Fildzah IA - 14 Auliya KR - 19 Khairunnisa HAD - 30 Zahrin ANF - 31

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Fildzah IA -14
Auliya KR -19
Khairunnisa HAD -30
Zahrin ANF -31
Many schools now think to apply five day effective
school on their system. So they will have more
holidays at weekend then the students have
enough rest and have more time with their family.
But, many students is totally disagree with this
system because five day school will make they
have less time to have organization. And also, five
day school isn’t that effective and efficient.
First, in five day school, the end time of school activity
is become later, usually 4-5 p.m. If the student still
don’t understand materials that given by their teacher,
the student don’t have any other time to ask help from
the teacher. In SMA N 1 Yogyakarta called “science
policlinic service”. In one day, there are many lessons
than usual. It can make lesson become less effective.
Study time for one day is much longer. It will be go on
until afternoon or may be early evening. It means we
don’t have much time for other activities.
Second, it means that student have less time to join
the organization activities. Therefore, student in
Teladan are loving organization so much. It will be
harder to work if they only have Saturday and
Monday (moreover if the student won’t come to
school at holiday.). The extracurricular activity
won’t be able to do because students too tired
because they go home too late.
Third, the school fee is increasing. Student’s
daily money is also increasing because they
need more logistic for their activity at school.
In another side, the school is giving the student
two days for holiday will make them lazier.
Therefore, nowadays good students recognized
fun is when they do useful things with their
friends for themselves and everyone else. The
student may feel hard to adapt with the new
system because they have been very usual to six
day school.
Student and also the school must realize that
there are so many benefits on six day school.
Harder they work, smarter they are, (with some-
must-refreshing-time for sure). Five day school is
only one way for them to escape from the busy
schedule and a lot of subject. If we can manage
our time well, we would have both of fun and
knowledge. And, searching for that is one plus-
plus effort. End
Thanks for your attention

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