Master Mods Volume 1

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Price $239.95 C.B. TUNE-UP | aN | Covers Over 2000 Different Radios Includes 23 & 40 Channel And all Export CBs This Manual Will Cover 99% of all Radios Page ‘TUNE-UP_ SECTION. Actionline Radios. Alaron Radios.......+ American Electronics Argo Radios. Argus Radios Audiovox Radios Automatic Radios. Beltek Radios. Beta Radios... Boman Radios Bristol Radios. Browning Radios Caltron Radios. , Channel Master. Claricon Radios Clarion Radios. . Cobra Radios... Colt Radios. Commando Radios Commtron Radios Connex Radios... Convoy Radios. Courier Radios. C.P.I Radios Craig Radios Dak Radios..... Echo Radios... Fanon Radios Falcon Radios.. FieldnasterRadios. Formac Radios. Fox Radios... Fulconm Radios. Puzabuster Radios. Galaxy Radios. Gemtronics Radios. General Electric......15 General Motors-pelco..16 Globe Radios 116 Granada. + +16 Gran Prix... 16 TABLE of CONTENTS Page GreatRadios. VW Ham International. ....17 Handic Radios. a 7 18 Hitachi Radios... RY-Gain Radios: TTT Radios... Intek Radios... J.C. Penny Radios.. STL Radios. Johnson Radios K-40 Radios 20 K-Mart Radios. est Kingshood Radios. 21 Kraco Radios. . Kris Radios Lafayette.. Lake Radios... Lincoln Radios Marko Radios.......++.23 Medallion Radios......23 MetroSound Radios. ....24 Midland .....24,25,26,27 Mopar Radios...+++++++27 Morse/Electrophonic. ..27 Motorola Radios....27, 28 N.D.I. Radios... 128 Nuyox Radios.. Olson Radios... Ominivex Radios. Orbitsonic Radios. Pace Radios: Pal Radios... Palomar Radios: Panasonic Radios. Pearse Simpson . Pioneer Radios: President Radios. Pyramid Radios: Questar Radios........32 Ranger Radios... ......33 Ray Jefferson Radios. .33 RCA Radios........++..33 Realistic. ...33,34, 35, 36 Regency Radios. Roadmaster Radios. Roberts Radios... Robyn Radios... Royce Radios. Rystal Radios Saga Radios..... Sam Radios. .....++4+++39 Sankyo Radios Sanyo RAdios.. SBE Radios...... Sears Radios. Shakespeare Radios. Shark Radios Sharp Radios... Siltronix Radios......41 Sparkomatic Radios. ...41 Stag Radios..... Standard Radiog.......42 Starfire Radios. Stereosonic Radios. Superscope Radios. Superstar Radios......42 Surveyor Radios. Teaberry Radios. enna Radios Texas Star Radios. ‘Thunder Radios....;.+.44 ‘Tram Radios. 44 Tristar Radios.....44,45 ‘TRS Challenger Radios. 45 Truetone Radios. .45, 46 Unic Radios. . Uniden Radios. .... Unimetrics Radios. Utac Radios... Vector Radios Wards Radios... Wells Radios........ Westpoint Radios. Whistler Radios. Xtal Radios....... Zodiac Radios Radio Modification Section.......... Repair Tip Section Variable Alignaent Section.........-... Index. +49 160 168 ©1995 All Domestic and Foreign Rights Reserved as ©1995 Thomas Publeing (217) t60-s200 (1 (CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Mastr Edltion Vol REVISED EDITION FIRST PRINTING - August 1892 SECOND PRINTING - January 1895 CB TUNE-UP MANUAL MASTER EDITION VOLUMEI Printed in the United States of America Copyright © 1992, 1995 by THOMAS PUBLISHING Paris, 1161944 COPYRIGHT © 1995 All rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without express permission, of editorial , pictorial, or graphic content , in any manner is