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rors 99O=T [Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return (and proxy ax under scion 633 Feecastetenay | Foret yer 20 ort yer pein OT/0% stn, ad 2009 ana Ror en ‘ending 06/30 ,20 10 3 sepa instuctons nL] Chock baer Tame of artatia [|__| Chek boas changed and es instucon) ployer eticaton umber ees choged Srimgg ecimtneate 2 Bremptunder sain UNITED WAY OF METROPOLITAN CHICAGO INC K]sos(C x3.) | Print [amber eveat, ndwom rsute no. Wa PO, bax sos page 8 tinea 30-0200478 owe [2 yh ee 00a [_bs01a 560 WEST LAKE STREET (Bestest exon) 529 iy orton nl and Pda Book uefa sane CHICAGO, TL 60661~1499 561000 ae Group exemption number (See instructions fr Blak Fon 9290.0) 34, 500,843. [6 “Check organization type & [X]s01(c) corporation |_| sot inst | [4o1@y ust [_ [other trust Describe te esarizaton’s primar uneated bushess acy, » SEE STATEWENT 1 OF FORH 8275 1 Ducing the tex year, was the corporation a subsiciary in en affliated group ra parent-subsiaryconcaled group? ..... LI ve LX] no U¢-¥es,enfr the name and dentin number ofthe parent coperaen. The books avin car of LAURA. SEARNULIS Taaphane umber bSIZ=SOG-22TE BERG Unvetated Trade or Business income: Taincone (@ Seponsee ‘in Gres res oro, tau ntieerisoena eoamnce >| 46 2. Cost of goods sold (Schedule A, tne 7). Gross profi, Subracttine 2 from tne te. ‘4. Capital galo net income (atach Schedte 0) | : (Form 4757, Prt a 17 (tech Fam 4757)” | ab Net gain : {© Capital loss deduction for tusts 4c 5 income (es) rom patrerstips and 3 carrion (etach stent | & Rent income (Schedule)... rere 7 Unrelated debt-nances income (Seneduiee) |... a ‘8 Interest, annuities, royalties, and rents from controlled ‘organizations (Schedule F). . 8 9 Investment income of a section 504(0)), (@). or (17) foxganizaion (Schedule G), . . , a8 2 Exploited exempt activity income (Schedite | 11 fae ‘Advertising income (Schedule J), eer! (ther income (Seepage 10 of te susions: earn achat) _ | 42 Total Combine tines 3 though 12. seilaa. 2 0. o MT Deductions Not Taken Elsewhere (See page 11 of the instructions for Imfalions on deductions) (Except for contributions, deductions must be directly connected with the unrelated business income.) T4 Compensation of efier, crestor, nd utes (SehaduloK) 14 15 Salaries andwoges ceeeeee 16 16 Repairs and merance eee ‘Las aT ee : 4 48 elorest tac eh} 18 18 Towesandicenses aoe 18 20 Charabeconrbuions (Se pane 18 ofthe scone triton 20 21 Depreciation atch FOR A45E2).. ee eee eee eee eee 22 Loss cepacaton claimed on Schedle Aan cseuter on rctuin . 226 0. 23° Depletion - 23 24 Contbutons to dele compensaizn pins | || 24 25 Employee benefit progcams . : ifs 25 Exess exempt epenacs (Schedile | nt plies 27 Excess readetip cst (Schade J) : Ti far 28 Other deductions (ata sce) = aes 29 Total deductions Add tines 14 though 26 | ||| ‘ee o. 30 Unrelated business taxable income before net operating loss deduction. Subtract ine 29 from fine 13. . .. [30 o 31 Net operating loss deduction (itestothe amount ontne 90)... eee eee ee eee c eee [St 32 Unrelated business taxable income before specific deduction. Subtract ine 31 from line 30. i | 32 | oO. 33 Spec eduction (Generally $1.00, but ee tin 3 nations fer xaptons) 33 34 Unrelated business taxable income Subtract ne 39 frm ine 32 ne 33s reais tian ine 32, ener he smal of zero or ne 32. eile a. SAR ina aa orm Se42nM G4oR oxeseee PAGE 72 eet * baye 2° * Tax Computation ea Taxable 5 Corporations. See insituclong_for tax computalion on poge 16. Contoled group members (sections 186% and 1683) check here |_| See instructions and: 1 Enter your share of the $0,000, $25,000, end $9,925,000 taxable Income brackate (ho that- order) cals ails els bb Enter organization's share of (1) Adlitlonal 8% tax (not more than $11,750), (2) Additionel 3% tx (not more than $100,000) , Is € Income taxon the amount on foe 4, Baer eee eeeer ree see 36° Trusts Taxable at Trust Rates, Seo insivuclons Yor tax computation ont ‘page 16. income’ tax ‘on ‘the amount on tne 34 trom: [_]Taxrateconeauieor [[_] schedule D (Form 1081), Lae Proxy tax. See page 16 of the instructions... eeeeenb ez Atemative minimum ox, , 38 Total. Ad ines 37 and 3610 line 36e ox 96, whichever aprlies 38 Tax and Payments 4028 Foreign tax credit (corporations attach Form 1118; trusts attach Farm 1118) 40a i] other aed (oe pge 16 oh neeten) stb © General business ced Atach Pom 3800, 06 ) 4 Crt opr year minimum tx (tach Form 801 7) ‘0d Total reds Anes Oa tugh 4d ‘te 44 Subtract line 406 from tine 39 oa wee eee Lat 0 42 Ober tes Getto: |—]Fom 268 [~] For sit C] am s68 [] ones wea), Caz 43° Total tax. Add lines 41 and42 2... woe 43. 