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Taking Medical Records to the Bank

Dimick, Chris
Journal of American Health Information Association, May
Les Sandusky Sr.
What is a Health record Bank?

 Patients have full access

 Patient determines whom has consent
 Electronic Medical Record repository
 Operates like a financial bank
 Patients and providers submit data
Current Models in Use

Distributed or Federated model

records remain in facility where
created , RHIO’S adopt this method
Centralized Model
store patient data on a centralized
data base – controlled by Providers
Patient Controls Access
Pro Con
• Patient Controls • Patient falsifying or
access to info removing
• Patient feels more documentation
secure • Providers wary
• One centralized • Costs of initiation
national location
Washington State Pilot Bank

2005 Legislature formed Health Information

Infrastructure Advisory board

Pilot for the bank is currently being

constructed with operation expected in
January 2009
Unknown source of funding for
Questions to Answer
• Who will fund
• Whom will Operate the bank
• Ownership
• Regulations on operation
• Will providers agree to submit their data

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