prohibited. AG ay Fhomas Publishing Manuals that pay from theix first use ©1995 Hhomas Pablshing (207) 066 -t210 (21 (CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Master Eation ol C.B. TUNE-UP MANUAL MASTER EDITION VOLUME | (COPYRIGHT 1905 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ‘THOMAS PUBLISHING DISCLAIMER Every precaution was made to limit all errors. However the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the information's use contained herein, INTRODUCTION Improving C.B. performance is often attempted by many without knowing which adjustments to use, or modifications to make. Even more frustrating is trying to remember or compile this information for future use. It has been our goal to supply this information in an easy to understand MANUAL FORMAT, However this information is not intended to be used to exceed F.C.C. specifications. Some information is for EXPORT use ONLY. In COLUMN I you will find the MODEL NUMBER of each radio, COLUMN 2 provides MODULATION information, COLUMN 3 provides AM POWER ADJUSTMENTS, and COLUMN 4 lists S.S.B. ADJUSTMENI first will be for $.8.B. modulation and the second is for the S.S.B. power (ALC). If only one adjustment if applicable, On some S.S.B. models we have shown 2 adjustments, The is shown in the Ssb column then it will be for S.S.B. power (ALC). On some models you will notice that we have not listed the POWER ADJUSTMENTS. Our reasoning for these omissions were due to the fact that on certain radios we found that increasing the MODULATION ONLY was needed, or the POWER ADJUSTMENTS were of little importance. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND Paradynamic's PDC-600-LP. METER made by Valor for adjusting and checking your RADIOS. Another good meter is the TC-400] DOSY TEST CENTER METER. It is a very accurate meter and it also shows SSB MODULATION, We also weleome any ideas, suggestions, or tips that you may have or would like to share for our future MANUALS. Please be as specific as possible on any tips that you may send to us. Your help will be greatly appreciated Send to: THOMAS PUBLISHING, 128 EASTWOOD, PARIS, IL 61944 ©1995 Fhomas 9 Peblshing (247) W096 42 13] (CH TUNE-UP MANUAL Master Editon Vol! HOW IO USE THIS MANUAL In COLUMN 1 you will find the MODEL NUMBER of each radio, COLUMN 2 provides MODULATION information, COLUMN 3 provides AM POWER ADJUSTMENTS, and COLUMN 4 lists S.S.B. ADJUSTMENTS if applicable. On some S.S.B. models we have shown 2 adjustments. The first will be for S.S.B. modulation and the second is for the S.S.B. power (ALC). If only one adjustment is shown in the SSB column then it will be for S.S.B. power (ALC). See footnote for more Adjust R268 for modulation or cut one j : er Adjust RV8 for SSB specific information, end of D207 or remove C273 from the modulation & RV5 for circuit. SSB power. Some of the POWER ADJUSTMENTS listed do not have tuning slugs: However these coils can still be adjusted by either spreading the coils or by moving the coils closer together. These coils can be modified by removing | turn in order to allow you fo move them closer together, and increase tuning range. \sse POWER ee ee aiuto ee Se lied = ae ee ee es ee B-4900 Remove C228 or Cut D208 