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Year 1 Year 2

Offering Trial Professional Enterprise Trial Professiona

Offering 1
Number of customers 10 3 2 15 7
Revenue per customer 0 40000 60000 0 44000
Total Revenue 0 120000 120000 0 308000
Offering 2
Number of customers 10 3 2 15 7
Revenue per customer 0 20000 30000 0 22000
Total Revenue 0 60000 60000 0 154000
Offering 3
Number of customers 10 3 2 15 7
Revenue per customer 0 50000 75000 0 55000
Total Revenue 0 150000 150000 0 385000
Support Services 12000 75000 80000 18000 175000
Professional Services 720000 1440000

Total Revenue 1247000 2790000

Management Pay 350000 270000
R&D Team Size (US) 3 5
R&D employe cost (US) 75000 93750
R&D Team Size (US) 7 10
R&D employe cost (US) 12000 15000
R&D Costs 309000 618750
PS Team Size 4 8
PS Team Costs 300000 720000
Ops Team Size 2 4
Ops Team Costs 150000 360000
Support Team Size (US) 2 2
Support employe cost (US) 75000 90000
Support Team Size (US) 0 2
Support employe cost (US) 10000 12000
Support Costs 150000 204000
Hosting Costs 60000 84000
SG&A Costs 400000 650000

Total Costs 1719000 2906750

Net Profits -472000 -116750
Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Enterprise Trial ProfessionaEnterprise Trial ProfessionaEnterprise

5 20 17 12 25 40 28
66000 0 48400 72600 0 53240 79860
330000 0 822800 871200 0 2129600 2236080

5 20 17 12 25 40 28
33000 0 24200 36300 0 26620 39930
165000 0 411400 435600 0 1064800 1118040

5 20 17 12 25 40 28
82500 0 60500 90750 0 66550 99825
412500 0 1028500 1089000 0 2662000 2795100
200000 24000 425000 480000 30000 1000000 1120000
2880000 3600000

2790000 6350000 12298520

270000 520000 676000

5 8 10
93750 117187.5 140625
10 15 25
15000 18750 22500
618750 1218750 1968750
8 16 20
720000 1600000 2200000
4 6 7
360000 600000 770000
2 3 4
90000 100000 110000
2 5 7
12000 15000 17500
204000 375000 562500
84000 117600 164640
650000 870000 1240000

2906750 5301350 7581890

-116750 1048650 4716630

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