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Roll No.

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TotalNo. of Questions: 091 t',&VttJ.i'li;'. [TotalNo. of Pages: 02

B.Tech. (Sem. - Tthlsth)

SUBJECT CODE : DE - 3.3 (Elective- II!
PaperID : [,{0336]
[Note : Pleasefill subject code and paper ID on OMRI

L-Lc{itr, atl,g &rtech

- 4ts,er.t. a,&,v.t
Time ; 03 Hour" ( (l Maximum Marks : 60
Instruction to Candidates;
1) Section- A is ComPulsorY.
2) Attempt any Four questionsfronr Section- B.
3) Attempt any Two questionsfrom Section- C.

Section- A
a) Downlink frequencyis kept different from uplink frequency,why?
b) How many communicationsatellitesare requiredin minimum to cover
the whole ofthe earth?Why?

c) To servean areaon the earth by satellitecommunication,what is the

d) in
Wheredo'we prefersatellitecommunication?Give one disadvantage
comParisonto terrestriallink.

e) Definenoisefigure.How is it relevanttosatellitecommunication?

0 What do You understandbY EIRP?

g) Why do we expresssatellitecommunicationperformancein terms of
Carrierto Noise ratio insteadof Signalto Noise ratio?
h) What are on board mechanismavailableto stabilize and position the
t) How canyou classiff linear polarizationmodes?

) DistinguishbetweenTDM andTDMA.

R-858 P,T.O.
Section- B
Q2) DevelopFRIIS equationrelatedto satellitecommunication.Expressthe equation
in decibelrelation.

Q3) Asatellitetransponderwith 30 MHz bandwidthrelaysa televisionsignalusing

FM modulation.The downlink EIRP of satelliteis 32 dBW. Assumingthe
receiving earth stationhas a systemnoise temperatureof 100 K and usesa
parabolic-dishantennahaving gainof 52 dB, calculateCArlreceived.

Q4) \Nhy are VSATs so popular?List their applications.

Q5) Draw and explain simplified block diagram of communicationsatellite

transponder. ,

Q6) Assumethat you want to analyzethe overall performanceof a satellite relay

systemthat usesa "bent pipe" transponder.Let (ClN)"" denotethe carrier-to-
noise ratio (CNR) for the transponderas evaluatedin the IF band of the
satellitetransponder.Let (ClN)* denotethe IF CNR ratio at the downlink
receivingground stationwhen the satelliteis sendinga perfect(noise-free)
signal.Showthat the operatingCNR ratio at the IF ofreceiving groundstation,
(CN)ou, is given bV [(CA{)ou]-' : [(C/N)""]-' + [(CAi)d,,]-r.

Section- C
Q7) (a) Discussthe conceptof orbital aspectsof satellitecommunications.
(b) Discusswhat do you know aboutmobile satellitenetworks.

Q8/ Discussthe applicationof satellitefor telephoneservices.

Q9) Write note on any two of the following :

(a) Discussthe effects of rain, ice and carrier frequencyon depolarization.
(b) GPS
(c) Designthe earthstationusingantenna.


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n-858 2

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