L401,L403,L406 Ni oe eee a | LO 76-501 VR4« or Cut D18 L8,L10 76-551 VR4 or Cut D7 L8,L9 76--60 | VR4 or Cut D18 L8,L10 \ssp POWER ARGO 300 mo or — C135 ~TRV6(AM), RV7 (FM) Bee. ©1995 Fhomas Publishing (247) 466-4270 [4] CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Master Edition Vol.1 ARGUS RADIOS (MODEL MODULATION ‘AM POWER SSB POWER foo RvB RVI [nvanvs AUDIOVOX RADIOS [MODEL MODULATION AM POWER \SSB POWER 100 |Cut D12, x5 IMcB-500 R68 oc Cut DIG Ls IMcB-750 [VRS or Cut D9 TA IMCB-1000 [VRS or Cut DII & DIZ L16,L15,L14,VR10 IMCB-2000 R145 or Cut D108 or Rem.C173_ | T114, TUS. = IMcB-3000, VRS or Remove C48 rrer9 IMcB-5000 _ [R268 or Cut D207 or Rem.C273_[1202,1204 Iapu6000 R279 or CutD200 orD215 [L202 lwinDsoR {VRS orCu DI &D12 Li6.L15;.14,VRIO AUTOMATIC RADIOS MODEL MODULATION |AM POWER |SSB POWER. lean2265 [R207 or Cut D201 L205 <2 BELTEK RADIOS [MODEL MODULATION AM POWER SSB POWER ENDURO S Ria? o1sa,.1is [ENDURO 23 R191 or Cut CR120 & CRI21 LIS : BETA RADIOS ‘MODEL MODULATION |AM POWER |SSB POWER [BETA 2s DELUXE _[ewRTs BOMAN RADIOS (MODEL MODULATION |AM POWER |SSB POWER [cB-sis IRVS or Cut DIO evi ce-555 TyRs8i or CueDs81 & D482 (LASI,LA63 |CB-720B |Cut CD12 as L3 |CB-725 }VR481 or Cut D481 & D482 AS11463 co-750 FFVR3 or CutDi0 23.22 |CB-770 | VR206 or Cut D213 |VC201,L.301 |VR205, cut D17 (Ene |CB-910_ sf |RV2 or Remove C96 L7,LA1,L12 |CB-920, RV2orRemove C96 [L7,L11,L12, 5-330 IRV2 or Remove C96 LILI. \CB-950 IRV 12 or Remove Q37 & Q38 VR4 IRVII,RV2 01995 Fhemas Publihing (217) 400-1210 [5] (CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Master tion VoL BOMAN RADIOS MODEL MODULATION AM POWER SSB POWER \CBH-900. RV2 or Remove C96 L7,L11,L12 ICBH-990 RV2 or Remove C96 L7,L11,L12 CBM-6100 Cut D221 L301,L314 ICBR-9600 RV105 L11,L113 ICBR-9900 VR902 1903,L905 ICBR-9940 VR902 and VR903 VR901 CBR-9950 AM/FM/CB |VR2 L4,L3,L1 BRISTOL RADIOS MODEL MODULATION AM POWER i SSB POWER CB-2271 Cut D481 & D482 L451,L463 BROWNING RADIOS MODEL MODULATION AM POWER SSB POWER IBARON R134 or Cut CD36 L5,L7,L3 R130 BROWNIE 23 Cut CD12 L3,L5 [BROWNIE 40 Cut CD12 L3,L5 LTD R85 or Remove Q23 L2,L5 R96 MARK 4A R603 T303,C602 R318 SABRE Cut Dil & CD12 L5,L3 SST (EARLY PRO) Cut D19 & D20 ‘A20,A21 ISST(LATE PROD) [Cut D18 & D19 L2,L5 : SST 2 Cut D11 & CD12 L5,L3 CALTRON RADIOS MODEL MODULATION AM POWER SSB POWER CB-7500 VR6 or Cut D24 & D25 L18,L20,L21 : CHANNEL MASTER RADIOS MODEL MODULATION AM POWER SSB POWER CB-6830 VR7 or Cut DS05 1.906,L903 CB-6832 VR7 or Cut D505 1.906,L903 CB-6834 VR6 or Cut D506 or D505 L903,L905 CB-6835 VR6 or Cut D506 or D505 1.903,L905 CLARICON RADIOS MODEL MODULATION AM POWER $$B POWER ACTIVATOR (30800) |R152 or Cut CR107 L111,C162 PRIVATEER (30600) {R152 or Cut CR107 L111,C162 RAIDER (30500) VR4 or Cut D13 L16,L14 ©1995 Thomas Pdlishing (217) 466-4210 [6] CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Master Edition Vol.t MODEL MODULATION AM POWER SSB POWER INTRUDER (30200) R152 or Cut CR107 L111,C162 PIRATE (30400) R152 L10,C154 71200 R152 L111,L110 CLARION RADIOS MODEL MODULATION [AM POWER SSB POWER DMA-066 VR201 L201,L204 JC-201E (CB UNIT) — |Cut D201 L207 JC-202E VR201 L201,L204 JC-203E VR201 or Cut D205 L203 PE-672E VR201 L201,L204 RCJ-003 VR201 