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Planning for Survey and

Investigations for Hydro Projects

Survey for Hydro Projects
 Surveying is the technique and science of accurately determining
the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points, distances
and angles between them. These points are usually on the surface
of the Earth, and they are often used to establish land maps and
boundaries. To accomplish their objective, surveyors use elements
of geometry, engineering, trigonometry, mathematics, physics, and

 Its principal modern uses are in the fields of transportation,

building, land use, Water Resource developments, Monitoring and
communications. Surveying is divided into the categories of plane
surveying (mapping small areas) and geodetic surveying (mapping
large areas of the globe).
Types of Surveying in Hydro Projects
 Surveying is the very important and vital operation for river valley
projects. Any river valley project to be planned and constructed is
to be based on certain basic facts and figures. The process of
collection of these facts and figures is termed as investigations.
 Surveying for River Valley Projects can be Classified as follows,
• Topo Graphical Survey
• River Survey
• Reservoir Survey
• Site Survey
• Command Area Survey
• Communication Survey
• Flood Control Survey
Topo Graphical Survey
 A survey that determines ground relief and location of natural
and man-made features thereon is called as Topo Graphical

 The configuration of a surface including its relief and the

locations of its natural and man-made features, usually recorded
on a drawing showing surface variations by means of contour
lines indicating height above or below a fixed datum termed as
Topo Graphical Maps. The Survey of India is responsible for all
topographic control, surveys and mapping of India.

 The Topographical maps are playing very important role in the

Planning of Hydro Projects from the Investigation stage to Post
construction stages.
Uses of Topo Graphical Maps in Hydro Projects
The Topographical maps can be used for following purposes,

 Planning for Locating the Project Components

 Planning for Fixing Reservoir levels.
 Planning for Alignments of the Access roads
 Computing the Quantities of Various works for Cost Estimations.
 Planning for Locating the Material Quarries for Construction
 Planning for Muck Disposal Area.
 Planning for Flood Protection works, etc.
 Planning for Resettlement works.
Instruments used in Topographical Survey
 Total Station with Accessories
The total station is an electronic theodolite (transit) integrated
with an electronic distance meter (EDM) to read slope
distances from the instrument to a particular point.

 Auto Level
The Auto Level can be used to control the vertical Limit of the
Survey area (i.e. Elevations)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global
navigation satellite system that provides reliable location and
time information in all weather and at all times and anywhere
on or near the Earth when and where there is an unobstructed
line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.
River Survey (Hydrographic Survey)
 River Surveys cover longitudinal Section ( L-Section ) and Cross
Section ( X-Section ) of the river on the upstream and downstream
of the proposed Diversion structure.

 The Depth of the River can be measured directly by Sounding rods,

Lead Lines for Low depths (up to 30m) and the same can be
measured / Calculated Indirectly by Echo sounder (Fathometer).

