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The University of Texas at Dallas

School of Management

MIS 6334 Syam Menon

Advanced Business Intelligence Spring 2011

Office SOM 3.421

Phone (972) 883–4779

Class Hours Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. (SOM 2.115)

Office Hours Wednesdays, 5:45 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.

Prerequisites MIS 6324, OPRE 6302.

Outline This course is intended to expose students to advanced techniques in business intelli-
gence. In addition, it will introduce students to the basic concepts of SAS needed as
part of the data mining certificate program. These topics will include data manipula-
tion, imputation, variable selection, SAS/STA, SAS/ETS and other modules.
The advanced business intelligence techniques will cover the following broad areas: data
analytics (e.g., data pre-processing, cleansing, feature selection, data imputation, active
learning), model analytics (e.g., advanced models, model selection, model enhancement
and model combination), advanced customer analytics (e.g., consumer choice, counting
& timing, loyalty, life-time value, profitability, survival), web intelligence analytics (e.g.,
web text mining, social network analysis, user-generated content analysis) and special
topics on analytics (e.g., optimization, risk analysis, survival analysis, business process
management, firm efficiency analysis, decision making analysis).

Learning Objectives → To learn advanced business intelligence tools

→ To have working knowledge of SAS

Required Book The Little SAS Book: A Primer, 4e, by Lora Delwiche and Susan Slaughter.
SAS Press, ISBN-10: 1599947250, ISBN-13: 978-1599947259

Required Software SAS 9.2, TextMiner, Weka, UCINET, and Excel Solver.

Groups This class involves many group projects and presentations. Groups should comprise
3-5 students, and should be formed as soon as possible. Once formed, altering the
groups will not be possible except in very special circumstances.

Additional Reading Various additional articles will be posted each week. Some of these articles will be
required class presentations by student groups.

Assessment Grades for the course will be determined by two examinations (25% each), homework
assignments & projects (45%) and class participation (5%). The grade for class par-
ticipation will depend on multiple factors. Attendance, while not mandatory is very
likely to affect your performance in class. If you have to miss a lecture, please make
arrangements with other students to ensure that you are up-to-date. The quality of
presentations will affect the class participation grade substantially, as will the ac-
tual participation itself — students should discuss the assigned readings both in
class, and on the discussion board in eLearning. Regular, useful participation is
encouraged. Extra effort that benefits the class will be rewarded as well.
MIS 6334 — Advanced Business Intelligence Spring 2011
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Grades The grades will be assigned on a curve, with approximately 35-40% getting A or A-, approxi-
mately 40-45% getting B+, B or B-, and the rest getting a grade of C or below. The grading
distribution may change if necessary.

Comments You are responsible for any announcements made in class (including alterations to the schedule).
You are also responsible for material distributed in class and through eLearning.
Academic dishonesty will result in disciplinary proceedings as noted in the student catalog at

Tentative Course Outline

(Some of these topics might change)

Week Date Material Covered

01 12-Jan-11 Overview

02 19-Jan-11 Data Analytics; SAS Data Manipulation

Missing data problem (imputation), noise data (outlier detection), data preprocessing
(feature selection), data reduction (factor analysis, PCA), Introduction to SAS, creating
a SAS data set from raw data

03 26-Jan-11 Model Analytics I; SAS Data Management

Advanced Models: Naı̈ve Bayes, Bayesian Networks, Support Vector Machines, SAS data

04 02-Feb-11 Model analytics II; SAS Data Management

Boosting, bagging, stacking, active learning, model selection (AIC, BIC), ROC, ensemble.
Introduction to Weka.

05 09-Feb-11 Overview of relevant Probability and Statistics; SAS Programming I

Bayesian theory, common distributions, statistics. SAS Programming — arrays, loops.

06 16-Feb-11 Advanced Customer Analytics I; SAS Programming II

Poisson and negative binomial models, evaluating goodness-of-fit, alternative estimation
techniques(methods of moments), MLE. SAS programming II — Modules, macros.

07 23-Feb-11 Advanced Customer Analytics II; SAS Simulation

Choice vs counting, binomial distribution, beta-distribution — mixture model, timing
model, forecasting new product adoption, Exponential-gamma and Weibull distributions,
Loyalty programs and Customer life-time value.

08 02-Mar-11 Complete leftover material; discuss Examination I

09 09-Mar-11 Examination I
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Tentative Course Outline


Week Date Material Covered

10 16-Mar-11 Spring Break

11 23-Mar-11 Special Topics I

Fraud detection, LTV analysis, model with limited data

12 30-Mar-11 Advanced Customer Analytics III; SAS Modules I

Conditional probabilities, Poisson and NBD regression, logistic regression

13 06-Apr-11 Web Intelligence Analytics I; SAS Modules II

Advanced web mining, text mining, mining user-generated content. Proc IML, Proc

14 13-Apr-11 Web Intelligence Analytics II; SAS Modules III

Social network analysis, SAS Module on Panel data analysis, Proc REG, Proc GLM.

15 20-Apr-11 Special topic II; SAS Modules IV; discuss Examination II

Some mix of business performance management, business process management, opti-
mization, productivity/efficiency analysis (DEA), change management, event studies, BI
in decision making. Advanced SAS Modules.

16 27-Apr-11 Examination II

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