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CASE – 05


Submitted To: Submitted By:

Group Capt. D.P.Apte


Tazer, is a pharmaceutical manufacturing company in the market for the past 12 years. It
has been producing six drugs, out of that five are substitutes of existing drugs and not giving
profit. Sixth drug is a patent product (hypertension drug) and was a huge success. Company
was never interested in R&D. Profit was coming from the sixth drug which was making Tazer
successful in the market. And that’s why company never felt about finding new drug which
give it some extra edge.

But now its patent is going to expire in 5 years, and so it is in fear of losing of the profit
getting from the market till now and fear of competition from the generic drug manufacturing
companies. So Tazer’s management feels that if extensive R&D is done now it may find a
successful drug like the sixth one. So, five projects are taken into consideration and for that
five senior scientists are consulted. 1000 bid points have been given to each scientist to give
their preference of choice. And there are some constraints which are considered to find the
solution in every aspect (Experience, Knowledge, No preference etc.).


The problem is which Project should be assigned to whom. This is basically an Assignment
problem which is to be solved using various angles such as what if a scientist is not
interested in the project or scientist having different field experience ( prohibited route
problem etc.)


Table Provided is: (a)

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
Project Up 100 0 100 267 100
Project Stable 400 200 100 153 33
Project Choice 200 800 100 99 33
Project Hope 200 0 100 451 34
Project Release 100 0 600 30 800

As this is maximization problem first we have to convert it into Minimization problem and that
is done by subtracting all the matrix values from the largest value in the matrix i.e., 800. So
the Table will be :

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
Project Up 700 800 700 533 700
Project Stable 400 600 700 647 767
Project Choice 600 0 700 701 767
Project Hope 600 800 700 349 766
Project Release 700 800 200 770 0

Now, Using HAM method in first step subtract the elements in each row with the element
having least value in that row.

Reduced Table 1
Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
Project Up 167 267 167 0 167
Project Stable 0 200 300 247 367
Project Choice 600 0 700 701 767
Project Hope 251 451 351 0 417
Project Release 700 800 200 770 0

In second step subtract the elements in each column with the element having least value in
that column.

Reduced Table 2

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
Project Up 167 267 [0] 0 167
Project Stable [0] 200 133 247 367
Project Choice 600 [0] 533 701 767
Project Hope 251 451 184 [0] 417
Project Release 700 800 33 770 [0]

Thus, the Project will be allocated as:

Project Up – Dr. Tsai (400)

Project Stable – Dr. Kvaai (800)
Project Choice – Dr. Zuner (100)
Project Hope – Dr. Mickey (451)
Project Release – Dr. Rollins (800)

Total Preference = 2551


Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dummy Var.
Project Up 100 0 100 267 0
Project Stable 400 200 100 153 0
Project Choice 200 800 100 99 0
Project Hope 200 0 100 451 0
Project Release 100 0 600 30 0
Dummy variables are added to make this matrix balanced.

As this is maximization problem first we have to convert it into Minimization problem and that
is done by subtracting all the matrix values from the largest value in the matrix i.e., 800. So
the Table will be :

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dummy Var.
Project Up 700 800 700 533 800
Project Stable 400 600 700 647 800
Project Choice 600 0 700 701 800
Project Hope 600 800 700 349 800
Project Release 700 800 200 770 800
Now, Using HAM method in first step subtract the elements in each row with the element
having least value in that row.

Reduced Table 1

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dummy Var.
Project Up 167 267 167 0 267
Project Stable 0 200 300 247 400
Project Choice 0 0 100 101 200
Project Hope 251 451 351 0 451
Project Release 500 600 0 570 600

In second step subtract the elements in each column with the element having least value in
that column.

Reduced Table 2

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dummy Var.
Project Up 167 267 167 0 67
Project Stable 0 200 300 247 200
Project Choice 0 0 100 101 0
Project Hope 251 451 351 0 251
Project Release 500 600 0 570 400

In this Number of lines = 4 ≠ n, so we have to choose the least value element from the
uncovered one and subtract it from all uncovered element and add it to those which are on
the intersection.

Reduced Table 3

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dummy Var.
Project Up 167 200 167 0 [0]
Project Stable [0] 133 300 247 133
Project Choice 67 [0] 167 168 0
Project Hope 251 384 351 [0] 184
Project Release 500 533 [0] 570 333

Thus, the Project will be allocated as:

Project Up – Dummy Var. (0)

Project Stable – Dr. Kvaai (400)
Project Choice – Dr. Zuner (800)
Project Release – Dr. Tsai (600)
Project Hope – Dr. Mickey (451)

Total preference = 2251

The Project which is not to be done is Project Up.


From part b, We will take third Reduced Table

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
Project Up 167 200 167 [0] 0
Project Stable [0] 133 300 247 133
Project Choice 67 [0] 167 168 0
Project Hope 251 384 351 0 184
Project Release 500 533 [0] 570 333

Only the column for Dr. Micky has the zero for Project Hope so the scientist who can take
two project is Dr. Mickey.

