Chevra Shas Sukkah 2b

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Why is a Sukkah taller than 20 amos, pasul?

I. Unaware of the Sekhakh: “So that your generations

will know that I made Bnei Yisrael dwell in
Sukkos”--- part of the definition of a Sukkah is to
know that you are in a Sukkah, and at that elevation
one is not cognizant of the Sekhakh (Rabbah)
II. Fails to Shade: “And the Sukkah will be for shade
by day”-( Yeshaya 4) --- When the Sukkah is 20
Amos or higher, the walls provide the shade rather
than the sekhakh (R’ Zeira)
III. Permanence- By definition, a Sukkah of that height
demands sturdy walls, so this cannot be a Sukkah
which needs to be (at least theoretically)
temporary/flimsy (Rava)
A) The Gemara will explore a number of teachings which
limit the application of the height restriction in the
mishnah, and will attempt to identify which of the above understandings of the disqualification of
20 Amos they accord with:
1) R’ Yoshiya: The Mishna only prohibits when the walls do not reach the sekhah, but if the
walls reached the , the Sukkah would be kasher even at that height
2) R” Huna- The Mishna only prohibits when the walls do not reach the sekhah, but if the walls
reached the sekhakh, the Sukkah would be kasher even at that height
3) R’ Chanan bar Rabbah- The Mishna only prohibits in a sukkah that just is able to
accommodate a person’s head, most of their body and their table in the sukkah, but if it was
larger, it would be kasher
B) The Gemara then attempts to identify whether the exact point of the dispute between R’ Huna
and R’ Chanan is either
1) The minimum size of a Sukkah
2) Whether a Sukkah that is between the minimum size and 4x4 Amos that is taller than 20
Amos is kasher
C) The Gemara then challenges both R’ Huna and R’ Chanan (who assume that our Mishna is
disqualifying a more than 20 amos high sukkah with a small volume) by citing the a story about a
debate between R; Yehuda and the Chachamim about whether 20 amos+ Sukkah of Queen
Helena was kasher or not, assuming that a queen would have a larger Sukkah.

Rabbi Daniel Yolkut

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