BC 2500xlt Manual

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PRECAUTIONS Before you read anything else, please observe the following: WARNING! Uniden DOES NOT represent this unit to be waterproct, To reduce the risk of fre or electiical shock, DO NOT expose this nit to rain or mosture, NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY WARNING. This equipmont contains @ NickelCadmium Banery Cadmium is a chemical known to the Stale of Calfomia to cause cancer. The Nickel-Cadmium Battery contained in this equipment may explode if disposed of ina fire. & Donot short circuit the battery. 15 Donat charge the Nickel Cadmium Battery in this equipment in any other charger ater han the one designed fo charge the battery. Using another charger may damage the battery, or cause the battery to explode, Nickel-Cedmium Battery Disposal Nickel-Cadmium Batteries Must Be Disposed Of Property. Read the Nickel-Cadmum Battery Disposal package inser for importart information 8 regsiered tradamatk of Uniden America Corporation ‘egislered tadernarko Uniden Amonca Comperation Table of Contents ‘About Your New BC 2500XLT .. What is Scanning? ....+cecseeecereee ‘Typos of Communication «2.2... ‘Where to Obtain More information Unpacking... Optional Accessories: Feature Highlights... Setup ..... Installing the Batery Pack Charging the Battery Pack... ‘Mounting the Flexible Antenna. Installing tha Bek Cip Scanning Overview. Programming Channels . C. Programming With SEARCH ...... , Programming With AUTO STORE ..... E. Transferring a Programmed Fraquency 19 ‘Another Opon Channal... teas Deleting a Stored Frequency. Customizing Soanner Operation... Sottng the Scenning Speed... Setting the Delay Mode Satting the Step Size ....... ‘Soting the LCD Display Light Preventing Accidental Prograrm ‘Locking the Rotary Tuner Channel Lock Out... Setting Up Priory Channels. Using COUNT to Monitor Channel Activity, Care and Maintenance .. Troubleshooting ‘Technical Specttications About Your New BC 2500XLT Tra BC 2500XLT is a brand new state-of-the-art information radiownh automatic scanning capabilites. It can store, frequencies such as police, fre/emergency, menine air, weather frequencies, and other broadcasts info 20 banks of 20 channels exch. The new Rotary Tuner feature enables rapid and eagy sélection of channels and frequencies. And with AUTO STORE, you can automatically program ary channel, With the BC 2500XLT, you can scan all 400 channels at selectable speeds, chiding the super fesi Turbo Scan. In addition, the 3C:2500XLT has AUTO SORT — an automatic ‘requency-sorting feature tor astar scanning wthin each bank. What is Scanning? Unlike standard AM or FM radio stations, most two-way Communications (isted below) do not transmit continuously. ‘The BC 2500XLT scans programmed channels at the rate of nearly 100 channels per secend (in Turbo Scan Mode), uni it finds an active frequency. ‘Scanning stops on an active trequency, and remains on that channel as long as ihe transmission continues, When the ‘ransrrission ends, the scanning cycle resumes until anothor transmission is recewved. An optional Delay can be set so that the scannar stays on the chan for 2 more seconds, weitng for ancther transmission before resuming scanning. Types of Communication Note: The BC 2500XLT will not tune within the Caltiiar Telephone Bard ‘You willbe able to monitor communication such as: Police and fre department (including rescue and paramedics) NOAA weather broadcasts (7 preprogrammed channels) Business/ndustril radio Motion picture and press relay ily Land transportation frequencies, such es trucking firme, busos, toxe, tow trucks, and railroads Matine and amateur (ram racio) bands Air band Public Service 800 MHz band ‘And many mare te folowing requancy ranges: 25-64 MHz, 54-108 MHz, 108-137 MHz, 197-174 MHz, 474-540.995 MHz, 760.000-823,005 Miz, 849.0125-668 005 ‘MHz, and 894.0125-1300.000 MHz. Where to Obtain More Information “The Bearcat Racto Club and cther similar hobby clubs have ‘publications, information on computer bulletin boards, anc ‘even contests for the radio enthusiast. See tha anclosad ‘parphiets for mora information. Additional information is also \walable through your local library. Unpacking Cerefuly chock the contents against this fst: BC 2500XLT Auto Scanner