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not enough for

Yong Hi, affection-
ately called "Buzz,"
by men of the
724th TROB. (left)
"Buzz" wanted both

GUESS WHO! An old game is played by little Sun Ja, shown

making little Chong Ja guess who has her eyes covered. Yong
Ja, Na Na (left) and E Sun (far right) look on.

EYOND THE INDEFINABLE city they can, perhaps repairing a roof, building
limits of Pusan, clear of the bursting-at- a new shed for the new calf, or just playing
the-seams mechanical activity which has no with the children, letting them know they
place for homeless and orphaned children, are remembered, and wanted.
the 724th Transportation Railway Operating The younger children are taught their les-
Battalion sponsors an orphanage which shel- sons of music and art in the building which
ters these little ones from the sprawling city. serves as a chapel and a school. The older
From the country road, where only oxcarts - children are sent to public schools in Pusan.
claim the right-of-way, the orphanage There is always a happy reunion when the
grounds resemble 'a prosperous Korean farm. older boys and girls return home from school.
Green fields which feed the youngsters
stretch across the valley floors to the shelter- Once a month the children entertain per-
ing mountains beyond. Quacking ducks sonnel of the 724th TROB. Lt. Col. George
swim in a small pond which runs through Larmer, comanding officer, commented that
the front yard. they may practice all week just-so they can
The hustle of the city, only a half an hour present one song or play for his men. The
away, is far removed, and here in clean, men respond generously to these acts, just as
warm buildings orphaned children ex- they respond generously when some new
perience the loving attention of soldiers who, item is required at the orphanage. There are
while on duty, operate the southern division no complaints when someone says little Sun
of the Korean National railroad, but once Ja needs new shoes, or volunteers are needed
relieved from duty, hurry to afford them- to do some of the heavy work around the
selves of the trusting faith which "their" orphanage.
children have placed in them. Miss Lee Song Geun is nurse-teacher at
The Ae Yuk orphanage is supported solely the orphanage. She is assisted by the owner
by personnel of the 724th TROB. Their of the buildings and the grounds of the or-
families send liberal gifts of food, clothing, phanage, a retired farmer, who saw the need
and money quite frequently. Cows, pigs, for such an institution, and gladly turned his
chickens and ducks help keep the budget on property over to the orphanage. Now he lives
an even keel. Vegetable gardens, which are on the premises, and works just as hard as
SEVENTH HEAVEN—Overjoyed, little planted and worked by the older children, anyone in providing for the children.
Chung Jin rushed over to meet 1st Sgt. aid also. Here, sheltered from a world which has
Horace C. Smith, 724th TROB, as he got out On off days, enlisted men and officers of too many orphans, these little ones play and
of the car. Here, Chung Jin has all the at- the battalion usually pass the day at the dream, just as it was planned in the begin-
tention any child could want. orphanage, assisting in whatever manner ning for all children to play and dream.


SEE-SAW, SUN JA—Sun Ja and her friend Suk Ja.,
aided by visiting Sgt. Merle D. Perkins, 724th TROB,
hold their friends up in the air. Perkins is a frequent
visitor at the Ae Yuk Orphanage.

NEW EXPERIENCE—Chung Ah (center) looks at a calf born 12 hours previously. Ap-

parently .a little afraid of tye calf, she was determined to touch it, (U.S. Army Signal
" •'' "

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