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Ethan Watson

China’s One Child Policy

China’s one child policy has stirred up much controversy. I believe there are many pros and cons
to this policy but these are the ones that I have come up with. The first positive is that it slows china’s
population growth. China can’t even feed its entire people so slowing the population growth is very
good and will lower the amount of people starving. The one child policy also makes it easier to govern
china. With less people for china to look after it is easier to govern everyone. Finally people who follow
the policy receive benefits. These benefits help the people and make overall life easier for everyone.

Chinas one child policy also has several negatives. First off the policy prevents someone’s human
right to choose how many children they would like to have. Every human have certain rights that they
should not be denied and the choice of how many children is one of those rights. Another negative
about this policy is the amount of female children killed. Chinese people want their names to carry on
and so they try for a boy. Girls should not be killed without a chance just because they can’t carry their
parents last name. Finally china is becoming over run with men. With everyone wanting boys the ratio of
men to women has become disproportioned. This disproportion could ultimately slow china’s
population too much.

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