Skaven Skryre

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Skaven Clan Skryre – 7.

Premise: With the individual Clans losing their Master Warlock Pts/model: 233
identity in Warhammer Fantasy Battle 7th Edition,
this series is to bring back the individual Clan Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
identities and make them useful for those who would
rather play battles using the Skaven background, 5 4 3 3 4 3 5 2 8
rather than “who can put the best unit combination
together” tournament-style.
Magic: A Master Warlock is a Level 4 Wizard who
generates 4 power dice and 2 dispel dice. However,
In White Dwarf 310 the Clan Skryre list was
he only has access to a variation of the Warplightning
described as “the closest to the original Skaven Army
Spell (See Special Rules below).
list” in the book. Thus, in 6th Edition, it was easy just
to call the basic Skaven army a Clan Skryre army. Equipment: Warlock-augmented weapon, warplock
This list acknowledges that premise while using the pistol & warp-energy condenser.
Clan Skryre list in the back of the Skaven 6th Edition
Army book. There are a lot of new war machines and Options:
mechanical devices in the 7th Edition book as well, so • May choose items from the Magic Items and
those are also being included. Scavenge-pile items up to a total value of 50
The rationale for each modified unit or character is • May not choose items from any other Clan’s
listed beneath each unit section, rather than in the Tools of War list.
back of the list. The rationale states how I converted
the profile from 6th Edition to the current 7th Edition Special Rules
version. Warplightning: The Master Warlock is capable of
casting 3 different strength variations of the
SPECIAL RULES Warplightning spell; depending on the casting value
As a variant/supplement to the Warhammer Armies and number of dice he chooses to roll for casting:
Skaven book, that tome will be needed in order to use Casting Value 6+ causes d6+2 Strength 5 hits unless
this army list. a casting roll of 1 is rolled (which causes the caster to
Skaven-wide Special rules, such as Scurry Away, suffer a single Strength 5 hit instead).
Strength in Numbers, and Verminous Valour apply to Casting Value 10+ causes 2d6+2 Strength 5 hits.
all units profiled here, unless otherwise noted.
Casting Value 13+ causes 3d6+3 Strength 5 hits.
Beastmaster: All units within 6” of a model with the
Beastmaster rule can re-roll any failed psychology These spells take into account the use of the warp-
test. energy condenser (which adds the +2 to the dice).
The Master Warlock can choose to cast Warplighning
LORDS multiple times during the magic phase by declaring
Grey Seer which casting value he is choosing before rolling the
(See Skaven Army Book 7th Ed.) power dice. As long as the magic phase continues
and he has casting dice available to him, he may
continue to cast. He may not, however, target the
same enemy unit with more than one spell in a phase.
He must target a different unit each time he casts the
Rationale: 6th Edition Grey Seer +1 WS, A, Ld. (180
pts – 50 pts of equipment net 130 pts). Grey Seer was
235 pts – 40 pts Warpstone Tokens = 195 pts). Base
difference of –65 for Warlock Master from a base
Grey Seer character. Therefore, -65 pts Applied to
7th Edition Grey Seer profile –30 pts for d3
Warpstone Tokens that come with 7th Edition Grey
Seer + 88 pts for equipment/additional levels that the
Warlock Master comes with.

Skaven Clan Skryre – 7.0


Plague Monks
Army Battle Standard Bearer: One Chieftian in the Plague Censer Bearers
army may carry the Battle Standard for +25 pts. Gutter Runners
If a Chieftain is carrying the Battle Standard, he can
Rat Ogres
have a magic banner (no points limits apply), but if Hell Pit Abomination
he carries a magic banner he cannot carry any other Plagueclaw Catapult
magic items. He cannot be the Army General.
See Skaven Army Book 7th Edition for rules and
Warlock Engineer profiles of all the above-mentioned units.

See Skaven Army Book 7th Edition for rules and

profiles of all the above-mentioned characters. Special Characters

CORE UNITS Thanquol & Boneripper

(See Skaven Army Book 7th Edition)
Only Clanrats count toward the Minimum number of Ikit Claw
Core units required in your army. (See Skaven Army Book 7th Edition)

Poisoned Wind Globadiers Vermin Lord Morskittar

Warplock Jezzails (See Skaven Army Book 7th Edition)
Skaven Slaves One Vermin Lord representing the Lord of Decay
and member of the Council of Thirteen represents
Stormvermin Clan Skryre. This is Lord Morskittar The use of a
Rat Swarm Vermin Lord from the Army Book represents this
Lord of Decay.
Any Clanrat Clawleader or Stormvermin Fangleader
may be armed with a warplock pistol for +4 points.

See Skaven Army Book 7th Edition for rules and

profiles of all the above-mentioned units.


Night Runners
Giant Rats
Warplightning Cannon

See Skaven Army Book 7th Edition for rules and

profiles of all the above-mentioned units.

Skaven Clan Skryre – 7.0

Deathmaster Snikch Unblinking Eye: Thanks to the sorcerous devices

The Deathmaster can be found in the service of any built by the Warlock Engineers of Clan Skryre,
of the dominant Clans. Veskit has a Warlock Optics scope built into his left
See Skaven Army Book 7th Edition) eye socket.
This confers a +1 to his BS (shown on profile) and he
can partially see through objects. Therefore, he
Veskit, High Executioner suffers no penalty for shooting at targets in cover.
Pts/model: 175
Rationale: Taken from Mordheim Dramatis
Veskit was all ready a talented Clan Eshin assassin Personae. Chieftain with add’l weapon, ½ shield &
when he was entrusted with his most difficult brace of warplock pistols (2x multiple shots). Empire
mission: He was hired by Clan Skryre to free one of plate mail & shield for PV of metallic body.
their oldest and most experienced Warlocks who was Unfeeling = Mark of Slaanesh from Warriors of
being held hostage by a rival clan. Chaos. Ward Save = 45 pts (standard cost for 4+).
Warlock Optics from Skaven 7th Ed.
Veskit managed to take the prisoner back, fighting
his way through the guards, but at a very high cost.
He suffered terrible wounds and would have certainly
died, but the Nightlord of Clan Eshin made a pact
with the Warlock Engineers of Clan Skryre, replacing
various parts of Veskit’s body with their part-
technological, part-magical implants and made him a
walking arsenal of deadly weapons. Veskit is now
more a machine than a living thing, and his thirst for
killing has become almost uncontrollable.
Veskit is a Hero Character who can be your army’s
General. Due to his close alignment with Clan
Skryre, he can also be fielded as a Special Character
for a Clan Skryre army.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Veskit 5 5 4+1 4 4 2 6 3+1 6

Equipment: Eshin Fighting Claws. Each

incorporates a built-in warplock pistol
Metallic Body: Veskit’s metallic carapace gives him
a 3+ armour save. When combined with his Fighting
Claws in Close Combat, this confers a 1+ or 2+
armour save.
Unfeeling: Veskit is a cold, calculating killing
machine and feels few of the emotions that living
things do. He is Immune to Fear, Terror and Panic.
No Pain: Veskit shrugs off wounds and injuries that
would fell a normal Skaven. He has a 4+ Ward Save.

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