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6 Resume Must-Haves

It's three months after the start of the New Year--how's that "get a new job" resolution
coming along? If you haven't made much headway because the idea of making cold
calls and pounding the pavement is too daunting, start small: with your resume. These
six points should absolutely be included in your resume, whether you're looking for your
dream job or just a temporary position.

Contact Information
Calling Captain Obvious, right?! But you would be surprised at how often something as
simple as correct contact information can be left off a resume. Make sure you provide
every reliable (that's the key here) way for a potential employer to contact you: phone,
email, and physical mailing address.

But don't stop there. Include your other digital IDs, such as your Twitter account name,
your website, and any Facebook pages that pertain to your craft. Remember, though,
that whatever information you provide is also your implicit invitation for a potential
employer to check you out diligently.

View your resume as a marketing piece--you're trying to sell yourself to a potential
employer. And what most employers are buying is a worker with the experience
necessary to jump in and contribute from day one. Use your resume as a tool for
showcasing your relevant (and that's an important word!) experience. Instead of sharing
all of your accomplishments and interests, list the experience you have that the
employer is looking for, even if it's not something that was a major part of your job

For example, if you're looking for a management position but you have not, up until this
point, held a similar job, highlight the managing work you have done, such as voluntarily
coordinating peer groups in your department or overseeing projects for a superior from
initial concept to completion.

Many human-resource staffers will automatically scan your resume or use software or a
digital database to check for certain keywords that relate to the position for which they
are hiring. If you are familiar with the position and/or work within the same industry, you
may know important words to use. If you're not sure what keywords an employer will be
looking for, review similar job postings, talk to friends who hold that position or work
within the industry, and so on.

No, not just your phone number. In order to attract the attention of a potential employer,
it's going to help if you can provide some bottom-line data to quantify what you have
accomplished in the past. Consider the difference between these two examples:

 "managed staff and department budget"

 "oversaw 14 direct employees and 28 indirect employees in three different office
locations; created and managed $1.5 million budget and reduced department
operating expenses by 7% over two years"

Most every job requires a certain set of skills. Don't leave a potential employer
wondering if you have at least the basic skills required for the position. For example, if
you're applying for a job as a graphic designer, you should list all design-related skills
you possess right up front, such as proficiency with Adobe Illustrator, Dreamweaver,
Acrobat Professional, and so on. If you have earned certification or a professional
designation related to technical skills, include that as well.

This is your time to shine. Don't gloss over your past jobs with generic titles. Try to be
descriptive while also being accurate. For example instead of simply listing "PR
Assistant," which leaves a lot to the imagination, get more detailed by listing "Media
Liaison, In-House Writer and Event Coordinator." If you're not sure what title to put
down, start by listing all of the duties you regularly are responsible for, and search for
how other companies describe similar positions.

Your resume can be your "golden ticket" to getting through to the next round in the
hiring process. Take your time to create a resume that demonstrates your
understanding of the company's needs, and that most accurately describes your
relevant background and achievements. Be sure to tweak each resume you send out to
the position you're seeking and the company you're applying for. Time spent on your
resume is time well spent.

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