane and
Clinical and laboratory evaluation in hemiparetic are worsened by visual deprivation [11]. These abnor-
patients can show asymmetrical distribution of weight in malities may improve over time, reflecting better soma-
the lower limbs, with deviation of the CM to the unin- tosensory integration, with gradual increase in use of
volved side [8–11,24,63,78], difficulty in actively transfer- proprioceptive and exteroceptive afferent information of

OLIVEIRA et al. Evaluating balance control in stroke patients

ual characteristics of patients with stroke. Although labo-

ratory measurements are not widely available, they can
provide precise information and should be combined with
clinical evaluation whenever possible to enhance compre-
hension of postural impairments and disabilities in hemi-
paretic stroke patients. Further studies are necessary to
investigate whether the use of particular tools of evalu-
ation to guide balance rehabilitation affects function,
activity, and participation outcomes.


This material was unfunded at the time of manuscript

Figure 3.
The authors have declared that no competing interests
Sensory Organization Test. Source: Figure reprinted with permission
from NeuroCom International (Clackamas, Oregon). exist.

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