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American Lit Q2 Week Nine Agenda

January 17-21, 2009

Honors American Literature (11th grade)

Week 9: Scarlet Letter

Day 1 (90 mins) Day 2 (90 mins.) Day 3 (90 mins.)

Mon 1/17 Tues 1/18 & Wed 1/19 Thurs 1/20& Fri 1/21

 Holiday MLK Day  Discuss setting, style,  Vocab Unit 7 Quiz

characterization, & theme in  Discuss setting, style,
The Scarlett Letter, ch. 4-12 characterization, & theme in
 Symbols, Metaphors, Allegory, The Scarlett Letter, ch. 13-24
& Themes Chart Review  Symbols, Metaphors, Allegory,
 Role of Chillingworth & Themes Chart
 Hester as Eve in biblical  Role of forgiveness/vengeance
allegory (roles for D,C,&P)  Sin of Pride
 Pearl: Emersonian divine or  New view of Hester,
biblical sin; Blake’s lamb or tiger Chillingworth, & forest
 1st & 2nd Scaffold Scenes  Pearl as a bird
 Dimmesdale’s character  Overriding themes
 Continue filling in TSL Symbols,  Study for Vocab Unit 7 Quiz  Study your Symbols Charts for
Metaphors, Allegory, & Themes  Complete The Scarlett Letter The Scarlett Letter to outline &
Chart in preparation for essay Symbols Chart in preparation prepare for in-class essay test –
test for in-class essay test next week topics will cover Hawthorne’s
use of style, setting, and/or
characterization to reveal his
theme in TSL (40-minute timed
writing in writing lab)

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