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Human Resource Management

About These Sample Slides

• This sample contains the first 10 slides only.

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Learning Objectives
• Understand the importance of Human Resource
Management to the organization

• Appreciate the key functions associated with

Human Resource Management

• Implement a Human Resource Planning Process

• Understand the importance of Recruitment and

Learning Objectives
• Detail the main types of Compensation and
Benefits Systems

• Implement an effective Performance

Appraisal Process

• Understand the function of Training and

Development and its importance to the
HRM & The Organization
What is Human Resource Management?

• Basic Definition
– ‘managing the employment relationship’
(Tyson, 1987)

• Key Assumption
– Employees are the most important asset of
the organization
Key Functions

Human Resource Planning

Recruitment & Selection

Compensation & Benefits

Performance Appraisals

Training & Development

Human Resource Planning
What is Human Resource Planning?

• “an effort to anticipate future business

and environmental demands upon and
organization and to provide personnel to
fulfil that business and satisfy that
(Bowey, 1974)
Human Resource Planning

• Human resource planning must be integrated

within the organizations strategic plans

• Senior management must emphasize the

importance of human resource planning

• Human resource planning must be based on

the most accurate information available

Source: Adapted from Tyson & York, 1992

Human Resource Planning

• Human resource planning must be

assigned or located within a central unit

• A clear plan must be developed with

associated time-spans and scope of

Source: Adapted from Tyson & York, 1992

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