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:.(-) . L 4-9 Two spaceships, each measuring 100 m in its own rest frame, paSSt +.- :----t<[--;;;;.--l-.,

! " ~. [' J- by each other traveling in opposite directions. I?struments on sPOace-l L._il· ----c::+.~ .......

I, ' ! ship A determine that the front end of spaceship B requires 5.0 . X I I'f I '"D

.L ... _ 1-m 10-6 sec to traverse the full length of A. L F t =l2...~- +.:.~ : -- ...

I (a) What is the relative velocity of the two spaceships? I ! I ~; ,

i -t (b) A clock in the front end of B reads exactly one o'clock as it ;1 I--l·-t t- 1-- t--- -

! d i : ! ' I

, f----t.. passes by the front end of A. What will the clock rea as it passes by +---r'-l----t- r----

: ! I the rear end of A? 1 iii I

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4~ 11 A beam of unstable K + mesons, traveling at a speed of cV3 /2, passes through two counters 9-m apart;-The particles suffer a negligible loss of speed and energy in passing through the counters but give electrical pulses that can be counted. It is observed that 1000 counts I ate recorded in the first counter and 250 in the second. Assuming thai this whole decrease is due to decay of the particles in flight, what is their half-life as measured in their own rest frame?

Tt& .. ,~i ~f"~c:ot

-P~efb~--k.~~~ ec --b~ ~1;,$(> ~- __ 'I f~U


'11.~.~ _ d-~ -fcC __ ~ k:.+_~_~ __ -4~ ~5 ~ ,~~~~ 10

-l6_~/~k,>cv~_~w...viVA-.-t~;-~--t- f~) -...:s

-t /'6 -~ U2~~ ;"'~.s: c: t I

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4- J 5 A flash of light is emitted at point 0 and is later reabsorbed at point P (see the figure). In frame S, the line OP has a length I and makes an angle 8 with the x axis. In a frame S' moving relative to S with a constant velocity v along the x axis:

(a) How much time 7' elapses between emission and absorption of the light?

(b) What is the spatial separation [' between the point of emission and the point of absorption of the light?

~'-t4..r:~4~ i-'~ .... ~'C"'

. X 6:: '(~tt"'u--f~) t l-~~~f (£lr;.-~U- tc.D~9/c~) , s:


~/~ ~~ -t,.r(+~ -IrXf/~~ s ~~-(l ~ S».1l:


b ) .2> ~ls>- lill o-<L~ ~ +t:-~~r . ~-l oS' r-: Co> 1 tk sfAr-h ~ ~":::>W\_c;..-\ UJ ')-"- d\ 'b~~ ~~ -~ ~... t -l: .1 ~-t

)_. I ~ c, + ':- ).. C - IT (rss t; J~j ~G - 'r ceo ~ ') ~("Ii -1r~/c}--

~ Slit =

I Platform


---~~--------x IRod


4-17 A rod of proper length L points along the x axis but moves in a direction making an angle of 45° to this axis (see the figure). A platform, also parallel to the x axis, lies in the rod's way. but a slit of' . proper length 1.lL has been cut out of it so that the rod can easily fit through if it travels at a nonrela- • tivistic speed. What happens if its speed is O.9c? Analyze the problem from both reference frames.


-X~~k~-6·f~"-~i .. ~. e·~{~·{4:~crL~

~i;l.~(CS'Ct+Jj r -= LrCc:st4~_:Jc. f \r\tv{,'t$~).S .

======== _._.,--_ .... _-_ . _._~- ....

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I._/i-...1L-fi.,. AO~$ hf<.-s-&{,",,~cb t~ ~~~ ~1; ~.Olb~~ .... ~ ~A ~0j. ..... ~±LL. .

I I ..... ' 4." .... '" Lit

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l·~ D.s; =I L <

tr=i:. r-t_


5-2 A KO meson at rest decays into a 11"+ meson and a 11"- meson, each having a speed of O.S5e. If a KO meson traveling at a speed of O.ge decays, what is the greatest speed that one of the 11" mesons can have? What is the least speed?




