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Answer any five of the following 12 X 5 = 60 M

1 (A) Define cell. Describe the structure and functions of plasma membrane.
(B) Define tissue. Write different types of tissues. Explain about epithelial
tissue. 6 m
2 (A) Write the composition and functions of blood. 6m
(B) Write a note on blood groups. 6m
3 Define blood pressure. Explain its maintenance and regulation
12 m
4 (A) Desscribe the structure and functions of spleen 6m
(B) Write a note on pulmonary circulation. 6m
5 (A) Explain mechanism and physiology of respiration. 6 m
(B) Describe cranial nerves and write the functions. 6m
6 Write the functions of
(A) Liver 4m
(B) Bone 4m
(C) Cerebrum 4m
7 (A) Explain the physiology of urine formation. 6 m
(B) Desribe the physiologty of muscle contraction. 6m
8 Write a note on
(A) Spermatogenesis 4m
(B) Oxytocin 4m
(C) Sense of smell 4m

Answer any five of the following 12 X 5 = 60 M

1 (A) Define anaemia.Explain different types of anaemia. 6 M

(B) Describe the mechanism of clotting of blood. 6m
2 (A) Describe the structure and different parts of nervous tissue and write the
functions of nervous tissue 6m
(B) Write a note on erythropoisis and write the functions of RBC. 6m
3 Describe the structure of cell and its componenets and their functions 12 m
4 (A) Write a note on electrocardiogram. 6m
(B) Classify joints. Explain synovial joints. 6m
5 Write a note on
(A) Glucocorticoids 4m
(B) Vassopressin 4m
(C) Cardiac cycle 4m
6 (A) Describe sense of vision 6m
(B) Describe the transport of respiratory gases 6m
7 (A) Describe the rennin angiotensin system 6m
(B) Explain different contraceptive devices 6m
8 (A) Write the disorders of skeletal muscle 4m
(B) Write the functions of small intestine 4m
(C) Write a note on oogenesis 4m

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