L201,L204 TC-203C VR201 or Cut D205 L203 COBRA RADIOS MODEL MODULATION : AM POWER SSB POWER 7 PLUS VR4 or Cut D8 Liy;b12,U13 10 PLUS VR4 or Cut D8 LVL I2,013 8 LED? Cut D13 or Cut R84 L7,L6,L5 18 PLUS Cut D12 Li 18 RV RV501 or Cut D502 1304,L305,L306 19 Cut D11 15,1819 x 19GTL VR6 or Cut D9 L15,L16,L17 LTD VR6 or Cut D9 L15,L16,L17 19:LTD CLASSIC VR4 or Cut D7 L7,L8 19M Remove C73 L8,L5,L3 19 PLUS RV501 or Cut C511 1305,L306 19:PLUS * RV4 or Cut D8 LEE 3 T9XS Cut D105 20 (B&K) Cut CD20 & CD21 T11,T10,C60 20 LTD Cut D13 20 PLUS RV501 or Cut C511 1L305,L306 20 PLUS RYV4 or Cut D8 L11,L12,L13 21 Remove C105 & C106 L129 2A (OLD) Cut D24 L9.L8 21 GTL VRS or Cut D9 L13,L10,L9,L8 21 LTD VR5 or Cut D9 L13,L10,L9,L8 21 LTD CLASSIC VR4 or Cut D7 L7,L8 21 PLUS Cut 1.5K Res. next to TR34 EISELO 21% VR207 or Cut D212 L212,L214 ©1995 Fhomas Publishing (247) 466-4240 EP] CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Master Edition Vol.1 RADIOS ___ COBRA RT4 or Cut D13 AM POWER L15,L12,L11 23 PLUS RV501 or Cut D502 L304,L306,L307 25 GTL VRS5 or Cut D9 L13,L10,L9,L8 25 LTD 25 LTD CLASSIC VRS or Cut D9 VRS or Cut D9 L10,L9,L8 L13,L10,L9,L8 25 PLUS Cut 1.5K Res. next to TR34 L12,L10 294 (OLD) Cut D24 Cut CD28 & CD29 Cut D24 T12,L2,L5 L7,L8 L7,L8 129 XLR° YR5 or Cut D14 L15,L12,L11 29 GTL VR4 or Cut D11 L14,L13,L12 29 LTD VR4 or Cut D11 L14,L13,L12 29 LTD CLASSIC VR4 or Cut D11 L14,L13,L12 s 29 LTD GOLD VR4 or Cut D11 L14,L13,L12 29 PLUS Cut D20 L12 34-PLUS Cut D19 LI3;EI 2G 32 XLR Cut CD11 & CD12 T5513 33 PLUS VR4 or Cut D17 L11,L9 39 LTD (8.0.8.) RVI 40 PLUS RV104 or Cut D203 L305,L306 RV201 or Cut D203 or C215 L304,L305,L306 41 PLUS RV4 or Cut D21 L19,L20,L21 45 XLR VR105 or Cut D119 L113,L109 Z 46 XLR VR105 or Cut D119 L113,L109 47 XLR VR105 or Cut D119 L113,L109 50 XLR VRS5 or Cut D119 L109 55 XLR VRS or Cut D119 L109 62 XLR VR3 or remove C67 L16,L15,L12 63 GTL VR3 or Cut D11 L11,L10;L9 i 66 GTL VR2 or Cut D4 L14,L15,L17 66LTD Cut R54 67 LTD (RV4 or Cut D212 (L306 jL307 L308 TIX VR207 or Cut D212 1211,L212,L214 7BX VR6 or Cut D9 L11,L12,L15 | 85 Remove Q17 form Circuit L3,T4 86 XLR Cut CD9 L3 Seu CAM 89 Add a 1K Resistor in series with|L13,L12,L9 C110 87 GTL VR6 or Cut D16 L17,L16,L13 89 GTL VR6 or Cut D16 L17,L16,L13 ©1995 Fhomas Publishing (217) 466 -4240 [8] CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Master Edition Vol.1 AM POWER SSB POWER VRS or Cut D14 L15,L12,L11 RV201 or Cut D203 132(O0LD) Cut Q25 From Cireuit T14,T15,L3,C116 R136 132A, Cut CD39 & CD40 R79 R87 2a R134 or Cut R125 ES R130 134 Cut D40 & D41 L8,L10 VRI5 135(OLD) Cut Q25 From Circuit T14,T15,L3,C116 R136 135 XLR R134 or Cut R125 L3 R130 138A (OLD) Cut D40 & D41 L8,L10 VRI5 138 XLR VR7 & VR6 VR8 Cry 139 VR12 or Cut D63 L12,L10 VRI5 139 XLR VR7 & VR6 VRS Cry 140 GTL Cut R104 VR6 VR7 142 GTL Cut R104 VR6 VR7 146 GTL VRS or Remove TR29 VRIO VR6 148 GTL Cut R131 VRIO VRII 148 GTL-DX * VRS VRIL VR7 148: GTL-DX * VR14 or remove TR32 VRI3 VRI2 148 GTL-B RV14 RV15 RVI3. 148 GTL-DX * RV12 RVIL RV6,RV3 1000°GTL VR6 or Cut D16 L17,L16,L13 2000 GTL Cut R131 VRIO VRII GTL 150 RV14 RV13 RVI2,RV4 1 New Model. Has Plastic Case. 2 Late Production Model - See Adjustment Chart on Page 64. 3 Copy Version of original 148 GTL-DX. - See Adjustment Chart on Page 65. 