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Alicia Yolandra
PD-A FKUB 2009




4. The foramen ischiadicum majus ( greater sciatic foramen), is formed on the posterolateral
pelvic wall and is the major route for structures to pass between the pelvis and regio glutea of
extremitas inferior. The margin of the foramen are formed by.
 Incisura ischiadica major.
 Lig. Sacrospinosum and sacrotuberosum.
 Lateral border of the sacrum.
m. piriformis passes through the foramen ischiadicum and divide the foramen into foramen
suprapiriformis; superior to the muscle and foramen infrapiriformis; inferior to the muscle.
Foramen suprapiriformis.
 N. gluteus superior.
 A/v. gluteus superior.
Foramen infrapiriformis.
 N. ischiadicus.
 N. pudeda interna.
 N. glutea inferior
 N. cutaneus femoris posterior.
 Nerve to m. gamellus superior and m. obturator internus.
 Nerve to m quadratus femoris and m gamellus inferior.
 A/v. glutea inferior.
 A/v . pudenda interna.
Foramen ischiadicum minus (lesser sciatic foramen), is inferior to foramen ischiadicum majus
on the pasterolateral of pelvic wall. The margin of foramen are formed by.
 Incisura ischiadicum minus.
 Lig sacrospinosum superiorly.
 Lig. Sacrotuberosum inferomedially.
 Tendon of m obturotor internus.
 A/v. pudenda interna.
 N. pudendus.

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