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1. Shutdown the Inactive node of the cluster server.

2. Copy the Junction.exe file into the root drive (c:\ drive) of the operating
3. Create two folders one with name SOURCE and other with name DEST in those
drives on which you want to transfer the data. The data inside source
(SOURCE) need to be transferred to the destination (DEST).
4. Open Command Prompt and go to root of c: as shown below.

5. Type here junction –s C:\Source D:\Dest

6. Press enter and junction will be created. It will show you the following
message after successfully creating the Junction between two folders of
different drives.
7. Now if you will put any file into the SOURCE folder of the C:\ drive, it will
automatically be available into the D:\ drive. Subsequently the space will be
occupied onto D:\ drive not on C:\ drive.
8. Now we can add a new Transaction Log file into the SOURCE folder of the c:\
drive through NAVISION. Once transaction log file starts occupying the space,
due to junction between SOURCE folder of C:\ drive and DEST folder of D:\
drive, it will reserve the space of the D:\ drive.
9. Once the optimization finishes, we need to take the backup of this new
transaction log file, then shrink it, and delete it from the NAVISION. Once
deleted it will also be deleted from the C:\ and D:\ drives.
10. After that we can break the Junction. To break the Junction, open command
prompt, go to the root of C:\ drive and type Junction –d C:\SOURCE

11. Once Junction is broken, the SOURCE folder will automatically be deleted from
the C:\Drive.

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