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Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan (Listening)

Memahami makna teks dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari,

Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan
berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur: menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas, dan
menyatakan tidak puas.

1. Mengidentifikasi makna kata.
2. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.
3. Merespon tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna kata .
2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.
3. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.

II. Materi : Expression Giving and Asking for Opinion

Giving Opinion Asking for Opinion

I think … What is your opinion?
I believe … What do you think of...?
I feel … How do you feel about…?
It seems to me … How do you see …?

Dialogue 1
Mother : What do you think of this refrigerator?
Nita : I think the other one’s better.
Mother : Really? But this one’s cheaper. And look at the design. It’s great isn’t it?
Nita : Yes, but it doesn’t have an Energy Star sticker.
Mother : What sticker?
Nita : Energy Star sticker.
Mother : What does a sticker affect?
Nita : Well, the sticker tells you that the product has been checked and approved by an
international body of it’s effi ciency.
Mother : Are you sure?
Nita : I’m defi nitely sure mom. All electronic appliances which have this sticker on it
mean they don’t waste electricity. We automatically will also save money from
saving electricity.
Nita : Where did you learn that from?
Mother : From an article that I read.
Nita : OK, we’ll take the one with the Energy Star sticker on it.

Dialogue 2
Helmi : Retno, what do you think is the best action to reduce global warming?
Retno : I think everyone should start changing their way of life.
Helmi : What do you mean?
Retno : Well, we have to start to do what we can, to help reduce global warming.
Helmi : What do you suggest that we should do?
Retno : Well, there are lots of things that we can do. We should start saving electricity,
start recycling things, start using public transport means, buying and consuming
much as we need only, etc. Basically, just save anything that we can.
Helmi : Wow! You know a lot of things about reducing global warming. Where did you
learn all of that from?
Retno : Well, I read newspapers, magazines, and also search for information in the
internet. Actually, I want to inform what I’ve learned to everyone so that
everybody can start helping to save our mother nature.
Helmi : You’re so awesome. How about if you write it in our school magazine next
Retno : That’s a great idea. I’ll do that.
Helmi : OK, I’ve got to go now.
Retno : Bye.

III. Metode Pengajaran

1. Three-phase Technique
2. Diskusi

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa
3. Apersepsi
- Guru memperkenalkan materi yang akan diajarkan.
- Secara individu, siswa diminta untuk memperhatikan gambar yang diberikan.
- Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan gambar.
Look at the following picture. Then answer the questions.

a. What does the poster tell you?

b. Why is it important for us to stop global warming?
c. Do you know how we can help stop global warming?

B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :

1. Siswa memasangkan kata-kata yang berkaitan dengan Global Warming dengan
artinya. Siswa mengerjakan Task 1 secara berpasangan.
2. Siswa membahas jawaban mereka.
3. Siswa mendengarkan percakapan interpersonal/transaksional yang berisikan
ungkapan untuk mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat (expressing: opinion) yang
dibacakan oleh guru.(Dialogue 1)
4. Siswa mengidentifikasi ungkapan mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat
(expressiong : opinion) yang ada dalam dialog.
5. Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang ungkapan-ungkapan lainnya untuk
mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat (expressiong : opinion).
6. Siswa melafalkan ungkapan-ungkapan mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat
(expressing: opinion ).
7. Siswa dapat membuat ungkapan untuk meminta pendapat berdasarkan respon
yang diberikan. Siswa mengerjakan Task 2.

C. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).

1. Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari.
2. Guru memberikan tugas pekerjaan rumah.(Dialogue 2, Task 3)

V. Sumber Belajar :
 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

VI. Media Pembelajaran : Poster tentang Global Warming dan Students’ Worksheet

VII. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat dan performance
Soal/instrumen :

Work in pairs and match each word/phrase with its meaning.

1. global warming a. the production or release of something.
2. greenhouse gas b. the gas breathed out by people and animals from the lungs
3. carbon dioxide or produced by burning carbons.
4. emissions c. the increase of the earth’s temperature because green house
5. methane gases trapped the sun’s heat in the atmosphere.
d. a colorless gas, produced naturally from rotting organic
waste and is one of the main greenhouse gas.
e. gases which are thought to contribute to the rise of
temperature of the earth’s atmosphere.


Match the questions with the correct responses.

1. What is your opinion about changing a. I think we should start it now.
traditional light bulbs to florescent b. I think we can reduce it by changing our
ones? way of life.
2. What do you think is the best action c. In my opinion, it is an effective way to
to reduce global warming? save energy and money.
3. Do you think greenhouse gases are d. It seems to me that the earth needs more
dangerous for earth’s atmosphere? trees.
4. When do you think we should start e. Yes, because they contribute to the rise of
reducing global warming? the temperature.
5. How do you see the condition of the
earth now?

Task 3. Read Dialogue 2 and identify expression asking and giving for opinion.

Task 4. Answer the following questions based on the dialogue between Helmi and Retno.

1. What does Helmi ask Retno for?

2. What is Retno’s opinion on the action that should be done to reduce global warming?
3. Where did Retno learn all the information on global warming?
4. What does Helmi think of Retno?
5. What does Helmi suggest that Retno should do?

Key Answer
Task 1 Task 2
1. C 1. C
2. E 2. B
3. B 3. E
4. A 4. A
5. D 5. D
Task 4
1. He asks Retno’s opinion.
2. She thinks everyone should start changing their way of life.
3. She read newspapers, magazines, and also search for
information in the internet.
4. He thinks that Retno is so awesome.
5. He suggests that Retno should write in their school magazine next month


Task 1, Task 2, Task 4

No. Soal Score

1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… Agustus 2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL

Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan (Listening)

Memahami makna teks dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari,

Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan
berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur: menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas, dan
menyatakan tidak puas.

1. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyatakan puas.
2. Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan puas.
3. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyatakan tidak puas.
4. Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan tidak puas.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyatakan puas
2. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur menyatakan puas.
3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyatakan tidak puas.
4. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur menyatakan tidak puas.

II. Materi : Expression of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

Percakapan/dialog dan pernyataan yang memuat ungkapan–ungkapan berikut :

......very pleased with.... ....displeased with....
......content with..... ....discontented with....
...... satisfied with..... ....dissatisfied with...
......very delighted with..... ....disappointed with....
Super! Horrible!
Great! Very sad!
Terrific! Annoying!
Fantastic! Disappointing!
Smashing! Frustrating!

