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What is the meaning of credit and debit in business accounting?

In: Business Accounting and Bookkeeping, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable [Edit

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Credit is giving money and debit is taking. A shop will debit its customers in exchange for goods and
the customers will credit the shop for the goods.

In Accounting:

 Debits represent increases in value of assets and expenses and decreases in income, liabilities
and equity 
 Credits represent increases in liabilities, equity and income and decreases in assets and

Example: To record the purchase for cash of office furniture 

Debit Office Furniture and Credit Cash 

The shop example above is an excellent example of the reason accounting seems backwards to most
people. The way two parties account for a transaction is a mirror image. When Shops and Banks tell
you they are crediting your account, they are telling you how they are accounting for it, which is
backwards from the way you account for it.

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