0 4s Payments: A2008 overpayment cated 6 2000 ssn 208 estates txpaymants “ab Tox dept with Frm 0868 ate 4 Foreign ergpizatons: Tax podria tance ceo) rm fBockup wining eee nsoucons) ves e+ ie 1 othr eredts an peymets Form 409 ES Form 4136 Other, Total | 44f be £8 Total pment, nes 4a rough A as 8 timate taper a6 47 Tax duo ine 45s les then the tal of lines 49 and 46, enter amount owed 48 Overpayment fine 48s larger then the otal of nes 9 and ene amount ovepats «<2 LAB Enior the amount fine 48 you want: Credited to 2040 estimated tax ineindas’ Ta a ‘Statements Regarding Certain Activities and Other Information (ces instructions on page 17) ‘Aten time during the 208 calendar your, ca the organization have an interest in ore signature or other authory over a financial [yes ‘count (bank, scutes, or other) in foreign country? If YES, the organization may have to fle Farm TD F 80-22.1, Report of Foreign ‘Bank and Financial Accounts. I YES enter the name f the foreign country here > [ar T: 3 a No x 2 During the tx ye, dd the organization rece a csributon fom, or wast tho grant Wana aforlgn tat?” 7”, | AYES, se page 5 ofthe instuctone for other forms the orgaizaton may hae to. as Enter the amount of taexemt interes recived cr accrued dung tha tox your $ Schedule A - Cost of Goods Sold. Enter method of inventory valuation > 1 Inventory a beginning of year, [4 ___] 8 tnventory atendofyesr,,.... 00s 6 2 Purchases 2 7 Gost of goods sold Subirad ‘ine 3 Cost of bor 3 6 trom fine 5, Enter here and in 4a Additional section 263A costs | [ SSSSC*dCOCPat ON ee ee 7 {ottach schedile) ..... . , (4a 8 Do the niles Of section 263A (wth respect to Other coats (atach schedule) . [4b] property produced or acquired for resale) apply 5 Total. Add ines 4 through 4b = 5 tothe organization? « s..[ [x | Tay the TRS datas Wie on wh the proparer shown blow — - Trapaers Senor FT paid [eae a fee 11/12/10 | Sines [XI] po0sa6s26 Preparer's [rimsroneer ——\ GRANT THORNTON DLP a Use Only | ease soneee Di7s w. JACKSON BLVD, STS. 2000 | ramen 312-856-0200 CHICAGO, 1h 60604 Fam BOT 00} 3842aM 649R 0164648, PAGE 79 Feri 990.1 B00 ‘Schedule C- (Gee instructions on page 18) 1. Description of properly fent Income (From Real Property and Personal Property Leased With Real Property) o @ ®. “ 2, Rent received or accrued Oeeeaeeeemeaene cre saaagopinaeaarrsiet ears (0) From real and peonal propery tha percentage of rent orpersana part exceeds 50% orf he rents based on prefer aco) 2) Deductions aireclyconnectod th he Income in eahums 2G) and 2) tne schedule @ 2 ® w Tot Tovar {6) Totat income, Add totals of columns 2(@) and (0). Enter here and on page 1, Part, oe 6, column (A). as Schedule E - Unrelated Debt-Financed Income (see instructions on page 10) (©), Total deductions Enter here and on page 1, Part ite 6, column (8) 2, Gros incom rom ot “3. Daguatana gieatyconnscied wh or aosabe pet 4. Destin of eboney I eee |e a = zi ——— ¢ & @ “gt arene T hepans a ba stocable to debtinanced for slorabe 7, Gros income reponse (oalam Sto ef eerns Bropary ota che) “*etac sen) wionmae Sane maeD Se) a 30) a a - @ % ® % @ I % Pate fesune "| Part) inw'ccom Totals. : Perec > Total divkendereccived deductions included in column & Schedule F - Interest, Annuities, Royalties, and Rents From Controlled Organizations (see instructions on page 20) 4. tame of contd 2. Employer Exempt Controlled Organizations “.Partofcoumn 4 bat | 6, Deductions drexty ‘Santon ‘nticalon umber | 2:Netunristed income |4 Total of speciad| Ftated in hecomeling. {connects ath nears ‘ments mede | organizations goss came | In eotumaS @ a » © Nonaxempt Controlled Organizations 1 Net ured neo Toa fap Cparomenates | Deca dea 2. Taba sone ‘tenes pevmes ats Sener, at ) a o 4 laa earns Sana frasmmamoane Enurtew andcnpone, _Saternewsart pase 1, fan'vinesesurmty” Pat eine 8 osu Tole . a oa Foon 990-7 en08) 3e42aM 649R o1sasae PRGE 80 Fox 990-7 (2008) ge & Schedule G - Investment income of a Section 601(c)(7), (9), or (17) Organization (see instrucions on page 20) 3. Deductions aaa Toa dao 1. Deserpton a nome 2. Amount of nme deat comer rd ad stasis 8 " (atech seas). Q a) use o a ® | o bee ‘Enerhae and on page EE Enero andon pace, Prt hine 8 ecuren (A _| Part, tne 8 sun) Tots Schedule |- Expl smpt Activity Income, Other Than Advertising Income (see instructions on page 21) Netncone 2.Ges SGiecly.” | united tadeor | 5. Cross income vee oe ‘connected with ‘business (column | trom activity that (column 6 minus 1. Deserotion oterlted atuty | business lcome | Sredcionar | Zmnus comm | isnot unaatee Simm saet mace Scat Sega” | sudnesae ‘nce at scree | song 8 Sars, @ ~ y @ ® © Eats ov | Entre aa FRG cee meena” | “owe eatt np | betovea es, | ealea | eat he's, Totals Schedule J- Advertising Income (see hstruclons on pag671 FI income From Periodicals Reported on a Consolidated Basis — 4. advecting 7 peor . adierting 3,prect Fimactee Sit |S Cheaton | 6.Reodenh | minus coume but income: edivertising costs ‘again, compute Lm a ‘not more than eta, ne t o alee | @ - @ @ : Teale cary toPut too). | Income From Periodicals Reported on a Separate Basis (For each periodical listed in Part Ul, fill in columns 2 through 7 on a line-by-line basis.) haveing 1 eet matatip 4. ame of pert oi aepiecr | HRSG: | s.creuason | s.Readennp | cee Coumeg diemina | aaacietgenn | Emmet sy | rt r= may coe een, oan se a | 7 a (4) (9 Totals from Parl Ciatesmdon| Eneriee anton co) eastenee torrets” | “pmenéon! cape deters, | etere pater, | Totals, Part ines 1-5). De Schedule K - Compensation of Officers, Directors, and Trustees (see Instructions on page 21) 3 Poet $.Nane 2.1 Bigdocet | + Somgeanin atte d ‘Totak Enter here and on page 1, Padi ne M4... .....ssassssan Fenn 990-7 2008), met sa42aM G49R o1646aa PAGE 81 ‘em 8375 a closure Statement Do not use this form to disclose items or positions that are contrary to Treasiry (Rev, august 2008) ‘regulations. Instead, use Form 8275-R, Regulation Disclosure Statement. Deparment ofthe Tessin See separate instructions. Intema Revoue Sea > Attach to your tax return. (OMB No, 46-0808", ‘Altacheent ‘Sequence Na. 92 Name(s) shone on er ‘Wanting nambor sown on return” UNITED WAY OF METROPOLITAN CHICAGO INC 30-0200478 EMMI General information (see instructions) 5 @ Oo |e 5 tem oF Group Detted Description ormor | Une Fev Rul, Rew Proc ete, | riteme ofttems Scheduto | No. Ged 7 JPAYNENTS FOR ASSISTANCE _ NA lapurw fro OPER tw AcEWCTES joso-r va. 304, 238. 7 EXIT tiformation About Pass-Through Entity. To be completed by partners, shareholders, banehlanes, or residual interest holders, Complete this part only if you are making a quate disclosure for a pass-through item. Note: A pass-through entity's a partnership, S corporation, estate, ust, regulated investment company (RIC), real estete investment tnust (REIN, or real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC). 1 Name, address, and ZIP code of pass-through entiy entity fled its return ‘3 Tax year of pass-through ently 2 Identifying number of pass-through entity 4 Internal Revenue Service Center where the pass-trough For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. 3842AM 649R 0164648 Feim 82765 (Rov 62008) PAGE 82 Epon 8275 Rev. 82008) Explanations (continued from Parts Tand/or I) SEE STATEMENT 1 S842AM 649R 0164648 om 8276 (Rev. 2006) PAGE 83 United Way of Metropolitan Chicago, Ine. BIN 30-0200478 FYE: 06/30/2010 ‘Statement 1 — Form 8275 ‘The United Way of Metropolitan Chicago (“United Way ~ Chicago”) provides much nceded assistance to other local United Way otganizations by providing administrative assistance with centralized processing and financial operations. United Way — Chicago reccives payments from the other regional and local United Way agencies that are designed to cover at least the costs of providing this administrative assistance. United Way — Chicago is not including the payments as gross unrelated business income on Form 990-T since it is only providing the assistance to other regional and local United Way agencies. Moreover, United Way ~ Chicago records indicate that after allocation of direct costs together with applicable overhead costs, the program of providing such assistance to the other United Way agencies is operating at a loss.

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