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Akshit Bansal
Section - E
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p S Motor Company is the third largest two-wheeler manufacturer in India and one among the top ten
in the world, with annual turnover of more than USD 1 billion in 2008-2009, and is the flagship company
of the USD 4 billion p S Group. phe company has 4 plants - located at Hosur and Mysore in South India,
in Himachal Pradesh, North India and one at Indonesia. phe company has a production capacity of 2.5
million units a year. p S Motor's strength lies in design and development of new products - the latest
launch of 7 products on the same day seen as a first in automotive history. We at p S deliver total
customer satisfaction by anticipating customer need and presenting quality vehicles at the right time
and at the right price. phe customer and his ever changing need is our continuous source of inspiration.
p S has always stood for innovative, easy to handle, environment friendly products, backed by reliable
customer service.





At the heart of the new product launches is the Production peam, setting to motion the dream put
forward by the R&D.


phe management philosophy is based on five pillars of pM (potal uality Management) which rests on
the foundation of potal Employee Involvement, daily management and Kaizen (Continuous



phe potal Employee Involvement program ensures that responsibility for the company's performance is
the shared responsibility of all levels of employees. It provides all employees with the opportunity to be
involved in breakthrough activities and other improvements, over and above their daily routine.


Daily work management consists of defining and monitoring key processes, ensuring that they meet set
targets, detecting abnormalities and preventing their recurrence. p S Motor encourages continuous
improvement in all aspects of work, using Cross Functional peams (CFp), Supervisory Improvement
peams (SIp) uality Control Circles (CC) and suggestion schemes

phe five pillars start with policy management, which is used to arrive at the annual breakthrough
objectives. phere are generally not more than three company objectives, arrived at after a detailed
exercise, which are deployed and reviewed periodically.

phe company conducts an exhaustive range of training programs, utilising both in-house skills and
consuftants from all over the world. phe programs are conducted for all employees, at all levels.


When we won the Deming Prize in uality in 2002, we were the only two wheeler manufacturer in the
world to have won the award. However, our penchant for quality continues as we work in line with the
principles of Kaizen (Japanese for Continuous improvement) and pM (potal uality Management).

p S Motor company Ltd (p S Motor)- member of the p S group is the largest company of the group in
terms of size and turnover.



ã phe people that make up the p S Group work in an environment of

shared ideas, efforts and responsibilities. 




Strong emphasis on employee welfare and systems for continuous training has allowed different
businesses to attract, retain and develop outstanding talent.

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 % Built by many people over many years, 

% Its commitment to competitive excellence is combined with total,
uncompromising integrity.

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Ask anyone who has taken a ride in the p S Apache RpR and they will simply compare
the bike to a 250 cc. Delivering 15 bhp from a 160 cc engine, the bike is certainly
tweaked for performance. phe pickup is terrific and one needs to feel the
rev of the RpR engine to get a feel of its spirit.


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poday s needs are very unique. While people want their bikes to be in line with the
gadgets they use, they are also keen to get value for money. Add to this the task of
bringing out cleaner, fuel efficient bikes, and the challenge becomes even tougher.


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All technology features are aimed at providing value to a customer - be it matching the
features - expectation or price point. While the performance aspect is taken to its
optimum, the engineers at p S try to work towards building bikes that are easy to ride,
economical to maintain and at the same time are easy on the environment.

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Alternative fuels are also a big avenue for study. phe three wheelers launched recently
will be available in LPG and CNG models. Alternative fuels, lower fuel emission
techniques are a very important part of R&D at p S Motor


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At p S every product is built as a green initiative. By being responsible today, we believe
we are enabling a better tomorrow. Building fuel economical vehicles to positively
impact our ecosystem is at the heart of our Ecodynamism

All technology features are aimed at providing value to a customer - be it matching the
features - expectation or price point. While the performance aspect is taken to its
optimum, the engineers at p S try to work towards building bikes that are easy to ride,
economical to maintain and at the same time are easy on the environment.

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Did you know that by 2020 the scrap generated from end-of-life vehicles in India will be
about 2.5 million tonnes? And, as much as 40 per cent of this will come from two
wheelers. Sad fact is that India does not have any infrastructure to handle scrap and also
the number of vehicles available for scrapping now is not significant to justify a huge
investment on infrastructure now. While scrapping of old vehicles is looming large as a
national environmental issue, p S can proudly assert that 85% of all p S vehicles are
completely recyclable.

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Using value chain analysis has two very clear advantages:

1) You focus only to core of your business

2) You focus to points that add value for all stakeholders in the value chain 

ã p S is the    


audited by external consultants of international repute.

ã p S has taken care to    "

  . Up
gradation of facilities and continuous improvement in all processes is given
importance. phe company also takes an active part in imparting training and
capability building in all areas including sales, service and business management.
All our dealers are connected through the

!'), ensuring
operational efficiency

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ã Forming the inner rung of the extended p S family, p S͛s suppliers are involved
at every stage of product development.

ã It extend 
 . phrough continuous
training forums they impart pPM (potal Productivity Maintenance) and JIp (Just
in pime) practices.

ã Suppliers are committed to quality through continuous improvement and up

gradation of processes. phis has helped them obtain 


ã p S also facilitate knowledge sharing by reputed international consultants in

order to build & enhance management expertise within its supplier base.

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All the activities that p S is doing in its Physical alue Chain (P C) are being
augmented multifold by its efforts in establishing and improving the irtual
alue Chain ( C -the flow of information across its value activities). For
example, p S has implemented SAP ERP package for all necessary modules like
production, materials, finance, marketing, assets, quality, sales and distribution
so that only single version of right information is available with everybody at any
time. It reduced duplication of efforts across many functional areas.

Further, p S has been able to connect real-time with 72% of its vendors. phis
ensures seamless flow of information about the products, components between
itself and its collaborators beyond the physical boundaries, making the whole
process much more integrated & robust, as if the same system is being used
across location & plants, irrespective of the ownership. Significant reduction of
transaction costs can be achieved in this manner. phese aspects are essential
factors of its successes in applying the JIp manufacturing philosophy.

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