Total Preference:

Project Up – Dr. Mickey (267)

Project Stable – Dr. Kvaai (400)
Project Choice – Dr. Zuner (800)
Project Hope – Dr. Mickey(451)
Project Release – Dr. Tsai (600)

Total Preference = 2518


Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dummy Var
Project Up 100 20 100 267 0
Project Stable 400 450 100 153 0
Project Choice 200 451 100 99 0
Project Hope 200 39 100 451 0
Project Release 100 40 600 30 0
Dummy Variables are added to balance the problem.

As this is maximization problem first we have to convert it into Minimization problem and that
is done by subtracting all the matrix values from the largest value in the matrix i.e., 600. So
the Table will be :

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dummy Var
Project Up 500 580 500 333 500
Project Stable 200 150 500 447 500
Project Choice 400 149 500 501 500
Project Hope 400 561 500 149 500
Project Release 500 560 0 570 500

Now, Using HAM method in first step subtract the elements in each row with the element
having least value in that row.

Reduced Table 1
Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dummy Var
Project Up 167 247 167 0 167
Project Stable 50 0 350 297 350
Project Choice 251 0 351 352 351
Project Hope 251 352 351 0 351
Project Release 500 560 0 570 500

In second step subtract the elements in each column with the element having least value in
that column.

Reduced Table 2

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dummy Var
Project Up 117 247 167 0 [0]
Project Stable [0] 0 350 297 183
Project Choice 201 [0] 351 352 184
Project Hope 201 352 351 [0] 184
Project Release 450 560 [0] 570 333

Thus, Total Preference

Project Up – Dummy Var (0)

Project Stable – Dr. Kvaai (400)
Project Choice – Dr. Zuner (451)
Project Hope – Dr. Mickey(451)
Project Release – Dr. Tsai (600)

Total preference = 1902

Here, Dr. Mickey is to be given two projects as per the last Reduced Table.


Yes, I support this assignment as all project’s are considered via balancing the matrix and
using the HAM method .


Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
Project Up 86 0 100 300 -M
Project Stable 343 200 100 -M 50
Project Choice 171 800 100 125 50
Project Hope -M 0 100 -M 100
Project Release -M 0 600 175 600

As this is maximization problem first we have to convert it into Minimization problem and that
is done by subtracting all the matrix values from the largest value in the matrix i.e., 800. So
the Table will be :
Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
Project Up 714 800 700 500 M
Project Stable 457 600 700 M 750
Project Choice 629 0 700 675 750
Project Hope M 800 700 M 700
Project Release M 800 200 625 200

Now, Using HAM method in first step subtract the elements in each row with the element
having least value in that row.

Reduced Table 1

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
Project Up 214 300 200 0 M
Project Stable 0 143 243 M 293
Project Choice 629 0 700 675 750
Project Hope M 100 0 M 0
Project Release M 600 0 425 0

In second step subtract the elements in each column with the element having least value in
that column. But here table remains same, So :

Reduced Table 2

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mickey Dr. Rollins
Project Up 214 300 200 [0] M
Project Stable [0] 143 243 M 293
Project Choice 629 [0] 700 675 750
Project Hope M 100 [0] M 0
Project Release M 600 0 425 [0]

Thus, Total Preference

Project Up – Dr. Mickey (300)

Project Stable – Dr. Kvaai (343)
Project Choice – Dr. Zuner (800)
Project Hope – Dr. Tsai(100)
Project Release – Dr. Rollins (600)

Total preference = 2143


Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mick. Dr. Rolli. Dr. Arria. Dr. Sant.
Project 86 0 100 300 -M 250 111
Project 343 200 100 -M 50 250 1
Project 171 800 100 125 50 -M -M
Project -M 0 100 -M 100 250 333
Project -M 0 600 175 600 250 555
Dummy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dummy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

As this is maximization problem first we have to convert it into Minimization problem and that
is done by subtracting all the matrix values from the largest value in the matrix i.e., 800. So
the Table will be :

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mick. Dr. Rolli. Dr. Arria. Dr. Sant.
Project 714 800 700 500 M 550 689
Project 457 600 700 M 750 550 799
Project 629 0 700 675 750 M M
Project M 800 700 M 700 550 467
Project M 800 200 625 200 550 245
Dummy 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
Dummy 800 800 800 800 800 800 800

Now, Using HAM method in first step subtract the elements in each row with the element
having least value in that row.
Reduced Table 1

Project Dr. Kvaai Dr. Zuner Dr. Tsai Dr. Mick. Dr. Rolli. Dr. Arria. Dr. Sant.
Project 214 300 200 [0] M 50 189
Project [0] 143 243 M 293 93 342
Project 629 [0] 700 675 750 M M
Project M 333 233 M 233 83 [0]
Project M 600 [0] 425 0 350 45
Dummy 0 0 0 0 [0] 0 0
Dummy 0 0 0 0 0 [0] 0

As there are zero in each and every row we don’t have to do the second step of HAM
method. That’s why we have drawn the lines to see the assignement.

Thus, Total Preference

Project Up – Dr. Mickey (300)

Project Stable – Dr. Kvaai (343)
Project Choice – Dr. Zuner (800)
Project Hope – Dr. Santos(333)
Project Release – Dr. Tsai (600)

Total preference = 2376

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