Magickal Application Hebrew

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-1 T he ma gical A pplication for the

Hebr ew Letter s

The Hebrew alphabet is just like using the runes to

the most degree. Each letter can be used to open
doors to an infinite possible things with in the mind.

The Hebrew letters are also considered a

manifestation of God & that is where the true
significance lays, in brining able to understand them &
utilize them fully. For each letter has it’s own
characteristics & personifications. Understanding this
will help one to see the true function & importance in
one self & the application of them in magical work.

Talismanic Attribution of the letters of the Hebrew


Aleph : Spiritual; wings generally, epicene, rather

male than female, rather thin type.

Beth Active & slight male.

Gimel : Grey, beautiful yet changeful, rather full face & body.

Daleth : Very beautiful & attractive, feminine

Rather full face & body.

Heh : Fierce strong, rather fiery, feminine.

Vau : Steady & strong, Rather heavy & clumsy,


Zayin : Thin intelligent, masculine.

Cheth : Full face, not much expression, feminine.

Teth : Rather strong & fiery, Feminine.

Yod : Very white & rather delicate, feminine

Kaph : Big & strong, Masculine.

Lamed : Well proportioned, feminine.

Mem: : Reflective, dream like, epicene, but female

rather than male.

Nun : Square determined face, masculine, rather


Samekh : Thin expressive face, masculine

Ayin: : Rather mechanical, masculine.

Peh : Fierce, strong, resolute, feminine.

Tzaddi : Thoughtful, intellectual, feminine.

Qoph : Rather full face, masculine.

Resh : Proud & dominate, masculine.

Shin : Fiery, active, epicene, rather male than


Tau : Dark, grey, epicene, male rather than female.

*** these genders are only given as a conventional

guide*** It is the image that comes to your mind that
is important, not what may be written here.

The Lords who Wander

For Memory: Saturn Tau Lord of the Night


For construction: Jupiter Kaph

For Anger, Impatience: Mars Peh

For vanity: Sun Resh

For Pleasure: Venus Daleth

For Imagination: Mercury Beth

For wandering thoughts: Moon Nun

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