Executive - Legislative Agenda Solsona, Ilocos Norte Development Goals/Objectives/Strategies and Programs/Projects

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Solsona, Ilocos Norte


Priority Issues Goals Objectives Strategies Programs /Projects

Legislative Tracking System
Access to legislative records/To reinstall the Sangguniang Informa-*coordinate with concerned agencies Computerization of the
is not computerized documents tion System to have an effective legisla-
*fund sourcing Legislative Tracking
tive tracking system before the end *purchase
of system System
2011 *additional manpower
*conduct of trainings
Absence of a Health and healthy citizens and clean To formulate the Health and Sanitation *Drafting & formulation of the Health andFormulation/Enactment of
Sanitation Code environment Code of the municipality before the Sanitation Code a Health and Sanitation
end of 2010 *consolidation of resolutions and ordinances
related to health and sanitation
*Conduct Public Hearings
Financial statements are not
Transparency To post & publish all financial statements
*Prepare financial statements on time Publication of the financial
published in local media in 3 conspicous places every 1st quarter statements
of each year
Weak Internal Control System
Transparency To have a sound Internal Control starting
*Issuance of EO/RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES Financial Accountability
by the end of 2011 *Designate a Staff to take charge of the
Internal Control System
*Purchase of System
*Capability building
Minutes of meetings/ Transparency To post minutes of meetings/decisions*Putting up of bulletin board/s for posting
decisions of the SB are not of the SB in prominent places everybefore the end of 2010
posted in prominent places Monday
Absence of Secretary to the
Organizational effectivenessTo appoint a Secretary to the Sangguniang
*Publication of vacancy in the Office ofAppointment of a Secretary
Sangguniang Bayan Bayan by the end of 2013 the Sangguniang Bayan to the Sangguniang Bayan
Solsona, Ilocos Norte

Priority Issues Goals Objectives Strategies Programs /Projects

Absence of Human ResourceOrganizational effectivenessTo formulate a Human Resource Deve- *Coordinate with concerned agencies/depts.
Formulation of a Human
Development Plan lopment Plan by the end of 2010 *drafting of the HRD Plan Resource Development
*fund sourcing Plan
*conduct of training
Absence of Human ResourceOrganizational effectivenessTo create the position of HRMO by end
*streamlining the organizational staffing
of of the position of
Management Officer of 2013 the LGU HRMO
Absence of SB resolution Organizational effectivenessTo pass a resolution defining the compo
*The Sangguniang Bayan to pass a Resolu-Passing of Resolution
defining the composition sition of the PSB by the end of 2010 tion defining the composition of the PSB.
of the Personnel Selection *Orientation/re-orientation on the roles,
Board functions of the PSB
*Conduct of training
Boundary Disputes boundary identification To resolve issue by the end of 2013*organization of AdHoc Committee Boundary Disputes Settle-
*allocation of funds ment
*filing of petition to SP

Business Licensing not Client satisfaction *To institutionalize fast and effective
*Put up a Business Tax Account RegisterComputerization
data of the
computerized service delivery by the first quarter of
base Business Permits and
2011 *Linking of Treasury and Licensing Offices
Licensing System (BPLS)
*fund sourcing
Processing of Business Client satisfaction To computerize the BPLS by 1st quarter*Install a Business One-Stop Shop (BOSS)
Computerization of the
Permit can not comply w/ of 2010 during peak season BPLS
the maximum of 6 reqmts/
Solsona, Ilocos Norte

Priority Issues Goals Objectives Strategies Programs /Projects

Absence of a Customer Client satisfaction To establish a Customer Assistance*Designate
Desk a Customner Asssistance DeskDesignation of a Customer
Assistance Desk by the end of 2011 Officer Assistance Desk Officer
Low Farmers' Income Increase the level of farmers'To increase yield level per unit land *Conduct of farmers' classes Agricultural & Livelihood
income area by 10% per cropping season *Increase utilization of organic fertilizerDevelopment Program
on high-yielding varieties of crops
*diversified farming
To provide extension services to farmers
*re-activation of farmers' cooperatives
particularly on access to credit
To help farmers save time, money & *agri-infra support for easier & faster mobili-
Maintenance of ARCDP sub-
effort in transporting their farm pro-ty of people in transporting their farm projects
duce. duce to the market & other trade centers
To provide a more accessible outlet*improvement
for and maintenance of theImprovement/Maintenance
agrcultural products (farm, fishery & Facilities of the market & slaughterhouse
of Market and Slaughter-
livestock) house
Undeveloped tourist spotsPromote tourism To generate employment *Develop potential tourist spots/destination
Development of Tourist
*Conduct Educational Tour to Other Tourist
Inadequate health services
Adequate health services To provide 100% support to health *Creation/Strengthening of Municipal/ Health Services Develop-
support system support system services Barangay Dengue Brigade ment Program
*Conduct monthly Meeting of the Local
Health Board
*Hiring of a pathologist as a Requirement
for a Licensed Laboratory Facility
*Hiring of one (1) Midwife