1. Andi : Retno, I thought you were on vacation.

Retno : Well, I got back early.
Andi : Why?
Retno : Well, I didn’t really enjoy being there.
Andi : What happened?
Retno : Well, the beach was very dirty, and when I got there it was raining heavily.
What made it worse was the hotel where I stayed had a bad service.
Andi : You seem to be unhappy with your vacation.
Retno : Yes, I’m quite displeased about it.

2. Denias : Ian, where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for the past six days.
Ian : I just got back from Maluku.
Denias : Really? So you had your vacation there?
Ian : Well, actually I was visiting my grandparents. But, I also visited some
beaches and a museum there.
Denias : Did you have fun?
Ian : Absolutely. The beaches are great and the sea is full of beautiful coral
Denias : Don’t tell me you went snorkeling!
Ian : Yes, I did. It was awesome. I’m really content with my trip.
Denias : Oh, I wished I had been there too.
Ian : You should go there sometime.
Denias : Yes, I know.

3. Retno : How’s your vacation in Bali?

Ayu : It was terrific! The beaches are beautiful and the sun set from Tanah Lot
is satisfying.
Retno : Really? What else did you do there?
Ayu : Oh, I went parasailing! It was the most breath-taking thing that I’ve ever
Retno : Wow, it must be a very fun trip for you.
Ayu : Yes, I’m very satisfied with my vacation there. You must go there.
Retno : Yes, I think I’ll do that.

III. Metode Pengajaran

1. Three-phase Technique
2. Diskusi

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa
3. Tanya-jawab mengenai apakah siswa pernah mendapat pengalaman buruk ketika
B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :
1. Siswa membaca dialog yang berisikan ungkapan untuk menyatakan
kepuasaan/ketidakpuasan (expression : satisfaction/dissatisfaction).
2. Siswa mengidentifikasi pengalaman memuaskan/ tidak memuaskan dari tokoh-
tokoh dalam dialog berdasarkan ungkapan untuk menyatakan
kepuasaan/ketidakpuasan. Siswa mengisi tabel dalam Task 1.
3. Siswa mendengar ungkapan-ungkapan lain untuk menyatakan
kepuasaan/ketidakpuasan yang dibacakan oleh guru.
4. Siswa melafalkan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan
5. Siswa mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menyatakan
kepuasaan/ketidakpuasan. Siswa mengerjakan Task 2.

C. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).

1. Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari.

V. Sumber Belajar :
 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

VI. Media Pembelajaran : Example of Dialogue and Students’ Worksheet

VII. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat dan performance
Soal/instrumen :

Task 1. Study the dialogue then complete the table

Satisfactory Vacation Unsatisfactory vacation
Person’s name (1) (2)
Place (s) visited (3) (4)
Experience during vacation (5) (6)

Task 2. Decide what the speaker expresses.

Expressions satisfaction dissatisfaction

1. I’m disappointed with the unclear information that was
given by the travel guide.
2. The trip to the museum of science was fantastic!
3. Everyone was very pleased with the information given
about the amusing cities around the world.
4. The beach was very dirty. It’s very horrible!
5. The tour was very great!
Key Answer
Task 1
Satisfactory Vacation Unsatisfactory vacation
Person’s name (1) Ian, Ayu (2) Retno
Place (s) visited (3) Maluku, Bali (4) A beach
Experience during vacation (5) Ian visited some beaches (6) it was raining heavily and
and museum, and went the hotel had a bad service.
snorkeling. Ayu went to
beaches and went

Task 2
1. Dissatisfaction
2. Satisfaction
3. Satisfaction
4. Dissatisfaction
5. Satisfaction


Task 1
No. Soal Score
1 15
2 15
3 15
4 15
5 20
6 20
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Task 2
No. Soal Score
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal
Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… Agustus 2010
Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL

Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara (Speaking)

3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi
dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas, dan
menyatakan tidak puas.
1. Menggunakan tindak tutur menyatakan puas.
2. Menggunakan tindak tutur menyatakan tidak puas.
3. Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan puas.
4. Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan tidak puas.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan tindak tutur menyatakan puas.
2. Siswa dapat menggunakan tindak tutur menyatakan tidak puas.
3. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur menyatakan puas.
4. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur menyatakan tidak puas.

VIII. Materi : : Expression of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

Percakapan/dialog dan pernyataan yang memuat ungkapan–ungkapan berikut :

......very pleased with.... ....displeased with....
......content with..... ....discontented with....
...... satisfied with..... ....dissatisfied with...
......very delighted with..... ....disappointed with....
Super! Horrible!
Great! Very sad!
Terrific! Annoying!
Fantastic! Disappointing!
Smashing! Frustrating!
II. Metode Pengajaran
1. Diskusi
2. Students’ centered learning

III. Langkah Pembelajaran :

A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa
3. Siswa dan guru membahas tugas sebelumnya untuk mengidentifikasi ungkapan untuk
menyatakan kepuasaan/ketidakpuasan (expression : satisfaction/dissatisfaction).
B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :
1. Siswa berpasangan mempraktekkan dialog untuk menyatakan
kepuasaan/ketidakpuasan (expression : satisfaction/dissatisfaction).yang dipilih secara
acak oleh guru.
2. Siswa melengkapi dialog dengan ungkapan yang tepat untuk menyatakan
kepuasaan/ketidakpuasan (expression : satisfaction/dissatisfaction). Siswa
mengerjakan Task 1.
3. Siswa dan guru mendiskusikan tugas dalam Task 1.
4. Siswa menentukan ungkapan yang tepat untuk menyatakan kepuasaan/ketidakpuasan
(expression : satisfaction/dissatisfaction) berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan. Siswa
mengerjakan Task 2.
5. Siswa mendapat feedback dari guru.

C. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).

1. Siswa dan guru mereview ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
kepuasaan/ketidakpuasan (expression : satisfaction/dissatisfaction).

IV. Sumber Belajar :

 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

V. Media Pembelajaran : Example of Dialogue and Students’ Worksheet

VI. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat dan performance
Soal/instrumen :

Complete the dialogue with the suitable expressions. Compare your answer with your

1. Maya : Aunt Delia, how’s your trip?

Delia : Fantastic! Venice is a beautiful city. I’m very ………

2. Robby : How was your holiday?

Joko : It was………………………….., I don’t want to go there again.

