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Being happy can be hard work sometimes.

It is like maintaining a nice home - you’ve got to
hang on to your treasures and throw out the garbage.

Being happy requires looking for the good things.

One person sees the beautiful view and the other sees
the dirty window. Choose what you see and what
you think.
Do you recall watching “boy meet girl” movies? Titanic
would be a famous example. As the boy and girl struggle
through thick and thin, you hoped and prayed the whole
time that everything would work out even in the outcome
of imminent doom. We gulped and dried our tears as the
curtains came down.
We cry at these movies because at our deepest level, we care.
We hurt. There is an inner core in all of us which is simply
beautiful. When we see the plight of the starving around
the globe on t.v., we ache for them. We all care. Accept
that you have these capacities to love and emphatise and
Recognise your own worth and constantly remind
yourself that you deserved to be treated well!
• To learn to walk, we must risk falling over.
• To make a dollar, we must risk losing it.
• In loving and caring, we risk breaking our hearts.
• Getting a job is a risk. Crossing the road is a risk. Eating
in the restaurant is a risk. Starting a family is a risk.
• Life is a risk. Winners take more risk than losers.
That is why they win so much. Necessarily then,
winners lose more than losers, but they are
playing so often that their wins add up.
We have a choice between
living and merely existing.
 Ever notice how good you feel when you
give a compliment?
 Even if people are awkward in receiving
them, they appreciate them.
 When we make it a habit to GIVE genuine
compliments, we’ll always be looking out
for the good in people.
Two Happiness Traps
We postpone our happiness - “ I’ll be happy
when....”( When the house is paid off, when we
go to Phuket, Bali, or Hawaii, when I find a
better job...)
We look back to the past and say, “If I have
known today was going to be so awful, I would
have been happy yesterday.”
 HAPPINESS is not a when - Happiness is a
 Lots of people will tell you , “I’ll be happier if
my job was easier.” But when work gets
easier, they quit, and look for another
 The truth is, we love challenge. Let’s stop
kidding ourselves! Nearly every job is
 Often, the secret to enjoying a job is not to
change your job but to change your
Law of Progress
Everything has ups and downs - nothing travels in
straight lines. This applies to your own progress in
any project. Keep your eye on your target, keep
putting in the effort and you reach your target
despite the ups and downs.
Successful people realise that they reach their goals
by continuously correcting. We get off course,
correct, and get back on course. Ships do it.
Rockets and missiles do it.
Correct. Correct. Correct.
The key to happiness is not that
you never get upset, frustrated
or irritated.
It is how quickly you decide to
snap out of it.
Learning from Children
Spend time with children. Learn more about
laughter, spontaneity, curiosity, acceptance,
resilience, trust, determination, and your
They are here to teach us!
Happiness is not dependent on your
circumstances or your bank balance.

Happiness is a daily decision.

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