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Neyda Earl


Energy Resource Challenges

In watching this video I have learned about renewable energy alternatives which are wind

power, solar energy, an also biomass fermentation. The way wind power is used by using wind

control to create energy it is a cost efficient turbine. Also, solar energy is a good method because

it uses solar panel which uses light from the sun and it also cost efficient supply of the earth’s

energy. Biomass fermentation is used to produce biofuels which is also a organic matter some

choices biomass may include are but not limited to harvest leftovers, corn grain, and wood chips

these are some of the thing biomass uses.

There are many challenges for using wind power because it is used solely by wind if

there is no wind there’s no power. Also you would need to put up some wind turbines which may

not be an easy job for you and your family or cost sufficient for you. Solar energy could also be a

challenge because we are not granted 24 hour sun light. Also, putting in the solar panels to have

the solar energy to work in the home or offices also it would be another problem because you

may have to work around the consumer's life style. More challenges in using biomass

fermentation in which you would have to transform it into a renewable energy, in which biomass

still emits emissions. There was one source of energy which the video didn't take the time to

mention which is water power is a hydropower which is like using hydraulics and water power

derived from moving water which would be very helpful to most people.

There are many resources that we use daily that aren't renewable which are coal, oil, and

natural gas which we use daily and it will eventually run out in due time. There are many

challenges in managing all nonrenewable energy resources which may involve making the
environment a energy saving place and monitoring the environmental leaks and explosions and

the natural gases, maintaining all this will keep some are nonrenewable a much longer time.

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