Developing Leaders at Infosys

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leaders @ Infosys

HO is a leader? What is leader- of the evolution of leadership models and
ship? Are leaders born or made? associated theories in the 20th century:
Can leadership be taught? Such The shift from ‘great man (trait) theo-
questions have been debated across gen- ries’ to behavioural theories brought in
erations and civilisations. The Hindu the all-important dimension of ‘leader-
scriptures are a rich source of material ship development’. The fundamental
on leaders and leadership. Chanakya’s premise in the behavioural theories is
Arthashashtra was a seminal work out-
lining the ‘art of governance’ and dates
back to approximately 300 B.C.
Confucius sought laws of order between
leaders and followers. Plato described an
ideal republic with philosopher-kings
providing wise and judicious leadership
and with the help of his colleagues estab-
lished in 387 B.C. The Academy – a
school for leadership in ancient Greece.
The Italian Niccolo Machiavelli’s book
The Prince ranks as one of the important
early contributions to published litera-
ture on leaders and leadership.
The word ‘leader’ stems from the root
leden meaning ‘to travel’ or ‘show the
way’ and appeared in the English lan-
guage in the early 14th century. The
term ‘leadership’ followed some five cen-
turies later.
The early focus of the study of leaders
and leadership was at a macro societal
level. It was in the context of governance
of societies and communities. Later, the
Industrial Age provided the context for
the creation of ‘managers’ and ‘manage-
ment’. Theories rooted in the disciplines
of military history, economics and scien-
tific management were the researcher’s
response to the challenges of the
Industrial Age. The post-Industrial Age,
characterised by the knowledge era has
brought the spotlight onto ‘leaders’ and
‘leadership’. Research on this theme dur-
ing the 20th century has thrown up a
number of theories and models. The
table on page 40 gives a broad overview

Praxis ✦ Business Line ✦ June 2002
Today, leadership is a much taught and researched discipline in management schools,
while ‘corporate universities’ are the corporate world’s reponses to the challenges of
leadership and leadership development.

that ‘leadership is a set of behav- taught and researched discipline in have focused explicitly on offering
iours and actions’ which can be most management schools. A new ‘leadership development’ services
partly, if not fully, acquired. GE’s genre of learning centres, termed to the corporate world. In the aca-
Crotonville facility is one of the ‘corporate universities’ is the cor- demic world, research on ‘leader-
early attempts at formal leadership porate world’s explicit response to ship’ has become a multi-discipli-
development in the business world. the challenges of leadership. A nary subject. Organisational frame-
Today, ‘leadership’ is a much- number of consulting organisations works such as the one by Malcolm

A view of the Infosys campus in Bangalore.

INSIGHT Baldridge have given explicit recog-
nition to the role of leadership and
put together the Management
Council – an advisory body that
leadership development in corpo- took strategic decisions about the
rate entities that aim at the ‘built to company. During the Management
last’ concept. Council meetings it was found that
The current thinking on ‘leader- young achievers in the company
ship development’ can be placed in were hesitating to come forth with
the following broad segments: their suggestions. On encouraging
● Identification of the competencies
them to speak, Murthy found their
relevant to leadership.
suggestions and thoughts had a lot
● Evolving elements and offerings
of substance and could help the
that support the development of
company significantly. These peo-
these competencies.
A number of approaches to lead- ple had not contributed to the dis-
ership development exist, from the cussions not because they had
classical ‘intellectual construct’ – nothing of value to add, but
The goal of the traditional classroom-based because they were afraid of trans-
instruction guided by academics gressing hierarchy. This bothered
Infosys Leadership with a research and teaching orien- Murthy significantly and from this
Institute is to tation to the action-oriented ‘expe- concern was born his grand plan
riential learning’ mechanisms. In to build a leadership institute that
groom and develop the following paragraphs we dis- would groom and develop leaders
cuss the philosophy and approach
leaders from towards leadership development at
from promising Infoscions, irre-
spective of hierarchy and give
promising Infosys Technologies Ltd.
them the opportunity to shape the
Infoscions. Leadership development
future of the company they were
helping to build.
in Infosys
The fundamental goal of the
The vision of Infosys is to create
Infosys Leadership Institute (ILI) is
an organisation that is ‘built to
to fulfil this stated need. The insti-
last’, and has the agility to manage
tute was created in early 2001 to
ambiguity and uncertainty under
assist Infosys in responding to spe-
all circumstances. It was in keep-
cific challenges of the present and
ing with this vision that Narayana
future, as described below:
N. R. Murthy, the founder and for-
mer CEO of the company, carefully ● To prepare the company to man-