Rubber Antenna ‘AC Adapter/Charger (AD-2500U) Earphone Losthor-lke Canying Case Bott Cip ‘Tie Operating Guido Registration Form Frequancy Directories Order Form and other forms tt any tems are missing or damaged, contect your place of, purchase inmmecetely. Complete anc mail your Registration Form immediately, Please read thie Operating Guide thoroughly befere oporating the scanner. Optional Accessories. ‘The following optional scceesories for your BC 2500XLT ara avalabi rom your eal Union Dealer or trough the Unisen Customer Serves Center by caling: (317) 842-2489, 6: 05:00 PM EST, Menday through Fray. ‘Straight Cigarette Lighter Power Cord! (UAS02) - Uso for temporary operation frm your vehicle's cigarette lighter. Colted C1 Inter Power Cord (UA5O2A) - Usa tor {Emmotayopertin tom your vie’ ager ihr Spare Battery Pack (BP2500) Betty Bearcat Frequency Directory/Local Directories Usts all known frequencies throughout the U.S. or just for your area. NOTE: ‘The inatallation, possession, or use of this scanning radio in & motor vehicle may be prohibited, regulated, oF require a permit In certain states, clties, andlor local Juriadietion. Your local taw enforcement officials should be able to provide you with information regarding the laws in your communty. Feature Highlights Turbo Scan This lightning-fast technology enables: the BC 2500XLT to scan and search nearly 100 ‘channole or ctepe por second. Because tha frequency ‘covarage is 60 large (se8 “Technical Spectications” ‘section for band listing), a very fast scanning eyetorn is ‘essantal. That's why we combined our latest technology — Turbo Seen — inte the BC 2500XLT. VFO Control (Variable Frequency Osciliater) Tum the Rotary Tuner to select the desired frequency or channel. 400 Channels You can program eacit of Hose tromory channels te store.one frequency. 1 -20Banks Each bank contains 20 channels, usaful for storing similar frequencies in ordar to maintain faster ‘scanning eye's. M25 MHz- 1.3 GHz indicates tho range of frquencioe that can be searched within the bands of your scanner. (Note: The frequoncy coverage ie not totally Continuous trom 25.0 MHZ to 1-3GH2) Priory Channels You can assign one Priorty Channa! in each of Banks 1 through 10. Assigning priory channels allows you to keep track of actvty on Your most important channel(s) while montering ther ‘channels for anemigsione. Weather Channels Lets your scannerfurction as a weather information radio, Auto Store Automatically stores all active frequencies ‘within the spectied banks). Auto Sorting Programmed frequencies are automatically sorted within each Dank for faster scanning. 1 Battery-Free Memory The stored channels aro retained in memory when the Battery Packis removed {rom the scannei Controls and Indicators EXTERNAL When using an optonal Exel Speaker SPEAKER.ACK system, connect ihe Extemal Speaker plug bere, EARPHONE Plug the earphone into this jack for private won Ttening. Whon tho oarphone is connected, ‘he intemal speaker is dlsconnacted. ANTENNA _—_Connoct the rubber antenna to this BNC CONNECTOR connector and turn clockwise unti locks. ON-OFFVOLUME (Inner control) This control turns the scanner CONTROL on or olf, and also adjuets the volume. SQUELCH (Cuter contro!) Adjust the outer controlto set CONTROL the scanthreshad. When montoring a single channel in Manual Mode, adjust the Squeich Contra to aminata tha background rushing noise hearin the absence of en incoming signal. caanne.s (Quer contro) Tum the [CVFIL] Selector to FREQUENCY "C" Io enable Channel selection, orto"F to LOCK SELECTOR enable frequency selection. Inthe “L” Postion, the Rotary Tuner is disebied, and cannot be used to select (display) channs VFO CONTROL (Inner contro) Use the Rotary Tuner to (ROTARY TUNER) Select a channel oF frequency. Tum the ‘control clockwise to STEP UP, or counter- clockwiseto STEP DOWN, a channel or frequency. Front View eocccee e0e0cce Loo DISPLAY SCAN KEY MANUAL KEY DELAY KEY uo Key PRL KEY “The quia crystal display (LCD) shows th Gurestchanhel end wequency, aco. depays ne ose, sats arden Press [SCAN] 1o start scanning all [programmed channels that are nct locked S7(SEAN appee on te capey aura ‘canning {In Scan of Search Mode, press [MANUAL] ‘0 stop seanning or searching, and to select a chanel. After You stop the