3. Totti : My vacation was horrible. I’m…………………………..

Ridwan : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
4. Wawan : Lembah Baliem is very fascinating! I’m very……………………….with
my visit.
Rina : Really?

Express what would you say in the following situations. Compare your expressions with your

1. You visited Monas and you were in a queue to get up the museum. However, the
museum was closed just when it was your turn. You were very disappointed.
2. You went on a tour, but the places you visited were the same with the one last year.
You felt very bored and disappointed.
3. The lake that you visited was splendid. You feel like staying there.
4. The zoo that you visited has a limited number of animals and it’s very dirty. You
decided not to go there again.
5. The botanical garden in Bogor was great. You have a great time being there.


Task 1
1. Any satisfaction expressions.
2. Any dissatisfaction expressions.
3. Any dissatisfaction expressions.
4. Any satisfaction expressions.
Task 2
1. Any dissatisfaction expressions.
2. Any dissatisfaction expressions.
3. Any satisfaction expressions.
4. Any dissatisfaction expressions.
5. Any satisfaction expressions.


Task 1
No. Soal Score
1 25
2 25
3 25
4 25
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal
Task 2

Nomor soal Kriteria Score

Grammar : 10
Correct grammar = 10
Wrong grammar = 0

1,2,3,4,5 Vocabulary (choice of words) : 30

Very good = 30
Good = 20
Bad = 10

Skor Maksimum : 200

Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… September2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL


Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara (Speaking)

3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi
dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas, dan
menyatakan tidak puas.

1. Menggunakan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.
2. Merespon tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.
3. Menggunakan tindak tutur meminta pendapat.
4. Merespon tindak tutur meminta pendapat.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.
2. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.
3. Siswa dapat menggunakan tindak tutur meminta pendapat.
4. Siswa dapat merespon tindak meminta pendapat.

II. Materi : Expression Giving and Asking for Opinion

Giving Opinion Asking for Opinion

I think … What is your opinion?
I believe … What do you think of...?
I feel … How do you feel about…?
It seems to me … How do you see …?

III. Metode Pengajaran

1. Diskusi

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

D. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :

1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.

2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa
3. Siswa membahas tugas sebelumnya untuk mengidentifikasi ungkapan
mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat (expressing: opinion).
E. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :
1. Siswa mendengarkan percakapan interpersonal/transaksional yang berisikan ungkapan
untuk mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat (expressing: opinion) yang dibacakan oleh
2. Siswa melafalkan ungkapan-ungkapan mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat
(expressing: opinion ).
3. Siswa melengkapi dialog berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan dengan menggunakan
ungkapan untuk mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat (expressing: opinion ).(Task 1)
4. Siswa membuat dialog singkat untuk mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat (expressing:
opinion) berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan.
5. Siswa berpasangan mempraktekkan dialog untuk mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat
(expressing: opinion) yang dipilih secara acak oleh guru.
F. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).
1. Siswa mendapat feedback dari guru dan mereview ungkapan yang digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat (expressing: opinion ).

V. Sumber Belajar :
 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

VI. Media Pembelajaran : Example of Dialogue and Students’ Worksheet

VII. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat dan performance
Soal/instrumen :

Task 1 . Complete the following dialogues!

1. A : What do you think we should do to save energy?

B : ___________ reduce the use of it.
2. A : What do you think will happen if we don’t stop global warming?
B : _______________ sooner or later the world will be destroyed.
3. A : ___________________ of the carbon credits?
B : I think that is an unnecessary action.
4. A : What is your opinion on the tree planting action?
B : ___________ is a brilliant idea and we all should do it.
5. A : _________________ of unplugging electronic devices when they are not
being used?
B : In my opinion, that does make sense.

Task 2. Practice the dialogues and perform it in front of the class.

Task 1
1. Expression of giving opinion.
2. Expression of giving for opinion.
3. Expression of asking for opinion.
4. Expression of giving for opinion.
5. Expression of asking for opinion.


Task 1 .
No. Soal Score
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Task 2.
Nomor soal Kriteria Score
Pronounciation : 10
Correct pronunciation = 1
Wrong pronunciation = 0
Fluency :
Fluent = 3 30
Halting = 2
Skor Maksimum : 200
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… Agustus 2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL

Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan (Listening)

1. Memahami makna teks dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari,

Kompetensi Dasar
1.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur:menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan,
serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure.

1. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menasehati.
2. Merespon tindak tutur menasehati.
3. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur memperingatkan.
4. Merespon tindak tutur memperingatkan.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menasehati.
2. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur menasehati.
3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur memperingatkan.
4. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur memperingatkan.

II. Materi : Listening / Expression of Advising and Warning

I think you should….. I don’t think you should.... Look out!
If i were you, I’d..... I wouldn’t......, if I were you. Be careful of....
You’d better..... You’d better not. Make sure you.....
Take my advice and ...... I wouldn’t advice.... Watch out for...

Dialogue 1:

Panji : Do you think we need to know about drugs?

Bayu : Yes, I think everyone should know about it especially teenagers.
Panji : Why is that?
Bayu : Well, drugs have side effects and that it can be harmful so everybody
should know the truth about it.
Panji : Where do you think children should learn all of that knowledge
Bayu : In my opinion, their family and teachers are the one who should inform
Panji : Yeah, I guess you’re right. They are the closest people around them.
Oh, is it really true that we can get addicted only after the first try?
Bayu : That is certainly true, so if I were you I wouldn’t even touch it.
Panji : Don’t worry I wouldn’t even get near it.
Bayu : Good. Make sure you don’t get persuaded or attracted by it.
Panji : Don’t worry, I won’t.

III. Metode Pengajaran

1. Three-phase Technique
2. Diskusi

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

Pertemuan ke-4
A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa
3. Apersepsi
- Guru memperkenalkan materi yang akan diajarkan.
- Secara individu, siswa diminta untuk memperhatikan gambar yang diberikan.
- Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan gambar.

Look at the following picture. Then answer the questions.

a. Do you know those things? If so, where did you first learn about them?
b. Do you know their effects ?
c. Do you think it is important to know them?
d. Where do you think you and your friends should learn about them?
e. What should the government do about them?
f. What do you think we should do to drug dealers?