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5-6 Measurements in two frames, Sand S', are related by the usual Lorentz transformations, with v = 0.6c. At t' = 10-7 sec, a particle. leaves the point x' = 10 m, traveling in the x' direction with a constant velocity u' equal to -c/3. It is brought to rest suddenly at t' = 3 X 10-7 sec (all measurements inS'). As measured in S:

(a) What was the velocity of the particle during its trip? (b) How far did it travel?






(j..,x" (-: -j; + (). b)_ .. c. , ..... 0.6 /'J,


s~Q\J\i .. s-io-p

x: ~ l () th--.. il ~ I c- =t s Xi:; -Ito (h..._ {\S 3x ~'D - =?,s

LJ~--i~ {tr\.J~±;e So

s--tcv'X;-t x,'" ~ ~;-+ \r+,l') _. (~D + o. b c. X tp- ~ ) /0,8 s 3S~ 0 .mXZ y(~~\('~:~,) e (-/Q --Ii C~j €:. to X 3)( ~~) lv, ~ :: $$',0 /)N'

5-8 Consider two inertial frames, S andS', related in the usual manner. (a) At t = 0 a photon leaves the origin of S, traveling in a direction making a 45° angle with the x axis. What angle does its trajectory make with the x' axis in S'?

(b) Repeat part (a) for a body of mass m moving in S with speed u. (c) A rod which is stationary in S makes an angle of 45° with the x axis. What angle does it make with the x' axis?

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1:7. "f.r;:

C/lfL. I i - \J Llc t, (C/(Fi', ... 'L)

i )

b) ~.

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f)' ~ ~y ,t -~~/;-mJ

.lx',: '--?(/~

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j_~ s <if_Q,! (4-5 ~ ~ I..-~ .~~~ (,.\~~s;~ ~ J../vt .

It' ~ l~

fAbt 4/J=i..

6-3 A particle of rest mass mo and kinetic energy 2moc2 strikes and sticks to a stationary particle of rest mass 2mo. Find the rest mass . M 0 of the composite particle.

b ~ (P.)O) OJ i t;/c..'j =---c- .-- ~~O I· ~1~4/~J


E~:: 5\ -+ G"\.. hj ~~'-J C~CI\_tsOt~ t>·3 ~ P I 'b .. 'jIV"h~~ CI3V"'-~~~

~ ..' ~ .. .t,\ i ~ ..

F~ ... ~ 4,.. fIA"-~~tff'Y'


6-7 A "photon rocket" uses pure. radiation as the propellant. If the initial and final rest masses of the rocket are M. and M" show that the final velocity v of the rocket relative to its initial rest frame is given by the equation

Ni/Mt = [(c + v}/(c - v)]1/2


... g: .. M.p V.~ .k


Gt -4... r ~lrCt. £~~~'1 i€¥ .~ .. k~

~. r MpvrC: .. 4\tflA,f .. C~ os 'f ;v.,pC-'_( I -+ 11"/0)

? .--'"


4-18 Below are the space and time coordinates of two pairs of events. Finft the space-time interval between events 1 and 2 in each case. Taking each case in turn, answer the following questions:

(a) Could there be a causal connection between the two events? (b) Is there a frame in which the two events would be recorded

as simultaneous? If so, what is this frame?
Event 1 Event 2
Xl Y1 Zl 11 X2 Y2 Z2 12
0.3m 0.5m 0 2 X 10-9 sec O~m 0.7m 0 3 X 10-9 sec
0.7m 0.5m 0 5 X 10-9 sec OAm 0.6m 0 4 X 10-9 sec : Case A

=l:~_B -----------------

:"":"1"'- .. . .d' . .... ....

-~~ .. J.) O. ~).O._DJ~ (r~.~)

~L :: . (0.4} 0,::;. r'. O; ... L ()!~'J

--. .

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-41. '"" (().4 ~ 0" ~) D.~O) I, z.)

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