December 2010 TTA Meeting Minutes

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Tsalteshi Trails Association

Board Meeting Minutes

December 16, 2010 @ EOC 6:00P.M.

Members present: Sara Hepner, Adam Reimer, Carly Reimer, Bill Holt, Renee Merkes, Pat
King, Kent Peterson, Leslie Boyd

Members absent: Alan Boraas, Kristine Moerlein

Meeting called to order by Pat @ 6:00

1) Approval of Agenda – Agenda approved, added snowshoes

2) Approval of Minutes – Minutes approved, added Steve Ford’s last name

3) Guest –Tom Seggerman

 Organized hockey shack for Middle school, Youth and Masters Program
 Can fit tables in, will check power and lights and install window
 Discussed what groups should be suing what out buildings – new building vs. hockey
 Tom also passes out a flyer with thoughts on snowshoeing at Tsalteshi

4) Chair’s Report – Pat, No Report

5) Treasurer’s Report – Sara

 Kristine reported an ending balance of $30,650.09 from the reconciliation summary.
o Received Grant
o Received BP donation
o Received Tri the Kenai payment
o Received Donation for laser rifle
o Paid Skyview for new out building
o Paid Bill back for expenses
6) Committee Reports –
a. Events – Kristine no report
b. Masters – No report
c. Biathlon – No report
d. School Liaison – Kent, no report
MOTION: Sara made a motion that committee rpts move to Annual Meeting and all other
business move to January meeting, Pat 2nd, unanimous decision.

From Annual Meeting:

a. Membership – Leslie
 508 current members, 134 due this month
i. 89 ski team members
ii. 11 Bronze members at $125
iii. 8 Silver members at $250
iv. 2 Corporate members at $1000 each
 153 new members from youth skiing
 24 members from masters skiing

7) Next Meeting Date – Jan 17th at EOC in small conference room.

8) Adjournment – after Annual Meeting

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