B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :

1. Secara individual, siswa memasangkan gambar dengan penjelasannya. Siswa
mengerjakan Task 1.
2. Siswa mendengarkan dialog yang dibacakan oleh guru.
3. Siswa mendiskusikan dialog dan fungsi ungkapan yang didengar.
4. Siswa membaca dialog dan mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan untuk
menasehati dan memperingatkan (expression : advising and warning).
5. Siswa menemukan informasi rinci dari dialog yang dibacakan oleh guru. Secara
individu, siswa mengerjakan Task 2.

D. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).

1. Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari.
2. Guru memberi pekerjaan rumah pada siswa (Task 3 and Task 4)

V. Sumber Belajar :
 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

VI. Media Pembelajaran : Gambar dan Students’ Worksheet

VII. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat dan performance
Soal/instrumen :

Arrange these pictures and the name based on the meaning you hear.
Intoxicating drinks containing alcohol.

A white powder derived from morphine

that is highly addictive narcotic drug.

1. ………………………. An illegal drug used as stimulant and

relaxer of inhibitions.

Illegal drug made from hemp.

2. ………………………..

3. ……………………….
4. ………………………

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue.
1. What are the boys talking about?
2. Why does Bayu think it is important for everyone to know the truth about drugs?
3. From whom should children first learn information on drugs?
4. Why does Bayu suggest Panji? What does he say?

TASK 3 (Homework)
Read the dialogue between Danias and Aspani then identify expression for advising
and warning)

Danias : Look at these articles, more drug users were caught.

Aspani : Yeah, I think the number of drug users is increasing.
Danias : Yeah, it’s so sad. We have to be careful not to get plunged into using drugs.
How do you think we can stop or at least decrease the number of drug users.
Aspani : Well, I think beside educating everyone with the information of what drugs are
and what they can do to our body, we should also control the drug traffic more
Danias : What do you mean?
Aspani : Well, I think if we stop the drug traffic the drugs available in our society will
decrease or even be gone
Danias : Yes, you’re right. But, what do you think we should do to stop the drug traffic?
Aspani : I think the police should increase its luggage checking in airports, harbours,
city borders,etc
Danias : Wouldn’t that take time? We will need more policemen then.
Aspani : Yes, of course. We will also need high technology equipments too. That way,
the security checking will be much faster and thorough
Danias : I agree with you, I think the government should give a thought about that.

Answer the questions based on the dialogue.
1. What are Denias and Aspani talking about?
2. How does Aspani give the advice?
3. Who gives the warning?
4. How does he express his warning?
Key Answer
Task 1
1. Illegal drug made from hemp.
2. An illegal drug used as stimulant and relaxer of inhibitions.
3. Intoxicating drinks containing alcohol.
4. A white powder derived from morphine that is highly addictive narcotic drug.

Task 2 .
1. The boys are talking about the importance of learning about drugs.
2. Because drugs have side effects and that it can be harmful.
3. From their families and teachers.
4. He suggest that everybody should know the truth about drugs.

Task 3
Expressions to advise :
1. We should also control the drug traffic more strictly (Aspani).
2. I think the police should increase its luggage checking in airports, harbors, city
borders, etc. (Aspani).
3. I think the government should give a thought about that. (Danias).
Expressions to warn :
1. We have to be careful not to get plunged into using drugs.

Task 4
1. They are talking about how to stop or decrease the number of drug users.
2. He says : “We should also control the drug traffic more strictly” and “I think the
police should increase its luggage checking in airports, harbors, city borders, etc.”
3. Denias does.
4. He says : “We have to be careful not to get plunged into using drugs.”


Task 1, Task 2, and Task 4

No. Soal Score
1 25
2 25
3 25
4 25
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal
Task 3
Jumlah Benar Score
1 25
2 50
3 75
4 100

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… September 2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL

Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara (Speaking)

3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi
dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur : menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta
menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure.

1. Menggunakan tindak tutur menasehati.
2. Merespon tindak tutur menasehati.
3. Menggunakan tindak tutur memperingatkan.
4. Merespon tindak tutur memperingatkan.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan tindak tutur menasehati.
2. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur menasehati.
3. Siswa dapat menggunakan tindak tutur memperingatkan.
4. Siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur memperingatkan.

II. Materi : Listening / Expression of Advising and Warning

I think you should….. I don’t think you should.... Look out!
If i were you, I’d..... I wouldn’t......, if I were you. Be careful of....
You’d better..... You’d better not. Make sure you.....
Take my advice and ...... I wouldn’t advice.... Watch out for...

III. Metode Pengajaran

1. Audiolingual Method
2. Diskusi

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Siswa membahas tugas sebelumnya untuk makna tindak tutur menasehati dan

B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :

1. Siswa mendengarkan percakapan interpersonal/transaksional yang berisikan ungkapan
menasehati dan memperingatkan (expression : advising and warning).
2. Siswa melafalkan ungkapan-ungkapan menasehati dan memperingatkan (expression :
advising and warning).
3. Siswa melengkapi kalimat dengan ungkapan menasehati dan memperingatkan
(expression : advising and warning) berdasarkan kata-kata yang disediakan.(Task 1)
4. Siswa membuat ungkapan menasehati dan memperingatkan (expression : advising
and warning) berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan. (Task 2).

C. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).

1. Siswa mendapat feedback dari guru dan mereview ungkapan yang digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan/meminta pendapat (expressing: opinion ).

V. Sumber Belajar :
 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

VI. Media Pembelajaran : Example of Dialogue and Students’ Worksheet

VII. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat dan performance
Soal/instrumen :

Task 1.
Match the sentences with suitable expressions to complete them.

1. ... to the talk show tomorrow. You won’t regret it, I a. You’d better not …
guarantee. b. Watch out for …
2. ... that person. I think he’s a drug dealer. c. Take my advice and come
3. ... touch any of those dangerous drugs. …
4. ... tell your friend the truth about drugs. d. I think you should …
5. ... any of addictive drugs because they are really bad e. Make sure you don’t try…
for you.

Task 2.
Express what you would say in the following situations.