Generic Focus Premise Major

group concerns
Great Identify the traits Primary source of Does not address
man - trait leaders possess leadership effective- the ÔhowÕ dimension
theories ness lay in the person- of leadership
al traits of leaders

Behavioural What do Identify determinants Does not address the

theories leaders do? of behaviour of leaders situation, the followers

Contingency Interaction between The appropriate lead- The categorisation

theories the qualities of the ership style is depen- of situations at a
leader and the dent on the situation meta level
situational factors and other factors.

Transformation Individual as Leadership is rooted Current status

al/ charismatic the leader in leaders and is
leadership a capability partly
inherited and partly
acquired/ acquirable

Praxis ✦ Business Line ✦ June 2002
● Converts vision into goals ● Displays ownership ● Is persevering
● Plans & organises ● Displays passion ● Displays learnability
● Is a change agent ● Encourages innovation ● Has an
● Is a risk taker eye for detail ● Motivates
● Is decisive ● Is result oriented
● Builds trust ● Networks
● Communicates ● Encourages cross
effectively on Perfo
D irecti rm
Focu ance
● Listens to others
Sets s ● Negotiates win-win
● Is approachable ● Has outward focus

en l
tiv na

Re Build
● Resolves conflict

● Puts public
ec so

la t in
constructively Work good before
Eff erper

ion g
● Self-confident private good


People Infosys
Vision & Values
● Builds
De ead

e ri e r
● Recruits people

Pa ustom
ve ers

better than self


Technology relationships

r tn
● Gives & receives ● Is ambitious

feedback Tec ● Adds value
● Mentor/ coach/ Fun hnical/ to the customer
c lity
role model expe tional Qua ● Sets expectations
● Supports people to rtise ● Breaks bad
achieve excellence news promptly
● Shares the ● Is proactive
● Uses technology effectively ● Commitment to quality
● Demonstrates technical / ● Uses strategic systems
functional knowledge & approaches

age its phenomenal growth. ● Business optional, except for the 360-degree
● To prepare Infoscions to face the Each of these is further amplified feedback, which is the starting
complexities of the market and the into smaller operational elements, point of the leadership journey. The
rapidly changing environment. as illustrated in the graphic above. premise is that learning in general
● To create higher customer value These competencies were identi- and adult learning in particular is
through ‘thought leadership’. fied through a process of debate varied and a model of leadership
and discussion with an initial com- development which caters to multi-
Leadership competencies petency set developed through ple learning modes is that much
The starting point for creating a benchmarking studies of formal more effective.
robust leadership development leadership development systems In the following paragraphs we
process is defining leadership com- across the world. have outlined the contours of each
petencies. Leadership competen- The ‘nine pillar’ model of of these pillars.
cies exist in the context of the leadership development
organisation’s vision and its core The nine pillars are the opera- 360-degree feedback
values. The soul of our leadership tional elements for leadership The 360-degree feedback is a
competencies rest in the vision method of systematically collecting
development in Infosys (see graph-
statement of Infosys which reads: data about a person’s performance
ic on page 43). This model was
‘We will be a globally respected and capabilities from a wide range
developed after careful research of
corporation that provides best of of co-workers. This includes peers,
breed business solutions, leverag- the processes followed by 18 of the direct reportees, the manager and
ing technology, delivered by best in most successful global companies. customers (both internal and exter-
class people.’ To achieve this Each pillar has its own unique nal). It is a structured method of
vision, leadership competencies importance to the development of collecting and processing data and
have been defined along four broad leadership competencies at the provides the employee an opportu-
dimensions stated below: individual level. An individual may nity to reflect on this valuable
● Work choose one or more of these pillars information. ILI uses a comprehen-
● People for his or her own development. sive tool that is aligned to the lead-
●Technology Participation in most of them is ership competencies. The feed-

