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Roll No 09
Market Research

 Marketing research is the systematic

gathering, recording, and analysis of data
about issues relating to marketing products
and services. The goal of marketing research
is to identify and assess how changing
elements of the marketing mix impacts
customer behavior.
Role of marketing research
 Marketing research is for discovering what people
want, need or believe.
 Marketing research is to provide management
with relevant, accurate, reliable, valid, and
current information.
 Market research is for
- Market information
- Market segmentation
- Market trends
Importance Of Marketing Research in
today's marketing management operations
 Decision Making tool
 Management planning
 Problem solving
 Control technique
 Large scale production
 Consumption pattern
 Marketing mix strategy
Characteristics of good market research

 Application Scientific Method

 Research Creativity
 Cost and benefits
 Use of models and Data
 Alternative course of action
 Use of specialist services
 Precautions in marketing research
Problems encountered in India by market

  The top management are not market oriented.

 The top management are not sensitive to the
marketing needs.
 In case of organization finance crises, the first
axe falls on the marketing budget.
 The allocation of resources is limited to the
marketing research budget.
 The effective communication between the top
management and the marketing is very limited.
 The marketing personnel are not trained to use
the marketing research information effectively.
 The marketing research project/investment are
not assessed for their “ROI”- Return on
 Lack of trained personnel in marketing research.
 Lack of skill in interpreting the marketing
research data by the users.

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