1. Your friend thinks that using drugs will make him cool and want to try some. You tell
him not to do that because it’s dangerous.
2. You want to warn your brother not to get persuaded by other people in trying drugs.
3. You want to tell your friends to learn the truth about drugs, so that they can arm
themselves with the information that they have to stay away from it.
Key answer
Task 1
1. C Task 2
2. B 1. Expression advising
3. A 2. Expression warning
4. D 3. Expression advising
5. E


Task 1 .
No. Soal Score
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Task 2.
No. Soal Score
1 30
2 30
3 40
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… Oktober 2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL

Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan (Listening)

2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk reports, narrative,
dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
2.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek resmi dan tak
resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

1. Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek yang didengar.
2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi teks fungsional pendek yang didengar.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek yang
2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi teks fungsional pendek yang

II. Materi : Teks Monolog Report

Teks :
Gawai Dayak

Gawai Day or Gawai Dayak, is a festival celebrated in Kalimantan. It is both a

religious and social occasion. Gawai Dayak literally means “Dayak Festival”. Dayak visit
their friends and relatives on this day. Those far away receive greeting cards. The mode of
celebrations varies from place to place.
The festival is celebrated on the 1st of June every year. However, it actually starts on
the evening of 31st of May. Gawai Dayak celebration may last for several days.
On the evening of 31st of May, the ceremony to cast the greediness spirit away (Muai
Antu Rua) is held. Then, offering ceremony (miring) is conducted. Thanking gods for the
good harvest, guidance, blessings and long life is done through sacrificing a cockerel. At
midnight spirit welcoming procession (Ngaluh Petara) is held. Then, the celebration gets
merrier as people start singing and reading poems.
On the 1st of June, the homes of the Dayaks are opened to visitors. Cock-fighting,
blowpipe skill demonstration, and ngajat competitions are held. It is also during this time of
the year that many Dayak weddings take place. Today, it is an integral part of Dayak social
life. It is a thanksgiving day marking good harvest and a time to plan for the new farming
season or activities ahead.
Explanation :
The text entitled Gawai Dayak has general information on Gawai Dayak in its first
paragraph and specific information on Gawai Dayak on the rest of the paragraphs.
Such a text is an information report which consist of two main parts :
 General information
 Bundles of more specific information
Its social purpose is presenting information about something.

III. Metode Pengajaran

1. Three-phase Technique
2. Diskusi

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa
3. Apersepsi
- Guru memperkenalkan materi yang akan diajarkan.
- Secara individu, siswa diminta untuk memperhatikan gambar yang diberikan.
- Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan gambar.

Look at the following picture. Then answer the questions.

1. What celebration is in the pictures?

2. Why do people celebrate it?
3. How do they celebrate it?
4. When do they celebrate it?

B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :

1. Siswa mendapat penjelasan menngenai teks monolog report (definisi dan
organisasi teks).
2. Siswa mendengarkan teks information report yang dibacakan oleh guru.
3. Siswa mengidentifikasi pernyataan yang benar dan salah berdasarkan teks bacaan
yang didengar. Secara individu, siswa mengerjakan Task 1.
4. Siswa mendiskusikan jawaban mereka.
5. Siswa membaca teks monolog report.
6. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan untuk mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks
fungsional pendek yang didengar (text : information report). Siswa mengerjakan
Task 2.
7. Siswa dan guru mendiskusikan jawaban pada Task 2.

C. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).

1. Siswa membuat kesimpulan mengenai tujuan komunikasi teks fungsional pendek
(teks monolog report) dan informasi-informasi apa saja yang diperoleh dari teks
yang telah dibaca.
2. Guru memberi tugas pekerjaan rumah (Task 3)

V. Sumber Belajar :
 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

VI. Media Pembelajaran : Example of Dialogue and Students’ Worksheet

VII. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat dan performance
Soal/instrumen :

Task 1.
Decide whether the statements below True or False

Statements T F
1. Gawai Dayak is a Dayak festival.
2. Sacrifice is done through slaughtering a turkey.
3. The celebration begins on the 1st of June.
4. Gawai Dayak is now a thanksgiving day of good harvest and
planting season.
5. In the Gawai Dayak’s eve the people are very silent.

Task 2.
Answer the questions based on the text.

1. What is Gawai Day?

2. Where is it celebrated?
3. When is it celebrated ?
4. Why sacrificing cockerel is done?
5. How is it celebrated?

Task 3
Rewrite the following jumbled paragraphs into a good report. Compare your report with
your partner’s.
A. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar Korean calendar. The celebration started
one day before and after. Therefore, it is a three days celebration.
B. A variety of folk games are played on Chuseok, but these vary from region to region. A lion dance is
performed in the north-west, a tug of war in Jeolla and Gyeongsang provinces. Other regions hold
wrestling and archery contests. For all games, in all regions, a Nongak band performs.

C. Chuseok, also called Han-ga-wi (from archaic Korean for “great middle”), is a major three-day holiday
in Korea. It is a celebration of the good harvest. Koreans visit their ancestral hometowns and share a feast
of Korean traditional food.

D. In modern South Korea, on Chuseok there is a mass exodus of Koreans returning to their hometowns
to pay respects to the spirits of one’s ancestors. People perform ancestral worship rituals early in the
morning. They often visit the tombs of their immediate ancestors to trim plants, clean the area around the
tomb, and offer food, drink, and crops to their ancestors. Harvest crops are attributed to the blessing of


Task 1

1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. F

Task 2
1. Gawai Dayak is a festival celebrated in Kalimantan. It is both a religious and social
2. It is celebrated in Kalimantan.
3. It is celebrated on the 1st of June every year.
4. It is done to thank Gods for the good harvest, guidance, blessing, and long life.
5. It is celebrated by visiting their friends and relatives, and sending greeting cards.

Task 3


Task 1 .
No. Soal Score
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal
Task 2.
No. Soal Score
1 30
2 30
3 40
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Task 3
Jumlah Urutan Benar Score
1 25
2 50
3 75
4 100

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… Oktober 2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL

Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis (Writing)

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
report, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek resmi dan tak resmi
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.

1. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks report.
2. Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek dalam bentuk Simple
Present Tense.
3. Mengubah kalimat dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense menjadi Simple Past Tense.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks report.
2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek dalam
bentuk Simple Present Tense.
3. Siswa dapat mengubah kalimat dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense menjadi Simple
Past Tense.

