Set 6

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Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Keeping pet is a lot of fun but it also involves a lot of work and responsibilities. Before
adopting a pet, dog, a cat or any other animal, there are many factors you should consider. The
most important question to ask is whether you have the time to care for a pet. The pet will be like a
new child in the family. As the pet owner, you have the responsibility of keeping the animal clean,
as well as playing with, training and taking it, especially a dog, for walks.
Always take into account, whether you can afford the animal’s upkeep this includes
providing ample food, medical treatment and a suitable home. Many people do not take this into
consideration, resulting in many sick animals being abandoned or left with the SPCA.
Pets need lots of love and attention. Animals that are bored tend to be mischievous. A dog,
for example might chew up shoes or dig up the garden. They love to play, and playing with your pet
strengthens the bond between the animal and yourself. Take time off your daily routine to play with
your pet. Create games to play with your dog or cat. Your pet will appreciate this as a show of love.
Exercise keeps your pet fit and healthy. A dog needs to be taken out for walks. They
become energized by the sights and sounds they see. Allow your pet rabbit run around in the
garden every day. Let your cat out to sun itself for a while in the mornings.
A well-kept pet is a happy pet. As the owner, you are responsible for its well-being and must
be prepared to give your pet unconditional love.

Rewrite on the factors involved in keeping pets:

 In continuous writing form

 In one paragraph
 In your own words as far as possible
 In not more than 60 words including the 10 words given below

Begin with:

Keeping pets involves work and responsibilities. We must have the …

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