scanner, press PUANUAL] again to STEP UP a cntnna or fequenay. Fess and ldo pic at ‘through the channels or frequencies. Use the numeric Keypad to erter a channel ‘nurnbar, and than press [MANUAL] 10 ‘accees the channel. ‘There ara 7 NOAA weether channels. Press to find the active NOAA weather ‘channel in your area. (W2" appears on the sdiplay in Weather Modo.) Use [DLY] 10 tum ON of OFF the automatic 2-second delay during scanning or searching foracive reauenoes. (r Doty Made," ‘appeara onthe display.) In this mode, when tha seanner monitors an active frequency, ‘searching or scanning wil not resume unt ‘ransrrission stops for 2 seconds. bjs [LAO] ook cto povert eaning ofthe doplayed channel cluding Pron Siahnet Hu" appaars an he 10 Unlock channel pres {UO} agar. (U0) ante uned n Marval lode, Hold Mode, or mn Jo, only on programmed fan Todi econ aces, ‘ur the Fotary Tuner, or prose [LD], fe, er {MANUAL} to manualy stop {hough theseected bank (Note: Lasting ‘ula channel wil not erase tho programed frequency.) ‘You can assign ‘piety’ to one channel in ‘each of Banks 1 {hrough 10. To assign priory first display the selected channel, nd then press and hold [PRA tor more than 25 seconds. AP" appears on the display Doside the Priorty Channel. In Priority Made, the seannar montore the Priorty Channaks) ‘every 2 seconds. I! activity is detected, the ‘seannat monitors that channel until no exgnal is provert. (PAT appears on the display, arene’ aE) ig gt role ae a ae a ee rremiectnan wey Acetone Iubeg arly 100 : ‘COUNT Key Use [ONT] to indicate the numberof times ‘he scanner stopped on a channel dung its last scan. Fist press [MANUAL] to stop caning, Then poss (ENTE, (Court Mode, pears on the daniay : Hose is Bolry Rene or proce [MANUAL] fo dsplay each channel and nummer count “Turn the Channal/Frequency/Lock Selector EFA to enable or cisabie tne Rotary jana. KEYPAD LOCK Press and hold [LGK] for 2 seconds totum tho kaypad ON er OFF. “xevuex’ appears ‘on the display when the keypad is disabled. Use i ky fe aol ay sede Koy lucie KEY Prose [LHT] totum dpey taht ON fo 18 seconcs. Press [LHT] manually ‘urn the light OFF. ” ‘numenie Use these keys toprogram a channel for KEYPAD scanning. Also us9 to access a channel directly with [MANUAL]. During Scan se See ete umaamaneaer Saleted bank meats) appear gn he fisplay) Note: You cannot deactivate all 20 Bank Channel Bank Channel L___ 1 =20 11 ao1+220 2 40, 12 Bet 240 3 60 13 241-260 ‘ 4 1 = 80. 14 261-280 5 81-100 15 281-300 6 101-120 16 301-320 7 se1-140 17 31-340 ‘ a 441-180 18 341-360 9 161-120 19 361-380 10 181-200 20 381-400 se This key has several functions: (a) Press [J (SHED KEY with anumanc key to enter a bank number" from 11-20. For example, to select Bank Trpress [J (3). To select Bank 20, press Ich {b) press this hey twice o lear a Rumer you entered curt procra (Preah encore re ru Sountin Count uw Key STEP KEY ENTER KEY urtsay — erm ——| SEARCH KEY 2000000 e000 now KEY Tole hay hes two funtion in Semech Hoc: mais ete tape se Sari a St me seeests iar Sa forme than one second 10 repay move ae ‘To sot the lower and upper imts of the ‘search band, frst enter the number forthe {ower rat and press [LMI] Then enter tho number forthe upper mit end prese [LMT]. Use [STP] to change the step increment Wroleceosing roqverces’ Press {Steyt6 ‘Chango the factory preset aulo stop 15 Kz, {as hriz, 25 Wi or 50 Wz, or press [1 {we to reset back to auto steps, (The ‘Selected stop seting appears on the deplay,) tha numedic Keypad) See Sopyedgetrey roan fayed channel you ty to store ne Fegumry re rar ape be splay nil afow te engral channel for oat store fear faquaney Ifo the solected Ghar, press [E] agai. Press [SRC] to start searching for activa frequencies wihin preset rangss of a band. Normally, the search continues trom the frequency where i loft off in the previous search, The scanner wil automatically start ‘sonrehing upward from tho lowest frequency ‘of ts band. ("3RCH” appears on the display in Soarch Mode.) uring Search, you can prass[ the doplayed linqvency_ and prose ‘agan fo manually stap down a frequancy, or THLD] to manualy otep up a cy. Press and fold [LMT] or [HLD} to rapiclyetep trough the frequencies. Pras {HLD] in Search Mods to stop gearching. (HOLS appears on tho dleplay ) Press [HLD] again 10 step