4 Early Production Model - See Alignment Chart on page 62 : COLT RADIOS MODEL {MODULATION TAM POWER SSB POWER SX33, é RV2 or Remove C96 E71 et 190 R71 210 RV201 or Cut D203 L305,L306 222 RV201 or Cut D203 L305,L306 290 RV2 or Remove C96 L7,L11,£12 320DX RVI14 RV13 RV12,RV4 320FM RVI4 RV13 RV12,RV4 350 RVI121 or Cut DI9 & D20 L34,37 RV201 L11,L12,L13 ©1995 Fhomas Publishing (247) 466-4240 koe CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Master Edition Vol.I Ee —————— MODEL (MODULATION. AM POWER 3598 RV3 LS 390 RV2 or Remove C96 Lac hebl2 444° Remove C99 L12,L15,L16(Hi Pwr) 480 RV12 or Remove Q37 & Q38 VR4 RVII,RV2 485 RV12 or Remove Q37 & Q38 VR4 RVI1,RV2 485DX RV12 or Remove Q37 & Q38 VR4 RVII,RV2 510 RV201 or Cut D203 L304,L305,L306 800 RV2 or Remove C96 L7,L11,L12 870 RV2 or Remove C96 LZGIEEI $70 (Export) RV2 or Remove C96 L7,L11,L12 1000 RV12 or Remove Q37 & Q38 VR4 RVII,RV2 1200 RV12 VR9 VR2 1200-DX RV14 RV13 RV12,RV4 1600-DX RV12 RVI1 RV6,RV3 12000-DX RV12 RV11 RV6,RV3 2400 RV12 RVIL RV6,RV3 ICOLT EXCALIBUR *® |VR14 or Cut R249 VRI3 VRI2 COLT EXCALIBUR‘ |RV14 RV13 RV12,RV4 1 New Chassis Model. 2 Old Chassis Model. 3 Models using the EPT360010Z Board. - See Adjustment Chart on Page 64. 4 Models using the PTBM121D4X Board. - See Adjustment Chart on Page 64. 5 See Alignment Adjustment Chart on Page 62 COMMANDO RADIOS — [AM PowER SSB POWER RY5 or Cut DIO cVvi1 VR7 or Cut D14 LII,L10 VR7 or Cut Did LLLL10 il ia or Cut DI [isis zi COMMTRON RADIOS - ODULATION SSB POWER i : AMPOWER WITT RV201 or Cut D203 L304,L305,L306 XII (Export) RV201 or Cut D203 L304,L305,L306 MODULATION Cut R249 & R246 CONNEX RADIOS AM POWER VRI3(L Pwr), L32,L33(HD ©1995 homes Publishing (217) 466-4210 { 10 ] CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Master Edition Vol.t oo ; CONVOY RADIOS. MODEL MODULATION AM POWER SSB POWER ICON-400 R121 or Cut D19 & D20 134,137 ICON-430 VR102 or Cut D112 L113,L116 ICON-450 COURIER RADIOS. MODEL MODULATION — ~— TAM Powe SSB POWER BLAZER 40D VR9 or Cut D12 T13,L9 CADET Cut D4 L14,L15 CARAVELLE I VR6 or Cut D6 12 CARAVELLE 40D —_| R504 or Cut D503 1404,L403 CENTURIAN 23 VR14 or Cut D46 & D47 VR17,L12,L14 VRI2,L15 CENTURIAN 40D. |RT601 RTI4 CT3 CENTURIAN PLL40 |RT9 or Cut D24 RTI4 cT3 CLASSIC I R715 €934,L14,L15 CLASSIC TI R523 or Cut D506 1,908,L912,L913 CLASSIC IV RV3 or Cut D9 L11,L13 CLASSIC PLL40 VR6 or Rem. C508 or Cut D505 |L903,L906 CONQUEROR II VR6 or Cut D6 12 CONQUEROR 40D —_|R504 or Cut D503 L404,L403 CRUISER Cut D17 or DI8 L7,L8,L9 GALAXY VR11 or Cut R104 VR6 VR7 GALAXY IV RV3 RV7 RV8 GALAXY V VR14 or Cut R249 VRI3 VRI2 GALAXY VI VR14 or Cut R249 VR13 VRI2 GLADIATOR VRI4 VRI7 VRIS NIGHTRIDER 40DR | VR301 L120,L119 RANGLER 40D VR301 L120,L119 REBEL 23+ Cut D12 L13,L12,L9 REBEL40A VR207 or Cut D212 L211,L212,L214 REBEL PLL VR207 or Cut D212 L214 REDBALL Cut D17 or DI8 L7,L8,L9 RENEGADE 40 VR9 or Cut D12 T13,L9 ROGUE 40 VRS or Cut D12 L9 SPARTAN SSB Cut DS4 & DS3 VRI4 VR9 TRAVELLER Il VR6 L16,L18,L20 : CRT RADIOS “|MopuATION = AM POWER ICP400 R699 or Cut Base Leg of Q410 |R205 ©1995 Fhomas Publishing (217) 466-4210 [ll CB TUNE-UP MANUAL Master Edition Vol.1

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