Praxis ✦ Business Line ✦ June 2002
INSIGHT back received from this 360-degree
process is used as the basis for the
development across the organisa-
preparation of individual personal
development plans (PDP’s), which Leadership skills training
are the blueprints that guide the This is a process by which
individual in acquiring new skills employees of the organisation go
and enhancing existing skills, all through a series of learning inter-
aligned to the basic leadership com- ventions on topics of relevance to
petencies model. Each individual is leadership. ILI has started the
assigned an ILI faculty member to process with the ‘Leaders Teach
help prepare and actionise the PDP Series’. These are workshops con-
ducted by the Board of Directors
Development assignments with help from the ILI faculty. This
Development assignments (DAs) series includes workshops by the
are a traditional and potent form of Chairman and Chief Mentor,
leadership development. High- Narayana Murthy, and Nandan
At Infosys senior potential employees are given expe- Nilekani, the Managing Director
rience in diverse functions through and Chief Executive Officer, and
managers are internal job rotations and cross- other members of the board. The
involved in leader- functional assignments. DAs enable ‘Leaders Teach Series’ resulted
employees to gather practical lead- from the belief that “the company is
ship development, ership skills outside his or her zone the campus, the business is the cur-
of experience. riculum, leaders shall teach”. A
based on the belief study of successful global compa-
that “the company Infosys Culture (IC) nies will show that it is essential for
workshops senior management to be fully
is the campus, the These workshops help partici- involved and committed to the
development of future leaders.
business is the pants understand the core values,
purpose and processes followed in
curriculum and the context of leadership develop-
Feedback intensive
ment. The design of these work-
leaders shall teach”.
shops allows for extensive interac- These are intensive behavioural
tion among participants leading to interventions, which are based on
reinforcement of the Infosys cul- formal and informal feedback
ture, and ensuring enough empow- received from individuals that the
erment to guarantee adherence employee interfaces with. They are
and refinement to the culture of structured in a manner so that the
the organisation. participants receive and give feed-
back in a non-threatening environ-
ment and yield a workable plan for
Development relationships setting goals for continued personal
These are one-on-one relation- and professional development and
ships in work settings that facilitate strategies for attaining them.
the sharing and transfer of knowl-
edge and experience between indi- Systemic process learning
viduals. The Infosys leadership This is an intervention that
development model views mentor- enables participants to view an
ing as a developmental relationship organisation as a whole system
in the context of leadership devel- comprising innumerable interact-
opment. A ‘mentoring for leader- ing sub-systems. It yields plans for
ship’ pilot programme is opera- continuous improvement in sys-
tional and learnings from this pro- temic processes and details how an
gramme will be used to refine and individual will initiate such
extend this element of leadership improvements.

Praxis ✦ Business Line ✦ June 2002
360-degree Developmental Infosys Culture Developmental Leadership Feedback System process Community Action
feedback assignments workshop relationships skill training intensive learning empathy learning

damental belief of the organisation The faculty member provides sup-

Action learning that social conscience needs to be port in implementing the individual
This is a team-based real-time nurtured and enhanced in each one change objectives. The majority of
experience used to solve real, sys- of its present and potential leaders. the ‘high potentials’ have under-
temic and unresolved organisation- taken at least one or more of the
al problems. It is a pragmatic The leadership journey leadership skill training interven-
process aimed at yielding a resolu- The leadership journey com- tions. The ‘high potentials’ have
tion to the ‘problem’ or ‘issue’ that mences with the selection of high- access to the pilot ‘Mentoring for
has been identified, and a workable potential employees of the organi- leadership’ programme. ILI faculty
plan for setting goals for continued sation. The top management of members in their role as internal
development, with strategies for Infosys identifies a pool of candi- consultants enable ‘high potentials’
attaining them. dates based on their past perfor- to undertake various interventions
mance and an assessment of lead- that help to resolve real business
Community empathy ership potential. The formal dura- issues. ■
ILI aspires to create, on a regular tion of the leadership journey is (The faculty of the
and structured basis, opportunities three years. These identified indi- Infosys Leadership Institute,
for high-potential candidates to viduals are classified as ‘high Mysore, have authored this article.)
enrol themselves in causes outside potentials’. Each high-potential
Infosys that contribute to the employee has one ILI faculty mem-
greater good of the less fortunate. ber assigned to him/her. The facul-
The importance of community ty member acts as a guide in the
empathy in overall leadership leadership journey with the cre-
development is in line with the fun- ation and actionising of the PDP.

Praxis ✦ Business Line ✦ June 2002

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