up one channel. Press and hoid[HLD] for more than 1 second to rapidly move through the, Requences, In Hold Wepre Lar] 0 P DOWN to the next lower frequency. Yo resume the search, press [SRC Use [AUTO] to automaticaly sore active Hog lonces io span (rep cans ot ‘pected banks. To uso Auto Stor, firet aot ‘Ne upper anc lower ints of tne bandt0 be. ‘searched. In Soarch Mode, prees [AUTO} to ‘activate the Auto Store feature, Press the ‘tumerie key(s) forthe bankis) to store the frequencies. (AUTO appears on the display tohold 1" SOL SSL RAAT IR Satup Seno KEY Press [SND] to transfer a displayed frequency to any open (ernpty) Dank channel. ‘The BC 2500XLT comes with a rechargeable Nickal Cadmium eae ihe bank ie en ae aS ok, Battery Pack. When fully charged, this Battery Pack will ‘Fran prose [E] © complate the taser. SPI up 1G hours of Sepande use. Before using the BC 2500XLT for the first time, or whenever Sa tgu anteny honor appear on re [CD copay, You LED Dieptay should fully charge the Battery Pack. Note: When the Betry Pack Siow, the Low Baty tak asseravonwaNeuT em) ” ear nt eA i aed Seka une0 scaN Pal DY AUTO. show cowT aad | —Sonmrey dechaed, pegslgseé. 8868 + Ree tacos ue et ne any Pk HOLD UO WX 12.50 KHz AM NFM WM KEW Installing the Battery Pack MaMORY BANK (1 through 20) Each morory bank onsite 1, Turnthe Or-OffVolume Control OFF. ‘NUMBERS Zo chant that you can slot ot densest ng seaneing operation tsi tin 2. Sidothe pack ono the batom of he scanner unin number appears cn ine ‘When Eee i ian you to tfop scanning, ony the ban ofthe curent channel eppeers. MODE Indicate the current mode(a) of operation INDICATORS (TURBO, SCAN, PRI, DLY, AUTO, SCH, COUNT, HOLD, UO, WACKEYLOGK). Each of these modes is desciibedin the Front Panel ay desciiption. Note: Only the active mode(s) fare ciplayed during operation. y BisEaron hori scarnormusis Prage ao selected bond, Whie searching acive acuoels you ean cr Bee eee | PaaRe acto tone” Rote: Lassi Charging the Battery Pack spits slope ae eased when you urn off — 4, ug the AC Adaper/hargor (AD-2500U) into the Charging Jack located on the back of the Battery Pack. SIGNAL MODE Displays the automatic signal selection: aM, INDICATOR NFM, OF WEA, apres se eniy te supped AC Adept ae yer. Any ‘adapter or external power, LOWBATTERY Appears on the daplay when the Banory eATOR Pecks ow and needs ocharging. denieg cervohage o reveotc poled oan camer ove leioatee the cunerk charinal tet ihe 2. Plug the AC Adepter/Charger into a standard AC outlet. FREQUENCY —_— indicates the frequency being received by the nueeR scanner. 12 3 “Tofuly charge the battery lava the Acapter/Cherger connected or 140 16 hours. Note: You can operate ‘ho unit while the batters changing. 3. When charging is complete, disconnect the Adepter/ Charger from the AC outlet and from the Battery Pack. Note: Disconnect the AC Adapter/Charper trom the unit ‘during a power failure. Mounting the Flexible Antenna lace the end ofthe entonna onto tha BNC connecter on top cf the scanner and tum clockwise until tight. Installing the Belt Clip Place the Belt Clip slightly above the mounting arsa on tha bback of the scanner, and press downward and in. 14 Scanning Overview Note: Before operating the BC 2500XL for the firs! ime, ‘maka sure you have tuly charged the Battery Pack. 1. Before turing on the scanner, rotate the Squalch ‘Control fuly clockwise. 2. Tur the scanner on by rotating the On-OffVolume Control clockwise untl you hear a cfck. Adjust the volume to a comfortable listening level 4. Turn the Squelch Control clockwise unti a “rushing” noise is heard. Then tum the Squelch Contio! counterclockwise just nti the rushing noise @iseppears. At tha aquoich threshold, any incoming signal just tightly stronger than the noise will open the squetch. Note:_ Wen squetch is open. you can hea the broadcast (scanning is stopped). i aqueich is set too tight, that, too far ‘counterclockwise from the threshold poirt. a stronger signal {a required fo open the squelch. Hfoquelch is eet on a poor {rom the thrashold| you wil hear @ constant sound (no's, iro signal is present.) The scanner wil net scant. ‘The BC 2500KLT has 400 memory channels, each of which ‘can be programmes to store one frequency. ‘The channels are

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