Solsona, Ilocos Norte

Priority Issues Goals Objectives Strategies Programs /Projects

*Implementation of the Hataw Exercise
among LGU Officials and employees.
*Implementation of free annual Medical
and Dental Check up for LGU Officials and
*Provision of internet connection at RHU
Presence of malnutrition Eradicate malnutrition casesTo attain a 100% improvement on the *conduct of mothers' classes on nutritionNutrition Program
cases nutritional status of children 0-7 yrs
old feeding
by the end 0f 2013. *vitamins supplementation
*regular operation timbang in every brgy.
*encourage the establishment of a vegeta-
ble garden in every household
*regulate the selling of junk foods in the
canteens of pre- & elementary
schools (public & private)
Absence of supply of contra-
Continuous implementation To provide the needed contraceptives *allocate funds for the purchase of contra-
Family Planning Program
ceptives from the national
of family planning program to mothers who are acceptors of the ceptives
government family planning program
Low Participation Rate, To increase the participation rate by *Tapping
100% the services of BHWs, Barangay Educational Development
Cohort Survival Rate and & Cohort Survival Rate & Completion Officials,
Rate teachers and parents
Completion Rate by 2% of all pupils aged 5-16 by the*Legislative
end measures to require all school-
of 2013. aged children to attend formal education
*Wide Dissemination during PTA meetings
*Home visits and conference with parents
and guardians


Solsona, Ilocos Norte

Priority Issues Goals Objectives Strategies Programs /Projects

*Pupils/students to avail of formal education
as reflected in the SIP/AIP of the different
schools of Solsona
*Training for teachers
*Provision of instructional materials to
Building not conducive toConstruction and repair of To construct/repair at least one (1) *Tap the govt./DepEd/Civic-spirited citizens/
learning school building for effective school building annually Alumni of the school through Resolution Development
learning atmosphere for funding allocation
*Adopt-a-school Program
*Brigada Eskwela
*Allocation of more SEF for repair of school
Inadequate number of Per-Hiring of additional PermanentTo request for additional 6 Permanent
*Request for Permanent Teacher Educational
manent Teachers in the Teachers in the secondary Teachers by the end of 2013. items
from the DepEd thru a Resolution by Development
secondary school school the
Municipal Government and the SNHS
Inadequate Support to Peace
Provision of adequate support To provide 75% financial support to*Create
Peace andrecruitment policies of BATS andPeace and Order Drive
and order initiatives to peace and order initiativesorder initiatives by the end of 2013. Tanods Program
*Conduct monthly meeting of the Peace &
Order Council
*Allocate sufficient fund for the repair and
maintenance of PNP vehicles and facilities
*Acquisition of warning devices and equip-
Pre-Disaster Preparedness
ment for disaster Program


Solsona, Ilocos Norte

Priority Issues Goals Objectives Strategies Programs /Projects

Environmental degradation
sustainability of an ecologically-
To fully comply with the provisions *strict
of implementation of national and Likas Yaman Program
balanced community R.A 9003 by the end of 2013 local environmental laws thru continuing
IEC to the 22 barangays
*designation of MENRO
To fully implement the environment*initiate
code the designation of BENRO
by the end of 2013
*creation of office or task force to implement
the programs
*100%reactivation of MRF in every barangay
*Participation on Seminars and trainings
on environmental laws and management
*strict implementation of waste segregation
*organic fertilizer production
*upgrading of the dumpsite
n/Enactment of
nd Sanitation

of the financial

nt of a Secretary
gguniang Bayan
n of a Human

f the position of

Disputes Settle-

System (BPLS)
n of a Customer

l & Livelihood

ce of ARCDP sub-

and Slaughter-

ent of Tourist

vices Develop-
nning Program

al Development
er Preparedness

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