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Literacy Volunteers of Willits, CA NEEDS YOU Come a Literacy Ty ‘One adult matched to one learner No experience needed, we'll train youl! Tutor Training Orientation: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 3:00--5:00 p.m. Library Conference Room *** What's this all about? *** What are my responsibilities? *** Do I really want to do this? Tutor Training Workshop: Saturday, January 22, 2011 9:00 — 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room *** Getting what you need to tutor*** Sign up at the Willits Library at 390 E. Commercial St Or call 459-5098, or Pam at 459-1586 Or email us at Every adult who can read, can teach another adult to read. Join usi! Literacy Volunteers of Willits will help YOU to speak, read and write English. This is a FREE service. Come to the Willits Library for an interview on Tuesday between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Or call 459-5098 = i Voluntarios de alfabetizacién de Willits Ensefiamos el ingles gratis leer, escribir, hablar Para inscribirse o mas informacién, venga aqui los martes 10:00 am a 12:30 459-5098 LITERACY VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WILLITS AFFILIATE We teach adults to read, free 1 would like to become a volunteer in the Literacy Volunteers of America adult literacy program. Name: ——— Address: sre (give to librarian) LITERACY VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WILLITS AFFILIATE We teach adults to read, free | would like to become a volunteer in the Literacy Volunteers of America adult literacy program. Name:, Address: (give to librarian)

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