II. Materi : Teks Monolog Report and Simple Past Tense form

Teks :
Gawai Dayak

Gawai Day or Gawai Dayak, is a festival celebrated in Kalimantan. It is both a

religious and social occasion. Gawai Dayak literally means “Dayak Festival”. Dayaks visit
their friends and relatives on this day. Those far away receive greeting cards. The mode of
celebrations varies from place to place.
The festival is celebrated on the 1st of June every year. However, it actually starts on
the evening of 31st of May. Gawai Dayak celebration may last for several days.
On the evening of 31st of May, the ceremony to cast the greediness spirit away (Muai
Antu Rua) is held. Then, offering ceremony (miring) is conducted. Thanking gods for the
good harvest, guidance, blessings and long life is done through sacrificing a cockerel. At
midnight spirit welcoming procession (Ngaluh Petara) is held. Then, the celebration gets
merrier as people start singing and reading poems.
On the 1st of June, the homes of the Dayaks are opened to visitors. Cock-fighting,
blowpipe skill demonstration, and ngajat competitions are held. It is also during this time of
the year that many Dayak weddings take place. Today, it is an integral part of Dayak social
life. It is a thanksgiving day marking good harvest and a time to plan for the new farming
season or activities ahead.

Simple Present Tense

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan pada masa sekarang atau kebiasaan.
Rumus dasar dari tenses ini adalah :

(+) : S + Kata Kerja bentuk pertama (Verb I) + Object

(-) : S + don`t/doesn`t + Verb 1 + object
(?) : Do/Does + S + Verb I + object ?

Simple Past Tense

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan pada masa lalu.
Rumus dasar dari tenses ini adalah :

(+) : S + Kata Kerja bentuk kedua (Verb II) + Object

(-) : S + didn’t + Verb 1 + object
(?) : Did + S + Verb I + object ?

III. Metode Pengajaran

1. Ceramah
2. Diskusi

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa.
3. Apersepsi
- Guru memperkenalkan materi yang akan diajarkan.
- Secara individu, siswa diminta untuk menyebutkan aktivitas yang
dilakukannya secara rutin.
B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :
1. Siswa bersama guru membentuk kalimat dengan pola Simple Present Tense.
2. Siswa mendapat penjelasan tentang Simple Present Tense.
3. Siswa mendapat penjelasan tentang Simple Past Tense.
4. Siswa mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dalam teks report yang memiliki pola
Simple Present Tense. Task 1
5. Siswa mengubah kalimat Simple Present Tense menjadi Simple Past Tense.
Siswa mengerjakan Task 2.
6. Siswa dan guru mendiskusikan jawaban pada Task 1.

C. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).

1. Siswa membuat kesimpulan mengenai materi yang telah dipelajari.

VIII. Sumber Belajar :

 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

IX. Media Pembelajaran : Irregular Verb List and Students’ Worksheet

X. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat dan performance
Soal/instrumen :

Task 1. Identify 5 (five) sentences using Simple Present Tense in the text.

Task 2. Change these sentences to the past tense. Use the time expression that is given in
1. Farmers plant their crops in the spring. (last April)
2. We spend a lot of money in market. (last month)
3. Some students carry their books in a backpack. (last year)
4. We go to Washington, D.C., every year. (last spring)
5. Sam doesn’t have much free time today. (yesterday)
6. John eats out once a week. (yesterday)
7. Jerry writes a letter to Tom everyday. (yesterday)
8. I don’t leave the house until noon. (yesterday)
9. Mrs. Peterson comes home until 5.00 everyday. (yesterday)
10. Frank knows the answer. (last week)


Task 1

1. Dayaks visit their friends and relatives on this day.

2. Those far away receive greeting cards.
3. The mode of celebrations varies from place to place.
4. However, it actually starts on the evening of 31st of May.
5. Then, the celebration gets merrier as people start singing and reading poems.

Task 2
1. Farmers planted their crops last April.
2. We spent a lot of money last month.
3. Some students carried their books in a backpack last year.
4. We went to Washington, D.C., last spring.
5. Sam didn’t have much free time today yesterday.
6. John ate out yesterday.
7. Jerry wrote a letter to Tom everyday yesterday.
8. I didn’t leave the house yesterday.
9. Mrs. Peterson came home until 5.00 yesterday.
10. Frank knew the answer. (last week).

Task 1 .
Jumlah kalimat yang benar Score
1 25
2 50
3 75
4 100

Task 2.
No. Soal Score
1 10
2 10
3 10
4 10
5 10
6 10
7 10
8 10
9 10
10 10
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… Oktober 2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL

Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Reading (Membaca)

5. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk report,
narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

Kompetensi Dasar
5.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek resmi dan tak
resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

1. Membaca nyaring bermakna wacana ragam bahasa tulis yang dibahas dengan
ucapan dan intonasi yang benar.
2. Mengidentifikasi makna kata.
3. Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat membaca nyaring bermakna wacana ragam bahasa tulis yang dibahas
dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang benar.
2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna kata.
3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek.

II. Materi : Teks Monolog Report

Teks :
Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of harvest, thankfulness for peace,

and the attempt of Native Americans. It is celebrated in late autumn. In the past,
Thanksgiving was celebrated for their rich harvest in New England. In North America,
however, it was originally held to thank God for their survival in the new land which was not
easy for them. However, in Canada, it had been celebrated as in New England. Thanksgiving
now is celebrated in United States of America and in Canada. Thanksgiving festivals are held
every fourth Thursday of November in the U.S and on the second Monday of October in
Canada. It is usually celebrated in four to five days in the North America and for three days
in Canada.
It is celebrated through families and friends gathering to eat and give good luck.
Turkey is the main dish in the thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving parades are also usually
In Thanksgiving, homes are decorated with wreaths, fresh and dried fl owers. Lamps
are lighted to brighten the environment. Tables are decorated with best china and antique
silver dishes to mark the occasion.

III. Metode Pengajaran

1. Diskusi

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa
3. Apersepsi
- Guru dan siswa mereview kembali tentang teks ”Gawai Dayak”.
- Secara individu, siswa diminta untuk memperhatikan gambar yang diberikan.
- Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan gambar.

Look at the following picture. Then answer the questions.

1. What kind of celebration do you see in the picture?

2. Where do people celebrate it?
3. What is the similarity between Thanksgiving and Gawai Dayak?
B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :
1. Guru meminta siswa secara bergiliran untuk membacakan teks “Thanksgiving
2. Siswa diminta untuk membaca teks secara individual.
3. Siswa mengidentifikasi makna kata dengan memasangkan beberapa kata yang
berkaitan dengan Thanksgiving dengan makna katanya. Siswa mengerjakan
Task 1.
4. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan untuk mencari informasti tertentu yang ada di
dalam teks bacaan. Siswa mengerjakan Task 2.
5. Siswa dan guru mendiskusikan jawaban pada Task 1 dan Task 2.

C. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).

1. Siswa membuat kesimpulan mengenai materi yang telah dipelajari.
2. Guru member tugas kepada siswa untuk menuliskan informasi tentang
perayaan-perayaan tradisional di daerah Pontianak
V. Sumber Belajar :
 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

VI. Media Pembelajaran : Pictures and Students’ Worksheet

VII. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat
Soal/instrumen :

Task 1 Match the following words from the text with its meaning.

1. harvest (n) a. circle of flowers or leaves especially given at a funeral in

2. wreath (n) memory of the dead person.
3. china (n) b. happening time when something happens.
4. dish (n) c. cups, plates, etc., made of fine white clay.
5. dishes (n) d. picking ripe crops.
6. occasion (n) e. part of a meal; plate of prepared food.
f. plates and cups, etc.

Task 2 Read the following information on thanksgiving celebrations in USA and

Canada. Find the answers to the following questions.

1. What is Thanksgiving Day?

2. Where is it celebrated?
3. When is it celebrated in Canada?
4. How long does the celebration last in the USA?
5. How is it celebrated?

Task 3 Homework :

Write a short report about traditional celebration in Pontianak. The report is based on
the following information.
a. Celebration
b. Where
c. Function
d. When
e. Food
f. How

Task 1
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. E
5. F
6. B

Task 2

1. Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of harvest, thankfulness for peace,

and the attempt of Native Americans.
2. Thanksgiving now is celebrated in United States of America and in Canada.
3. It is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada.
4. It is usually celebrated in four to five days in the North America.
5. It is celebrated through families and friends gathering to eat and give good luck.


Task 1 .
No. Soal Score
1 20
2 20
3 15
4 15
5 15
6 15
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Task 2.
No. Soal Score
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal
Task 3
Information Kriteria Score
a. Celebration Grammar : 10
b. Where Correct Grammar =1
c. Function Wrong Grammar =0
d. When Vocabulary (Choice of Words):
e. Food Very good = 3 30
f. How Good = 2
Bad = 1
Skor Maksimum : 240
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… Oktober 2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL

Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis (Writing)

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
report, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek resmi dan tak resmi
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.

1. Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek dalam bentuk Passive
Voice pola Simple Present Tense.
2. Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek dalam bentuk Passive
Voice pola Simple Past Tense.
3. Mengubah kalimat aktif pola Simple Present Tense menjadi kalimat Passive pola
Simple Present Tense.
4. Mengubah kalimat aktif pola Simple Present Tense menjadi kalimat Passive pola
Simple Past Tense.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek dalam
bentuk Passive Voice pola Simple Present Tense.
2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek dalam
bentuk Passive Voice pola Simple Past Tense.
3. Siswa dapat mengubah kalimat aktif pola Simple Present Tense menjadi kalimat
Passive pola Simple Present Tense.
4. Siswa dapat mengubah kalimat aktif pola Simple Present Tense menjadi kalimat
Passive pola Simple Past Tense.

II. Materi : Teks Monolog Report and Passive Voice

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of harvest, thankfulness for peace,

and the attempt of Native Americans. It is celebrated in late autumn. In the past,
Thanksgiving was celebrated for their rich harvest in New England. In North America,
however, it was originally held to thank God for their survival in the new land which was not
easy for them. However, in Canada, it had been celebrated as in New England. Thanksgiving
now is celebrated in United States of America and in Canada. Thanksgiving festivals are held
every fourth Thursday of November in the U.S and on the second Monday of October in
Canada. It is usually celebrated in four to five days in the North America and for three days
in Canada.
It is celebrated through families and friends gathering to eat and give good luck.
Turkey is the main dish in the thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving parades are also usually
In Thanksgiving, homes are decorated with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers. Lamps are
lighted to brighten the environment. Tables are decorated with best china and antique silver
dishes to mark the occasion.


Passive Voice berarti suatu bentuk kata kerja transitif dimana secara tata Bahasa Inggris
subjek dari kalimat berpelaku sebagai ‘pasien’, yaitu yang menerima aksi dari sebuah
Example :
Tense Subject Verb Object
Simple Present Active: Rita writes a letter.
Passive: A letter is written by Rita.
Simple Past Active: Rita wrote a letter.
Passive: A letter was written by Rita.
Present Perfect Active: Rita has written a letter.
Passive: A letter has been written by Rita.

III. Metode Pengajaran

1. Diskusi
2. Mechanical Drills

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa.
3. Apersepsi
- Guru mereview tentang berbagai ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah dipelajari.
- Guru menjelaskan bahwa ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah dipelajari
menggunakan pola kalimat aktif
- Guru meminta siswa membedakan makna kalimat aktif dan pasif.
B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :
1. Guru meminta siswa memperhatikan beberapa kalimat pasif dalam teks
“Thanksgiving Day” .
2. Siswa diminta untuk menemukan beberapa kalimat dengan pola kalimat pasif
dalam teks “Thanksgiving Day”.
3. Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan pembentukan pola kalimat pasif.
4. Siswa mengubah
C. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).----sampai tanda tangan belum disesuaikan ya,,,,,,
3. Siswa membuat kesimpulan mengenai materi yang telah dipelajari.
4. Guru member tugas kepada siswa untuk menuliskan informasi tentang
perayaan-perayaan tradisional di daerah Pontianak

V. Sumber Belajar :
 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

VI. Media Pembelajaran : Pictures and Students’ Worksheet

VII. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat
Soal/instrumen :

Task 1 Match the following words from the text with its meaning.

1. harvest (n) a. circle of flowers or leaves especially given at a funeral in

2. wreath (n) memory of the dead person.
3. china (n) b. happening time when something happens.
4. dish (n) c. cups, plates, etc., made of fine white clay.
5. dishes (n) d. picking ripe crops.
6. occasion (n) e. part of a meal; plate of prepared food.
f. plates and cups, etc.

Task 2 Read the following information on thanksgiving celebrations in USA and

Canada. Find the answers to the following questions.

1. What is Thanksgiving Day?

2. Where is it celebrated?
3. When is it celebrated in Canada?
4. How long does the celebration last in the USA?
5. How is it celebrated?