 The River Cross sections are used to ascertain the Depth of flow,
Foundation for the Diversion structure, Slope of the River bed and
making river models for Tail water Rating.
Codal Provision for Hydro Projects
 The L-Section on the upstream side shall extend from the axis of the
structure to the point up to which the back water effect is likely to
extend or up to the maximum water level ( MWL ) + 5 m whichever is
less. If any head works is situated within the reach, the L-Section
shall be taken up to the head works.
 On the downstream side, the L-Section shall extend for 10 km from
the axis of the structure or up to the nearest head works whichever
is less. The leveling of the L-Section shall be done at 50 m or less
intervals along the fair weather deep channel.
 The following items shall be indicated in the L-Section:
 a) Date of survey of the particular reach and water level on that
 b) Deep pools and rapids, rock outcrops, etc; and
 c) Maximum historical observed highest flood level ( H.F.L. ).
Codal Provision for Hydro Projects
 The X-Section on the upstream side shall be taken at 200 m
intervals up to MWL + 5 m or 1 km on either side of the firm bank,
whichever is less, for a distance of 2 km from the axis of
structure and thereafter at 1 km intervals corresponding to the
length of the L-Section.
 On the downstream side, X-Section shall be at 200 m intervals
and taken up to historical highest flood level + 1 m on either side
of firm bank for a distance of 2 to 5 km from the axis of the
structure depending upon the meandering nature of the river. An
X-Section shall also be taken along the axis of the structure. ‘The
leveling shall be done at 50 m or less intervals.
 The longitudinal and Cross Sections shall be plotted to a scale
of 1 : 2 500 horizontal and 1 : 100 vertical.
Reservoir Survey
 A reservoir survey is necessary to provide the basic data for
calculation of water storage capacity of a reservoir, for indicating
the limit of submergence areas and for locating the topographic
depressions or saddles in the reservoir rim which may cause
spilling or leakage of the reservoir.
 The scale and contour interval for topographical survey for
reservoir survey depend on the extent of the area and the
topography of the site. The reservoir survey is made with a view to
examining all possible alternatives for its locations and to
eliminate such of the proposals which become unsuitable from
considerations of technical feasibility, economy and practicability.
 Reservoir survey maps shall be made on scales ranging from I : 25
00 to 1:25000.
Site Survey
 A site survey is carried out to investigate the suitability of .a site
for a particular structure, such as dam site, power house or tunnel
site. A dam site survey should cover a sufficiently large area to
include all possible locations of the main dam, coffer dams,
spillways, separate outlet structures, and other appurtenances.
The scale of dam site survey maps may range from 1 : 1000 to 1 :
 Power house site survey should include an area for possible
construction of plant sites, stockpile areas, warehouse, switchyard
areas and camp sites. The scale of maps may normally be from
1 : 250 to 1: 1000.
 Tunnel site survey maps should be made along possible tunnel
alignments on scale 1 : 1000 to 1 : 10000.
Command Area Survey
 The command area is the area which is likely to be benefited
from the river valley project. The command area survey is very
important in order to know beforehand the capability of the
command area to make maximum use of the benefits of the
river valley project. Sometimes the command area survey is
also necessary to assist in designing the layout of main canals
and distributaries for irrigation purposes.

 The scale of command area survey maps should range from 1 :

10 000 to 1 : 1 5 000.
Communication Survey
 The movement of construction equipment and material to a
project construction site will normally require the construction
of access roads, as most project sites are not accessible from
existing highways. Sometimes branch lines from the existing
railway map be required. Existing railways and highways
running through the reservoir area may have to be relocated
where these are liable to be inundated or submerged by a
reservoir. The surveys are required for this purpose and for
deciding the alignment and grades of railways and highways.

 The surveys for the location or relocation of railways and

highways are normally performed by the field survey parties of
the railway or highways authorities who should be entrusted
with the determination of specification and survey instructions.
Investigation works for Reservoir Sites
 To Produce Efficient Design for Hydro Project Components and
Execution, the Project site must be investigated completely, So
that surprises can be avoided during Construction.

Generally the Investigation works for the Hydro Project done in

following stages,
 Reconnaissance
 Preliminary Investigation
 Detailed Investigation Stage
 Post-construction Stage
 In the reconnaissance stage, the objective of investigation is to
bring out the overall geological features of the reservoir and the
adjacent area to enable the designers, construction engineers
and geologists to pinpoint the geotechnical and ecological
problems which have to be tackled.

 The scale of geological mapping for this stage of work need not
be very large and the available geological maps on 1 : 50,000 or
1 : 250,000 scale may be made use of. It is advantageous to carry
out photo geological interpretation of aerial photographs of the
area, if available.

 If a geological map of the area is not available, a traverse

geological map should be prepared at this stage preferably
using the aerial photos as base maps on which the engineering
evaluation of the various geotechnical features exposed in the
area should be depicted.
 A topographical index map on 1 : 50 000 scale should be used
at this stage to delineate the areas which would require
detailed study, subsequently.

