CVII Minutes 1-19-10 Public Minutes

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Attendees: Robert Somers, Acting President

Blake Surbey, Treasurer
Mark Bostwick, Secretary
David Henry, Member

Others Present: Peter Freedman, General Manager

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary
Six Residents

I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm by Acting President, Robert Somers.

II. Resident Forum

• A resident inquired about bulk trash signage and monthly pickups.
• A resident reported maintenance items to be repaired.
• A resident inquired about the process for replacing windows and whether his unit was located
within the historic district.

III. Reading and Approval of Minutes

A Motion was made by Mr. Henry to approve the December 2009 Meeting Minutes as written.
The Motion was seconded by Mr. Somers and passed with 3 votes. Mr. Surbey abstained from
the vote.

IV. Matters for Board Action

Insurance Renewal
A Motion was made by Mr. Surbey, seconded by Mr. Henry and approved unanimously to renew the
annual insurance policy with Greater New York.

Roof Proposals
It was the Board’s consensus to task Management with obtaining another proposal for tuckpointing work
to be done at the rear of 1741 Troy Street.

Late Fee Policy

It was the Board’s consensus to accept the revisions made to the late fee policy adopted in December

Window Replacement Request

It was the Board’s consensus to approve a unit owner’s (1774 Troy Street, #717) request to replace
windows in their unit contingent upon Management confirming the unit was not located within the
historic district.

Board Member Candidacy

Board members reconvened from Executive to Public Session at 8:50pm to discuss positions. A Motion
was made by Blake Surbey that he resign as Treasurer to fill the vacant President’s position, and David
Henry would fill the Treasurer’s position. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Henry and carried
Colonial Village II
January 2010 Meeting Minutes
Page 2

V. Adjournment
It was the Board’s consensus to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm to enter into Executive Session.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 7:00 pm

CVII Meeting Room – 1701 N. Troy Street

Respectfully Submitted by:

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary

Approved by:

_____________________________ ______________________
Mark Bostwick, Secretary Date

Current and previous Board Meeting Minutes are available on the website at

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