Task 3 Homework :

Write a short report about traditional celebration in Pontianak. The report is based on
the following information.
g. Celebration
h. Where
i. Function
j. When
k. Food
l. How

Task 1
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. E
5. F
6. B

Task 2

1. Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of harvest,

thankfulness for peace, and the attempt of Native Americans.
2. Thanksgiving now is celebrated in United States of America and in
3. It is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada.
4. It is usually celebrated in four to five days in the North America.
5. It is celebrated through families and friends gathering to eat and give
good luck.


Task 1 .
No. Soal Score
1 20
2 20
3 15
4 15
5 15
6 15
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Task 2.
No. Soal Score
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Skor Maksimum : 100
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal
Task 3
Information Kriteria Score
g. Celebration Grammar : 10
h. Where Correct Grammar =1
i. Function Wrong Grammar =0
j. When Vocabulary (Choice of Words):
k. Food Very good = 3 30
l. How Good = 2
Bad = 1
Skor Maksimum : 240
Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… Oktober 2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing

Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL

Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis (Writing)

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
report, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek (misalnya banner,
poster, pamphlet, dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara
akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

1. Mengidentifikasi topik dari teks yang dibaca.
2. Memahami makna kata yang berkaitan dengan topik teks.
3. Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek .
4. Menghasilkan poster sesuai dengan tema yang ditentukan.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi topik dari teks yang dibaca.
2. Siswa dapat menemukan makna kata yang berkaitan dengan topik teks.
3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks fungsional pendek.
4. Siswa dapat menghasilkan poster sesuai dengan tema yang ditentukan.

II. Materi : Poster

Definition :
A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical

Elements of posters :
Typically posters include both textual and graphicelements, although a poster may be
either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and
convey information.

Function :
Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool
of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films) and means to communicate a
III. Metode Pengajaran
1. Discussion
2. Group Work

IV. Langkah Pembelajaran :

A. Pre – Activity (Kegiatan Awal) :
1. Guru memberi salam kepada siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa absen siswa.
3. Apersepsi
- Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang poster yang mereka miliki.
- Guru dan siswa berdiskusi tentang jenis-jenis poster lainnya.
- Secara individu, siswa diminta untuk memperhatikan beberapa poster yang
ditunjukkan oleh guru.
4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan rencana kegiatan kepada siswa.

Look at the following posters and answer the questions.

a. What messages can you get from the posters?

b. What are the differences between poster A , poster B, and poster C?
c. What do you think a good poster should have?

B. Whilst – Activity (Kegiatan Inti) :

1. Guru meminta siswa membandingkan tiga poster yang ditunjukkan oleh guru
(wholly graphical poster, wholly textual poster, graphical and textual poster).
2. Siswa menemukan elemen-elemen apa saja yang terdapat dalam poster.
3. Siswa mengidentifikasi informasi-informasi tertentu dalam poster. Siswa
mengerjakan Task 1.
4. Siswa dan guru mendiskusikan jawaban pada Task 1.
5. Secara berkelompok siswa membuat poster sesuai dengan tema yang ditentukan.
C. Post – Activity(kegiatan akhir).
1. Guru dan siswa memberikan penilaian untuk poster-poster yang telah
siswa buat.
2. Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang telah

XI. Sumber Belajar :

 Buku : Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI, Science and
Social Study Programme, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.
 Gambar poster :

XII. Media Pembelajaran :

 Poster
 Karton
 Spidol warna

XIII. Penilaian
Teknik : Test and non test
Bentuk penilaian : uraian singkat dan performance
Soal/instrumen :

Task 1. Study the Poster and answer the questions.

1. What is the poster about?
2. Match the words with the meanings.
Hurt a. unpleasant feeling that you get when you think that something
Anonymous bad, dangerous, or frightening might happen
Court b. The place where a judge decides whether someone is guilty of
Fear a crime.
c. Not giving a name
d. To cause someone pain or to injure them

3. How do people can give information on the criminal activity?

Task 2. In a group of three, make a poster about the danger of drugs.


Task 1

1. The poster is about how to stop illegal drugs.

2. i. d
ii. c
iii. b
iv. a
3. People can give information by calling Crimstoppers on 0800 555 111.


Task 1 .
No. soal Score
1 30
2 35
3 35

Skor Maksimum : 100

Nilai Siswa : Skor perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Task 2.
Kriteria Score
 Menggunakan warna, rapi, dan
 Pemilihan kata baik. 80
 Gambar mewakili topik.

Salah satu dari tiga kriteria di atas

tidak terpenuhi.

Sama sekali tidak memenuhi tiga

kriteria di atas.

Mengetahui, Pontianak, ……… November 2010

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PPL

Titiek Volleyati, A.Md. Mariam

Dosen Pembimbing
Sumarni, S.Pd., M.TESOL
Nama Sekolah : SMA WISUDA Pontianak
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
Alokasi : 2 x 35 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan (Listening)

2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk reports, narrative,
dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar
2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks
berbentuk : report, narrative, dan analytical exposition

1. Mengartikan beberapa kata dalam bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.
2. Mengidentifikasi tokoh dari cerita yang didengar.
3. Mengidentifikasi kejadian dalam teks yang didengar.
4. Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dalam teks yang didengar.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat mengartikan beberapa kata dalam bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa
Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tokoh dari cerita yang didengar.
Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kejadian dalam teks yang didengar.
Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dalam teks yang

II. Materi : Teks Narrative

Let Me Love You

Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl.
This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that
time he was just a small executive in his company, his future doesn’t seem too bright, they
were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will
never come back. She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for the both of them,
so let’s go their own ways there and then... heartbroken, the guy
When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, just to make
something out of himself. Finally with all these hard work and with the help of friends, this
guy had set up his own company...
“You never fail until you stop trying.” He always told himself. “I must make it in
life!” One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an
umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still
drenched. It didn’t take him long to realise those were his ex-girlfriend’s parents. With a
heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in
his luxury saloon. He wanted them to know that he wasn’t the same anymore, he had his own
company, car, condo, etc. He had made it in life!
Before the guy can realize, the couple was walking towards a cemetery, and he got
out of his car and followed them...and he saw his ex-girlfriend, a photograph of her smiling
sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone... and he saw his precious paper cranes in a bottle
placed beside her tomb. Her parents saw him. He walked over and asked them why this had
happened. They explained that she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken ill with
cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her
illness to be his obstacle ... therefore she had chosen to leave him.
She had wanted her parents to put his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day comes
when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him. The guy just

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