 To prevent an undesirable amount of leakage from the

reservoir, the likely zones of such leakage, such as major
dislocations and pervious or cavernous formations running
across the divide of the reservoir should be identified at this
stage of investigation for further detailed investigations.

 Major unstable zones, particularly in the vicinity of the dam in

tight gorges, should be identified at this stage for carrying out
detailed investigations for the stability of the reservoir rim.
 The locations for suitable construction material available in the
reservoir area should be pin pointed at this stage so that after
detailed surveys such materials can be exploited for proper
utilization during the construction stage prior to impounding of

 The rate of silting of the reservoir is vital for planning the

height of the dam and working out the economic life of the
project. dependent on the type of terrain in the catchment area
of the reservoir, the major geological formations and the
ecological set up should be recognized at this stage to enable a
more accurate estimation of the rate of silting of the reservoir.
Preliminary Investigation
 The object of preliminary investigation of the reservoir area is
to collect further details of the surface and subsurface
geological conditions, with reference to the likely problems
identified during the reconnaissance stage of investigation by
means of surface mapping supplemented by photo geological
interpretation of aerial photographs, hydro geological
investigations, geophysical investigations, preliminary
subsurface exploration and by conducting geo-seismological
studies of the area.

 On the basis of studies carried out during the reconnaissance

stage it should be possible to estimate the extent of exploration
that may be required during the preliminary stage of
Preliminary Investigation
 The potential zones of leakage from the reservoir and the
lateral extent of various features, such as extent of Aeolian
sand deposits, glacial till, land slides, major dislocations or
pervious and cavernous formations running across the divide,
should be delineated on a scale of 1 : 50000.

 The geohydrological conditions of the reservoir rim should be

established by surface and sub-surface investigation

 The extension of various features at depth, wherever

necessary, is investigated by geophysical exploration and by
means of pits, trenches, drifts and drill holes.

 Major unstable zones along the reservoir identified during the

reconnaissance stage and which are of consequence to the
storage scheme should be investigated in detail at this stage
by means of surface and sub-surface exploration. The areas
should be geologically mapped in detail on a scale of 1 : 2 000.
Detailed Investigation Stage
(Pre-construction stage)
 On the basis of the studies carried out during the preliminary
stage it should be possible to estimate the quantum of
exploration which may be required during the detailed stage of
investigation including the total number of holes required to be
drilled and the total number and depth of pits, trenches and
drifts as also the extent of geophysical survey which may be

 The zones, which on preliminary investigation are found to be

potential zones of leakage/seepage from the reservoir, and
which due to other considerations cannot be avoided are
geologically mapped on a scale of 1 : 2 000 and investigated in
detail at this stage by means of a close spaced sub-surface
exploration program. The purpose of this stage of investigation
is to provide the designers sufficient data to enable them to plan
the remedial treatment.
Construction Stage
 The compilation and evaluation of various geological reports
and drawings prepared during various stages of investigations
should be done. The compilation should also contain details of
remedial measures taken for the treatment of weak features
present in the reservoir basin, rim and foundation of the dam,
having relation to the stability of the reservoir rims, storage of
the reservoir and seismic aspects etc.
Post Construction Stage
 The object of post-construction geological investigations is to
monitor the critical problems encountered during all the stages
of investigation of the project and the effectiveness of
treatment provided to those weak features.
 It would be necessary to monitor the critical areas which are
susceptible to landslides or to keep a watch on the areas where
special treatment, such as that against leakage, has been
provided so that necessary action, if warranted, can be taken in
 Monitoring of the seepage in mines and quarries within the
zones of the influence of reservoir, precision geodetic repeat
surveys across fault planes or in slide prone areas and
evaluation of micro seismic and seismic data from the network
of seismological observatories has to be continued for a
sufficiently long time till adequate reassurance in the matter
has been achieved.
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