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Computer Graphics & Multimedia

Paper- MCA
Time allowed: 3 hrs. M.M: 75
Note: Attempt any five questions selecting atleast one from each unit. All questions carry equal

1.(a) What does an Interactive Computer Graphics system works.

(b) How does a CRT display device works? Why continuous refreshing is required in a
2.(a) Explain video controller relating Raster and Random scan system.
(b) Explain over scanning and Interlacing. Explain Flickering . If thin horizontal line of
only one raster lines thickness were drawn on CRT that employed interlacing ,it would
appear to flicker why?
3.(a) What is the purpose of decision parameter used in Bresenham’s line drawing
b)Write a pseudo code for the mid point circle algorithm and obtain the points on a
circle with center(0,0) and radius 5 using the algorithm.
4 (a) What do you mean by Anti-aliasing? What are its various techniques?
b) Write a short note on
(i) boundary fill algorithm
(ii) Wire frame model
5.(a)Show that the two dimension scales and rotations do not commute in general. Under
what restrictions on scaling, transformation is commutation of scales rotations
(b) Explain Shearing & Reflection
6 a)What is the concept of projections . Discuss the different types of projections in detail
and their matrix representations.
b) What do you understand by line clipping ? Illustrate the line clipping algorithms.

7. a)What is digital audio/video ? Why is it preferred over analog audio/video? Explain.

b) What is multimedia authoring process? Discuss the activities involved in multimedia
authoring process.
8 What do you mean by MATLab ? What are its various features ? Specify its applications.

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