Brittany Ianneo's Letter of Recommendation

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CAL POLY California Polytechnic State University ‘San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 Re: Ms. Brittany Roach Dear Sir or Madam: It is with great pleasure that I recommend Ms. Brittany Roach as a dependable, caring, and motivated candidate. Brittany consistently displays what it means to be a leader and embodies our university's mission to foster achievement and lean by doing. I observed Brittany's professionalism, clear communication, consistent high level quality of work, and willingness to be a team player while employed at Cal Poly University Disability Resource Center (DRC). Brittany is a stand out against her peers. Not only is she motivated with an infectious personality, she is dependable. As an Assistant Coordinator, Brittany siccessfully worked with diverse people with varying needs. Brittany consistently presents the ability to be tactful, diplomatic, and accommodating to all those she encounters. As an ADA Access Specialist, I relied heavily on Brittany's ability to successfully interact with the public and determine their needs efficiently. Brittany does so with professionalism that exceeds far above her peers. She presents herself in a manner beyond her years, as evidenced by her ability to solve problems and assume responsibilities with confidence. Brittany has grown and adapted to changes in our department and has been offered well deserved promotions due to her ability to interact well with the public, even during stressful situations. This is directly related to her mastering a variety of communication styles which enable Brittany to be an effective communicator who is articulate and approachable. I directly observed Brittany diffuse hostile situations at our front desk and calm the nerves of frustrated faculty and students simply by reading people and listening to their individualized needs. She possesses the ability to convey information in a clear and cogent manner while adding a flare of fun when appropriate. Brittany’s communication skills are a valuable asset that will benefit any organization looking for a leader who can manage others and made them feel valued. Brittany displays high standards and produces flawless work. She is diligent and focused even when duties require her to multitask. Brittany is an employee who can be turned loose to complete tasks, which little supervision, yet she still met all deadlines without prompts or reminders, Brittany is a self-starter who displayed a “can do” attitude, which was well received by our DRC staff. Brittany consistently presented herself as a team player which made working with her a pleasure. Brittany is a valued member of our office. In the three years I have had the privilege of collaborating with her, she has consistently demonstrated professional behavior, the desire to learn, commitment to support diverse people, perseverance to complete all tasks assigned, and a positive attitude towards public service. I cannot think of another candidate more worthy of joining your organization. If you would like to speak more about Brittany's enthusiasm, perseverance, and commitment to interact with the public, please feel free to contact me (805) 550- 3650. Lucky is the organization who gets to have Brittany on their team. She will be greatly missed at the DRC. Thank you. Sincerely, fritters, denna? Brittany inal ts, Credentiaied Educational Psychologist ADA Access Specialist ng Bach La Angle» Marine Ace he Calo Sie Unive ae» Chm i= aps En yet a Hate ag Bech Le pe “a Muy Boy * Node» Re» Samens* an Beanie * ar Dag San cn" San * Sa Lit Op

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