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Set: Sample Paper


Test on General Aptitude

Test on Technical/Professional Knowledge
Directions for Question 1:
4) Which of the following is the analogous pair in force current
Choose the answer option which will CORRECTLY fill the analogy?
A) Moment-voltage
1) Vijay received __ invitation to a dinner at __ Indian Chamber B) Inertia-voltage
of Commerce in __ city of Madrid. C) Viscous friction coefficient-Reciprocal of resistance
D) Spring stiffness-capacitance
A) An, the, the B) The, an, no article required
C) An, the, no article required D) No article required, an, the 4) ֎֔։֞֒֞ֆ֡᭨֑ֆ֞֐ᱶ֟֊᳜֟֔֟ոֆ֐ᱶ֧֚շ֬֊֚֞ֆ֡᭨֑֑֡᭏֐֛֨"
2) The language with the most native speakers is:
$) ᭃօ-֗֫᭨ց֧վ
%) վַ᭜֗-֗֫᭨ց֧վ
A) Bengali B) English
C) Mandarin Chinese D) Spanish &) ֑᭫֞֊ֆ֞ պ֙ᭅօ֟֊ֈᱷ֘֞եշ-ᮧ֟ֆ֒֫։շ֞֟֗֔֫֐
') ᳲ᭭ᮧչ᲍ւ֊-։֞ᳯ֒ֆ֞
2) ֚֗֞ᭅ֟։շ᭭և֞֊֑֠֗Ღ֞Ა᳇֞֒֞֎֫֔֠վ֞֊֧֗֞֔֠֏֛֞֙֞֨զ
5) What frequency will be the fourth harmonic of 12MHz?
$)֎֞եչ֔֞ %) էեᮕ֧վ֠
&) ֐եփ֞ᳯ֒֊ռ֠֊֠ ') ᭭֌֧֟֊֘ A) 3MHz B) 3/4MHz
C) 48Hz D) None of the options
3) If A, B, C, D and E are consecutive integers, which of the
following values will be definitely odd? 5) ֐֧չ֛֞᭗վᭅշ֧ ռ֬և֧է֊֡շե֌֠շᳱը֣֗֟ᱫ᭍֑֛֞֫չ֠"
3) ֑ᳰֈ A, B, C, D ն֒ E ֚ֆֆ֌֢օ֞ᲈշ֛ᱹ֟֊᳜֟֔֟ոֆ֐ᱶ֧֚շ֬֊֚֞֐֞֊֟֊᳟֟ֆ
$) 3MHz %) 3/4MHz
&) 48Hz ') թ֊֟֗շ᭨֌ᲂ֐ᱶ֧֚շ֫ժ֊֛ᱭ
A) C+E B) AB + C + D
C) ABC D) AB + C 6) What is the use of a moving coil instrument?

A) DC only B) Sinusoidal AC only

C) Both AC and DC D) All AC waveforms

6) ֐֢ᳲ֗չշ֑֩֔ի֌շ֒օշ֞᭍֑֞ի֌֑֫չ֛֨"

$) շ֧ ֗֔փ֚֠֠ %) շ֧ ֚֗֔֞թ֊֧֗֗ձ֚֠
&) ձ֚֠ն֒փ֚֠֠ֈ֫֊ᲂ ') ձ֚֠շ֧ ֚֏֧֠֗֗ᮧ֞ᱨ֌

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